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Discussion Forum : Devotional Thoughts : If He denies us -mason

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Joined: 2002/12/11
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 If He denies us -mason

[b]If He denies us[/b]

(William Mason, "A Spiritual Treasury")

The swarms of corrupt lusts, worldly affections,
and carnal desires, which are found with us--are
ever opposing the glory of Jesus, and exciting us
to seek that happiness in self, which can only be
found in the spiritual reign of Jesus, in the heart.

"The Lord bestows grace and glory; no good
thing does He withhold from those whose
walk is blameless." Psalm 84:11

The Lord delights in the prosperity of His people;
therefore withholds no good thing from them. Yet,
it is not our erring judgment--but His unfailing
wisdom--which must determine what is best for
us. We would pray to be in the height of earthly
comfort--and on the pinnacle of worldly joy. But
in love, God answers by keeping us in the safe
valley of humility and self-abasement. Granting
our requests, is not always the effect of love.

So kind and gracious is our dear Savior--that He
crosses our wills, and denies our requests--when
they are contrary to our spiritual interest. Thus in
love, He answers our prayers--by withholding what
we ask for! He gives what He knows is best for us.
If we ask what is harmful for us to receive--shall
we complain of God's love--if He denies us?

"Those who seek the Lord will not lack any good
thing." Psalm 34:10

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2007/11/9 6:43Profile

Joined: 2005/4/19
Posts: 772

 Re: If He denies us -mason

All the prayers that God has answered with 'no', I am very thankful for that response.


 2007/11/9 9:11Profile

Promoting Revival to this Generation.
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