John 1:1 In the beginning the Word already existed, and the Word was with God AND THE WORD WAS GODverse 3 ALL THINGS WERE MADE THROUGH HIM AND WITHOUT HIM NOTHING WAS MADE THAT WAS MADE.Who's Him??? God, yes God the Son. Verse 2 He was in the beginning with God.Who is this?verse 14 And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us.An idea or "principle of life" is not a Him. The Word was (pros gk)with God. The idea in verse one in the greek word pros is that of personal relationship. They were with each other from eternity past. You don't have a relationship with an idea but with a person. You don't call an idea "He" or "Him" as John does. Why? because the Word was a person who existed with God from eternity, and in fact was God from eternity with the Father.You know if your gonna tell me there's no gold in China all I have to do is find one nugget to prove you wrong. You on the other hand have to dig up the whole country. If you're gonna tell me Jesus isn't God you better know what your talking about because all I have to do is find something like John ch 1 to show your folly, or Gen. 19 or Proverbs ch8 or Isaiah 53, or Phil. 2:6,...etc.etc.etc.
_________________Jeremy Hulsey