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Being Overcome- Overcoming
Given To Change- Living Changed
Divisive- Decisive
Trust The Visible- Trust The Invisible
Looks For Opportunity- Looks To Importunity
Independent- Dependent
Lives By Fearing-- Lives By Hearing
Lives by Feeling – Lives by Faith
Need to be taught – Are able to teach
Wants To Survive- Wants To Submit
Needs Excitement- Heeds Exactness
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Reacts – Responds
Luke Warm – HOT, HOT, HOT!!!
Me, Myself and I – No longer* I* but Christ.
Seeks it’s own – Seeks that of others
Baby’s cry when they don’t get their way or feel falsely accused – Jesus did not open His Mouth.

Love in Christ

 2007/11/15 12:38

Joined: 2003/11/23
Posts: 4779


Hi Katy-did...

Are you attempting to consider those who feel the liberty to drink wine as falling under "carnality?"

Please consider the following:

All juice ferments. Fermentation is simply the natural process of sugar interacting with yeast to produce alcohol (usually ethyl). This process begins IMMEDIATELY, but usually cannot be detected by taste until about five to ten days following the picking of the grapes. Even today, unless something is done to prevent this fermentation during the first five to ten days, the juice (and even fruit) will begin to ferment. In the times of Christ, there weren’t any sort of dehumidifiers or air conditioners. There were caves in which juice could be stored at a temperature that could help curtail fermentation. However, these were not widely available, and only slightly curtailed the process. The longer the process is allowed, then the more alcohol will be produced. Since grapes are a seasonal fruit, the juice was often purchased and stored for long periods of time.

Red wine, the most prevalent in the Middle East at the time, ferments at warm temperatures. In fact, most wines are still produced this way (with the absence of synthetic ingredients meant to speed the fermentation process). However, beers and most hard liquors use synthetic methods to speed up the fermentation process or to increase the alcohol content. Still, with the absence of artificial preservatives or preservation methods, all fruits and juices will ferment.

To claim that God told us that Christ drank only unfermented wine is simply unrealistic. There is NOTHING in the Bible or in history to indicate this.

“New wine” was wine that was not purposely stored for the fermentation process. Since it lacked much of the long-term fermentation, it was the most readily available wine of the poor. However, it is STILL fermented wine. That is why we are warned about putting “new wine into old wineskins.” The drink is still undergoing the fermentation process, and will likely expand as the carbohydrates (sugar interacting with yeast) ferment. That is why they will eventually “burst” (as explained by Christ in Matthew 9:17, Mark 2:22 and Luke 5:37-39). While “new wine” doesn’t produce the sleep or drunken affect as rapidly, it is still fermented. If taken in large enough doses, it can be just as potent as aged wine. Besides, people preferred the “old wine” – probably because of conditions produced by the fermentation (Luke 5:39).

I once believed that drinking any wine is strictly forbidden by the Scriptures. After reading this matter for myself, I have become quite convinced that I was only acting according to the teachings of men that were part of a strict, more modern tradition. Perhaps this traditional “understanding” of wine was due to the affects that drunkenness has upon individuals. However, history seems quite clear that wine was common (and still is) in the Middle East. Somewhere in the last three to four hundred years, some church leaders seem to have taken a hard line stance on the issue. Even today, moderate wine consumption is still commonly accepted by believers in many parts of the world.

While I don’t see wine consumption as ultimately forbidden by the Scriptures, we might need to consider the ROOT of this issue. The Lord prohibits drunkenness. All of these human anecdotes provided here consider the cause of drunkenness – not alcohol. Alcohol does not cause destruction. People who take excess do.

Consider this:
[i]Does [u]music[/u] cause rebellion?[/i]
No, SATANIC music causes rebellion.
There are some great spiritual songs that can be used to worship or praise.

[i]Does [u]food[/u] cause obesity or heart disease?[/i]
No, it is often the gluttony of food causes obesity and heart disease.
Food, when used in proper moderation, provides sustenance.

[i]Does the [u]internet[/u] cause sexual sin?[/i]
No, it is lust that causes sexual sin.
While the internet is filled with sexually explicit pornographic websites, the internet can be used for spiritual and educational good, as reflected by SermonIndex.

[i]Is [u]sex[/u] a sin?[/i]
No, it is sex outside of the Bible’s principles that constitutes a sin.
Sex is the chosen method by which God joins a husband a wife. It is also the wonderful means by which God chose to procreate mankind and nearly all other living species.

[i]Does [u]wine[/u] kill people?[/i]
No, it is people who take an excess of wine that kill people.
When used in proper moderation, wine can be extremely beneficial.

Wine contains high amounts of antioxidant, which can be helpful to the health of the heart. Historically, wine has been used for culinary and medicinal purposes (including in the Bible).

