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Joined: 2007/10/30
Posts: 172

 Heav'ns Appointing: Devotional Poem for this day

Devotional: The “afterglow” is a commonly used phrase to describe the essence following a great worship service, an awesome prayer time, a powerful praise gathering, etc. I have often said that the death of any church is it’s strict adherence to the agenda listed in the bulletin. Written a few months prior, I also touched on this subject…pointing out the number of different “types” of service as well as the sheer number OF services any Sunday or Wednesday or otherwise. Though done with good intentions and the desire to reach more of the lost, my concern is that the vast majority in any service are already set in their ways. Some to great service for CHRIST, some to a mid level outpouring, while others….are indifferent…disinterested.
Might we then return to a non-commercialized mindset of worship where all three categories get the exact augmentation their soul needs to be on fire for CHRIST! Beloved, consider that those of little service to the Body…are already in the church pews as dim lights – comparing themselves one to the other…instead of attacking the dark shadows and withdrawing the truly destitute to our LORD. Amen and amen.

Heav’ns Appointing

There is joy in the glow of fellowship
and peace in the midst of those gathered.
Overwhelmingly so, thus the remnant – abiding
is indwelt by the flow of HIS SPIRIT.
Then slowly, as each group disperses,
yet a trail of HIS residue lingers.
Nonetheless than it was when these people assembled…
hence, HIS excess floods those vessels near HIM.

So a pairing of kindred proportions
stayed behind to bask more in HIS rain…
for the LORD GOD’s outpouring continued – descending
on this tandem of zealots – ne’er ending!
Therefore must we wait within worship
and discard earthly deadlines – compelling.
Yea, the death of the Body occurs when constrained
are our thoughts by a scripted agenda!

Loose then expectations of Hindrance!
Will your “Self” to submit to HIS timing!
Forfeit schedules, assumptions and everything else
to receive your souls’ special anointing!
Only then, when such hourglass boundaries
become shards – broken wholly – indifferent…
will HIS blessings specifically speak to your spirit
in that hour known as “Heav’ns appointing!”

As HIS servant in your service,
W.V.W. Jasnoch


 2007/11/6 10:12Profile

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