And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ: Eph. 4:11-13.
Bro. Chip Brogden said in his CD series "Ministry of the Prophet" that in Christ "our life is not our decision, but our discovery of Christ's decision for our life" ... So I've concluded that whatever "calling" He chooses us to we must learn to rest in Him in that calling, for the Word says that He will not put anything on us that we can't bear, and that we can do/bear all things thru Him ... It's not by our might, nor by our power, but by the power of His Spirit thru us ....
SermonIndex has thus far been to me like a sparkling spring in an arid desert ... The Holy Spirit is teaching me much thru this forum ... Since I've been led here it's been made crystal clear to me why in this modern age/Church, out of the five fold ministry, satan has managed to cripple (by infusing so many fruits, flakes, nuts and charlatans), if not to completely lop off (by assisinating these two callings as no longer relevant) the offices of apostle and prophet ... It's funny how the world, and even a great many Christians will tear down the callings of evangelist and pastor/teacher, but so many evangelist and pastor/teachers will join their own detractors in the razing of apostles and prophets ... This phenomena causes true apostles and prophets even greater anguish and either makes us almost apologetic of our calling (people say if you're really an apostle or prophet you wouldn't have to say so), or makes us defensive to the point of in your face offensive brashness (I'M AN APOSTLE OR PROPHET AND I'M JUST AS RELEVANT AS EVANGELIST AND PASTOR/TEACHER)!!! ... These two callings, by the devil, have been placed into a catch-22 situation ... You're damned, by your fellow man, if you acknowledge you're calling ... and you're damned by God (bloodguilt is on the hands of the watchman that bloweth not the trumpet) if you don't ... It's like being between a rock, and a hard place.
The bottom line is that whatever our calling is in the five fold ministry, but especially if we're called by Christ as one of these two most unpopular, we should as Sister Chanin shared with me, not only rest in that calling, but become that calling ... I've had to learn that I don't have to qualify, justify, amplify or deny my calling, all I've got to do is be my calling, and rest in my calling.
Thanks SermonIndex, all you forum members, and You foremost Lord, for bringing me further out of satan's darkness, and even deeper into Your marvelous light ... Amen
PS - Let us pray hard for our pastor/teachers for they have the toughest calling of all. |