It can be used as a sedative (Proverbs 31:6).
It can be used as an ingredient or an accompaniment to food (Deuteronomy 14:26).
It produces a pleasing aroma (Exodus 29:38-41).
It can be helpful for the stomach (I Timothy 5:23 – It [url=]kills bacteria[/url] in the stomach, such as the [i]Helicobacter pylori[/i] stomach “bug” that causes stomach ulcers).
It can also “gladden the heart” (Psalm 104:14-15 – the boost provided by antioxidants).
It can be used to revive (II Samuel 16:2 – probably due to the phenol concentrations in wine).
It was used to ease suffering (Mark 15:23; Matthew 27:34).
It, when combined with oil, was used to bind wounds (Luke 10:34).
In addition, the ethyl alcohol created by fermentation has the ability to warm the body. It has been used for centuries to warm those who were cold, and even saved the life a survivor of the Titanic, Charles Joughin, who later became a preacher.

The Word of God is clear that we should not abuse wine by using it to obtain drunkenness. Drunkenness is an inhibition-destroying condition makes man susceptible to other sins (or rapidly enhances the inner-nature of a person). Drunkenness leads to laziness, tale bearing, revealed secrets, lustful inhibitions, etc…

As I stated earlier, I don’t drink. This isn’t because I don’t feel that I have the liberty to drink, it is just that I don’t want to. I don’t like the taste of wine, even though I know quite a few people who do. I don’t buy the argument that abstinence from drinking wine is to prevent myself from becoming a stumbling block to others. I still use the internet, even though I know some people who are addicted to pornography. I still hold eat burgers and fries on occasion, even though I know some people who are addicted to gluttony. Of course, I would not want to become a stumbling block by offering wine to another brother who is tempted by drunkenness or excess.

We might want to be mindful of Paul’s warning to Timothy in I Timothy 4:

[b]2[/b] Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;
[b] 3[/b] Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.
[b] [/b]4For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving:
[b] 5 [/b]For it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer.
[b] 6 [/b]If thou put the brethren in remembrance of these things, thou shalt be a good minister of Jesus Christ, nourished up in the words of faith and of good doctrine, whereunto thou hast attained.
[b] 7 [/b]But refuse profane and old wives' fables, and exercise thyself rather unto godliness.

We really need to make certain that we are not simply adhering to our belief because it has been handed down to us as a tradition of semi-modern Christianity. We also need to be very careful not to pass judgment concerning a person’s spiritual condition due to the liberty that they might feel concerning such issues (Romans 14:1-23).
Romans 14:16-18
[b]16[/b] Let not then your good be evil spoken of:
[b]17[/b] For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.
[b]18 [/b]For he that in these things serveth Christ is acceptable to God, and approved of men.

Drunkeness is obviously a sin. However, I can't find a verse in the Bible that says that wine is a sin. To suggest it, in my opinion, is extra-Biblical and relies more upon the modern teachings of man than the precepts found in the Word of God.



 2007/11/15 13:13Profile


Baby’s cry when they don’t get their way or feel falsely accused – Jesus did not open His Mouth.

Actually, thats not true. He was only silent when He stood trial. He was falsely accused during His whole ministry, and He regularly challenged His accusers and faced them... and had quite a bit to say. Sometimes in His own defense.

Sorry... but thats the truth. Didnt mean to pop your bubble.


 2007/11/15 13:19


Sorry... but thats the truth. Didnt mean to pop your bubble.

No Krispy, but this may burst yours. Since WE are not GOD, Jesus addressing His Own, He came to His own, and they received Him Not, is and can never be used as an excuse exalting ourselves.

The Battle belongs to the Lord. Cast your cares on Him, humbling yourself before God and HE will lift you up and vindicate you if you need to be vindicated. We don't vindicate ourselves.

Krispy, one thing I read on this site was rules. In those rules it says you will get your feelings hurt and will be challenged.

What you did, in my opinion on a New Thread this morning....."Judgmental bla bla bla, was reprehensible. You took "your" hurt feelings and Gossiped and slandered a brother....that is called MURDER in God's eyes. Was it worth it? All those Poor Poor Krispy …boy, I bet it was nice being in the limelight at the expense of someone else. :-?

One thing, my greatest pet peeve…..Trying to look good at someone else’s expense….still never measure up to very much…ever!

1 Peter 3:16
Having a good conscience; that, whereas they speak evil of you, as of evildoers, they may be ashamed that falsely accuse your good conversation in Christ.

Sorry... but thats the truth. Didnt mean to pop your bubble.

Sometimes LOVE tells it like they see it. I tell you this in LOVE. You REACTED, and are still REACTING.

