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Joined: 2004/7/7
Posts: 7534

 Why Muslims Follow Jesus

I received the following email today...thought you all might be interested in checking out this link.


Sandra Miller

 2007/10/25 13:35Profile

Joined: 2005/2/4
Posts: 78

 Re: Why Muslims Follow Jesus


Thank You for posting this link, i thought it was an A+....what i could not understand that was happing inside of me, the brokeness and fustration i was experiencing, this article brought much clearity and understanding. I pray that many more muslims be drawn to Jesus as the muslim and all the other's in the 3rd world countries have already been drawn to the truth.

 2007/10/25 17:24Profile

Joined: 2004/7/7
Posts: 7534


bluinos wrote:

the brokeness and fustration i was experiencing, this article brought much clearity and understanding.

Mind sharing a bit more?

I have been debating within myself about sharing this piece of info but I think I will do it here.

I was talking to a young man - unnamed for obvious reasons - whose church would help at a printing company which prints tons of literature for mass distribution. Anyhow, they were there recently and he said they were packing tracts that will be placed into a shipping container and sent to a Muslim country! A country where the US has troups...God can and does redeem tragic situations, and He loves these Muslim people and the Muslim clergy cannot thwart the work of the Spirit! Yes, we serve a great God.

Bluinos, have you ever read the book "I Dared to Call Him Father" by Bilquis Sheikh (sp?) This testimony has the power to encourage you...


Sandra Miller

 2007/10/25 18:29Profile

 Re: Why Muslims Follow Jesus

Thank you for this Article ginnyrose. It is Powerful.

 2007/10/26 14:54

Joined: 2007/6/27
Posts: 1573
Omaha, NE

 Re: Why Muslims Follow Jesus

Muslims acknowledge Jesus to be a prophet
and Messiah. But they are not convinced
Of His sacrifice on the cross; like the
Jews they seem blinded to this truth. The
followers of Islam, like the Jews, are
awaiting the coming of the new Messiah, one
made in their own image.

Martin G. Smith

 2007/12/10 21:15Profile

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