According to Your Word
Psalm 119:65 Thou hast dealt well with thy servant, O Lord, according unto thy word.
The expression, according to thy word, is so often repeated in this psalm, that we are apt to overlook it, or to give it only the general meaning of because of thy promise. But in reality it implies much more.
Davids experience was one of very great and very varied trial. There is not a phase of our feelings in sorrow which does not find ample expression in his psalms. And yet he says, Thou hast dealt well with thy servant, according to thy word. How, then, are we to interpret the expression, so often repeated here, in accordance with the facts of Davids spiritual life? God dealt well with him according to thy word, in the sense of dealing with him according to what his word explained was true goodnot delivering him from all trial, but sending him such trial as he specially required. He felt truly that God had dealt well with him when he could say (119:67), Before I was afflicted I went astray, but now have I kept thy word. Again, (119:71), It is good for me that I have been afflicted, that I might learn thy statutes. Such dealing was hard for flesh and blood to bear, but it was indeed well in the sense of accomplishing most blessed results.
Thy word is the light and lamp that shows things in their true aspect, and teaches us to know that all things work together for good to thy people; that thou doest all things well. Open thou mine eyes, O Lord, that I may see wondrous things out of thy law.
Charles H. Spurgeon, ed., The Treasury of David.