You are responsible for your own actions and tongue…regardless of what someone else has said or done. God allows those who are hammers and sandpaper in our lives for a reason….to conform US to His image. When we think it’s always the OTHER person’s fault, God shows us He is dealing with US……

God Bless
Love in Christ

 2007/11/15 14:22


No Krispy, but this may burst yours. Since WE are not GOD, Jesus addressing His Own, He came to His own, and they received Him Not, is and can never be used as an excuse exalting ourselves.

I have no idea what this means, or how it applies to me or this topic.

The Battle belongs to the Lord. Cast your cares on Him, humbling yourself before God and HE will lift you up and vindicate you if you need to be vindicated. We don't vindicate ourselves.

Again... huh? Not sure what you're referring to here.

Krispy, one thing I read on this site was rules. In those rules it says you will get your feelings hurt and will be challenged.

Uh... yea... kinda learnt that lesson a few years ago, but thanx for the reminder.

What you did, in my opinion on a New Thread this morning....."Judgmental bla bla bla, was reprehensible. You took "your" hurt feelings and Gossiped and slandered a brother....that is called MURDER in God's eyes. Was it worth it? All those Poor Poor Krispy …boy, I bet it was nice being in the limelight at the expense of someone else.

First of all... what Julian said to me was done publicly. And he is free to join the conversation. But if someone says something publicly where everyone can read the entirety of the conversation in context, it's not gossip. It's not even slander. I said nothing about his character or him personally... I simply responded to what he said to me in a public forum. I think you should consider investing in a dictionary. There are some free one's online.

Also, if you think I did that to be in the limelight, then perhaps you should re-read the title of the thread... because you're sitting in judgement over my heart and my motives. This is exactly what the thread was about.

One thing, my greatest pet peeve…..Trying to look good at someone else’s expense….still never measure up to very much…ever!

It's amazing to me how some people can get it, and understand it... yet others can miss it so completely.

Sometimes LOVE tells it like they see it. I tell you this in LOVE. You REACTED, and are still REACTING.

There is no love in your response.

You are responsible for your own actions and tongue…regardless of what someone else has said or done. God allows those who are hammers and sandpaper in our lives for a reason….to conform US to His image. When we think it’s always the OTHER person’s fault, God shows us He is dealing with US……

Well, if you could so me how I have slandered Julian I would appreciate it. If you can show me where I was wrong I would be more than willing to repent and apologize publicly.

In the meantime, I dont consider you to be "sandpaper" in my life because you have completely misunderstood my postion, my motives and have set yourself as judge and jury over my life and my heart.

And that, my dear, is exactly what I was addressing this morning with that thread... but the mote in your eye wont allow you to see it. ;-)


PS... about the limelight thing, this will probably sound like I am bragging, but I dont need to slander anyone to get people to read my posts.

 2007/11/15 15:31

Joined: 2006/12/11
Posts: 351
El Paso, Texas


Hey Krispy,

I thoroughly enjoyed your response here, because I shared your first few responses in my head, but I was wondering if I was the only one. :-o

I had not seen your post earlier, so I went back and read almost all three pages, and I must say, you were dead on accurate with what you said.

I think you and I may share more of the same beliefs than we earlier realized. 8-) We're cool like that!

I did not see any place where you directed everything upon Julian. You did call him out on a few things, but it was very kindly, and done quite well. I in no way thought that any kind of malice or bad intent or attitude was directed at anybody.

Now Katydid, you're not married to Julian are you? Because the way you defended him and attacked Krispy was quite remarkable to me.

I mean this in all sincerity, what you posted about Krispy in this forum was a direct attack on him. Exactly what you were accusing him of doing to Julian. (Which he did not do.)

Your response here has absolutely nothing to do with any topic being discussed in this thread, so I must ask, what was your purpose?

Was it to expose how sinful and fleshly Krispy is? If so, then it shows only your lack of knowing anything about him.

His post this morning showed his patience in meditating on this issue until he knew how to address it. It was a difficult task, and he did it quite well.

I must agree with Krispy when he says, "there is no love in your response."

All that said, the topic at hand is wine.

It has already been shown that Jesus himself drank wine, Paul told Timothy to drink some wine, wine was the choice drink of the day.

The Bible does not forbid wine, and Jesus said there would be wine at his own wedding feast.

Why is everyone fighting so hard to say different than the Bible?

Is anyone who is posting authority higher than scripture?

Anyone who disagrees with this stuff, has no grounds in which to do so. You may not do it, but you have no right to say that others can't, that is firstly legalism, and secondly it is just blindness.

Benjamin Williams

 2007/11/15 16:19Profile



Katy-did wrote:
In context of the rest of your post, you don't seem to mean it the way it sounds because you obviously understand the bonds of legalistic "faith".

Jennette, There is no such thing as "legalistic faith", for the Law is not of Faith.

Hi again Katy

Of course there isn't such a thing as "legalistic faith"! That's why I put it in quotes!

