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Joined: 2007/4/27
Posts: 52

 Devotional Poem/ His will our light


The battle is enjoined
When the child of the light
Would take God's will instead of his
And would seek to do what's right

The cross then is repugnant
For the self will rise to fight
And the battle is enjoined
Between the darkness and the light

The decetiful self will justify
And say that lust is right
But the spirit yearns with groanings
To reveal to us the light

And as truth has but one meaning
Christ the way, the truth, the life
So the cross must be the way
Unto spirit and to life.

So don't despair, my child
But just hold to what is right
For the battle is the Lords
As is all strength and might

With the trial at it's hottest
And the way is dark, don't fear
just hold on unto the will of God
Until the day dawns clear

For as pressure is required
To make a diamond bright
And the irritation of the sand
To give the pearl it's light

So the trial is from God
To purify and cleanse
And lead us on His narrow way
Unto our journeys end

For as the battle is the lords
So Is the strength to fight
The will of God our battleground
His Word, our sword, our light.


 2007/11/2 11:32Profile

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