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Joined: 2002/12/11
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 Christ sin self -mason

[b]Christ sin self[/b]

(William Mason, "The One Thing Needful to Make
Poor Sinners Rich--and Miserable Sinners Happy")

Where Christ is most precious--
there sin is exceedingly sinful;
and self is humbled and loathed!

But--do we not grow stronger in ourselves, and
find more help and power from ourselves--
to withstand our enemies,
to fight our good fight,
to run our race, and
to perfect holiness?

No! If we think so--it is plain that we are not
growing up into Christ--but growing down into
self! If the Lord has given me to know anything
of this matter, after being upwards of twenty
years in precious Christ, I sincerely declare, that
I find myself to be just that weak, helpless sinner
I was when I first came to Jesus with, "Lord help
me! Lord save me--or I perish!" Yes, I find myself
more helpless now--than I thought myself then.
I see more constant need to put on Christ, and
to say, "truly in the Lord (not in myself) I have

I never more firmly believed than now, this truth
of my Lord, "Without Me, you can do nothing." John
15:5. Never, never did I see less cause to trust in
my own strength!

"Hold me up--and I shall be safe!" Psalm 119:117

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2007/11/2 8:00Profile

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