I am so delighted hummmmm posted this SHORT ARTICLE, by Tears of Joy.

It will cut through the confusion you may have had in my comment.

I've read the article, and it's lovely. Amen to all it says.

But I'm still no nearer understanding what you meant by what you wrote! Unless you meant it the way I fear you did.

Not that it touches me personally, one way or the other, (I would have much more difficulty giving up drinking milk or eating cheese than not tasting another drop of alcohol!) but for the sake of the Body (see below)...

The first posting was not mine, but Miccah's of which I repsonded to. In my very lame way of saying it, it was on the same thoughts as this Short Article.

Yes, I know Miccah wrote the first quote, and think I understand in general what you were saying. What I find disturbing is the [i][u]accusation of carnality[/u][/i] of anyone who thinks that its OK to drink if you don't get drunk or encourage others to do so.

If of course that really is what you meant - which I'm still by no means certain!

Jesus Said, MY WORDS are Spirit and they are LIFE. The letter killeth, but the Spirit brings Life.

The natural mind (fleshly mind) cannot understand the things of the spirit because they are spiritually discerned.

Sis Katy, understanding the things of the Spirit isn't the problem! My problem is understanding what [i]you[/i] mean! ;-)

1 Corinthians 1-3 Paul addresses SAINTS, yet at teh same time, calling them carnal in their worldly thinking and understanding.

We need to be careful we don't confuse *carnality* with being unsaved. Carnality is that of our old Adam Nature rearing up it's ugly head wanting it's own way.

Indeed that is so true.

The Spiritually minded place Christ first, others second, and themselves last.

We GROW Spiritually out of our carnality, up into all the fulness of Jesus Christ.

Of course, that's wonderful.

We are a BODY, not individual believers who can say and do as we please. The Body has been given Gifts, for the edification of the BODY, Christ being the head.

I don't see either promoting drink OR condemning those who drink as edifying the Body.

Carnality see themself as an individual, wanting it's own way, doing it's own thing. Spiritual Christians see themselves as members of one another. When one cries, we all cry. When one is hurt, we all hurt. When one bring shame to the Body of Christ, we are ALL shamed.

There is hurt in the Body when a Christian sets a bad example by drinking, and especially if it causes another, who is maybe more vulnerable, to be tempted that way. But there is also hurt when someone is accused of being carnal if they drink (even if they are in no danger of being addicted and would never get drunk).

I understand, from Romans 14, that it is [i][u]equally[/u][/i] carnal to condemn those who drink or eat things we think are wrong, as to cause a brother to stumble through drinking.

Love in Him


 2007/11/15 17:06


I said:

There is hurt in the Body when a Christian sets a bad example by drinking, and especially if it causes another, who is maybe more vulnerable, to be tempted that way. But there is also hurt when someone is accused of being carnal if they drink (even if they are in no danger of being addicted and would never get drunk).

I'm feeling that hurt at the moment. Why is Krispy getting such flak for merely having an opinion that some disagree with?

Maybe he would be more "spiritual" if he didn't react to these accusations, but reaction is understandable in the circumstances.

Romans 14:10
[color=990000]10 But why dost thou judge thy brother? or why dost thou set at nought thy brother? for we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ.[/color]

In Him


 2007/11/15 17:25


I'm feeling that hurt at the moment. Why is Krispy getting such flak for merely having an opinion that some disagree with?

I think in all fairness that can be said for all who have an opinion.

Yes, God looks at the heart.

So my question is, Why would you prefer a glass of wine over a glass of grape juice?

What is your motive? get that buzz?
Hard day at the office and you just need something to help you relax? The answers will be very telling.

Krispy, No I am not married to Julian. I believe if one has an issue with another, they go to that person in private. If you wanted to pour your heart out...that's ok, and express your frustration with those who seem judgmental...that's ok too. But in all fairness, you must name EVERY PERSON who has offended you, not just Julian. That was my point. You posted that after getting off this thread.

Did you give yourself time to think it over? Did you first count to 10?

Let he who is without sin cast the first stone...right?

Agree to disagree, as I did with Ccchhhrriiiss.

If some don't understand your thoughts, you don't have to give an explanation...just simply say....I'm sorry you didn't understand that, maybe someday you will, and let it go.

I'm learning these things too. There is such a diversity here on line. We shouldn't use these threads to try to win arguments, but win souls to Christ.

How many unbelievers are looking in? Do you care what they think? Arguing about alcohol??

Personally, for me...I'm pressing on towards the mark of the High Calling of God in Christ Jesus. Even a good athletic coach will tell their alcohol before the game.

The % of those who say they drink in moderation are few and far between. It is also interesting how many CHRISTIAN rehabs are in operation. What? Christian rehab!!!

Good night you guys!
God Bless
Love in Christ

 2007/11/15 21:07

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