I received the following email today...thought you all might be interested in checking out this link.http://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2007/october/42.80.htmlginnyrose
_________________Sandra Miller
ginnyroseThank You for posting this link, i thought it was an A+....what i could not understand that was happing inside of me, the brokeness and fustration i was experiencing, this article brought much clearity and understanding. I pray that many more muslims be drawn to Jesus as the muslim and all the other's in the 3rd world countries have already been drawn to the truth.
bluinos wrote:
the brokeness and fustration i was experiencing, this article brought much clearity and understanding.
Thank you for this Article ginnyrose. It is Powerful.
Muslims acknowledge Jesus to be a prophet and Messiah. But they are not convinced Of His sacrifice on the cross; like the Jews they seem blinded to this truth. The followers of Islam, like the Jews, are awaiting the coming of the new Messiah, one made in their own image.
_________________Martin G. Smith