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Joined: 2007/10/30
Posts: 172

 Encouraging Poem for Today! Transformation's Precursor

Devotional: Before one can truly taste of HIS favor and sense the very nuances of how uniquely HE blesses us individually, then our human expectations must be reviewed with an objective, CHRIST centered heart. Else we will sense immobilization as we “freeze up” due to the terror of the moment, the crisis of the hour. Yea, in order to feel HIS transforming work as being alive in our souls…we must come to HIM without expectations written by wary hands. This means that we can say we believe yet constantly hold back with reservations. There is a huge investment to be made to obtain this peace. As many have preached, GOD only wants one thing. “All you have, all you are….simply All” Let us not weary then due to the “attack of the day” but press forward to the high calling of CHRIST! Amen and amen!

Transformation’s Precursor

Despair had grasped the soul
of one none other than herself.
No recognition – left remaining
of HIS love could yet be seen.
Thus had Doubt removed all hope
and though once strong…this time she fell
till crushed within the dust, her frame
was laid beside her broken dreams.

Trust betrayed – at least – perceived
destroyed her zeal to battle on.
Bound by the covers of the Dusk
so sunk her prayers…in Disbelief.
True…her disappointed feelings
carried merit yet…so partial.
Still, she based her hopes in such
and was – as such – resigned to bleed.

But GOD was not constrained by Thought
nor Time of when her foe…should fade.
HIS sovereign plan would carry on
and not to other wills…concede.
Hence, in that moment Revelation
grasped her soul with Heav’ns renewal
then were the Doubts destroyed by HE
in whom her healed heart believed!

Without agenda nor intention
other than awaiting CHRIST,
so she breathed inwardly HIS Word
which forced Despair to feel its need!
Indwelt beyond Joy’s Comprehension
thus she stood with lifted voice!
“Through surrendered expectations, LORD,
my hopes – YOUR plans – exceed!

As HIS servant in your service,
W.V.W. Jasnoch


 2007/11/5 22:57Profile

 Re: Encouraging Poem for Today! Transformation's Precursor

Major good!

Have read a few so far. This one most.
Thank you!

 2007/11/6 7:45

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