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Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795

 SEMINAR: Robert Wurtz II on The 7 Myth's of Repentance - Part II

NOTE there is a 25 person limit for each event.

If you have any questions or comments on this event please ask them in this thread.

NOTE: All seminars are free and have a seating capacity of 25 people. Registerants are based on a first come first serve basis. You must provide a notice 24 hours before cancelling your appearance to this seminar.

You can now Sign-up for Live Seminars with various guest speakers on SermonIndex. The atmosphere of the seminar will be similar to an online classroom model where you can ask questions, raise hand, even if allowed communicate back using audio/video. This will allow many from across the world to hear and benefit meeting various Christian speakers that otherwise would not be possible. Another facet of the Seminars will be to disciple and build up the body of believers that are fellowshiping in the SermonIndex community.
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The 7 Myth's of Repentance - Part II
Speaker: Robert Wurtz II
Date: Thursday, May 27th
Time: 9:00 pm EST (1 hour)
Description: When you think about repentance what are some of the evidences you should look for? Are tears a good indicator that a person has repented? What happens if I am ‘repenting’ to avoid the consequences of my sins? What if I do a whole bunch of good deeds after I sinned; does that mean I repented? In this discussion we will discover that repentance is more than tears, penitence, or any other outward expression. There are many misconceptions about repentance. In this session we will examine 7 myths concerning repentance.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2004/5/22 16:09Profile

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795

 Re: SEMINAR: Robert Wurtz II on The 7 Myth's of Repentance - Part II

There are still some spaces available for this next Live Seminar on Thursday, May 27th at 9:00pm EST. Robert Wurtz is continuing his series of repentance and if you werent able to come to the Live Audio/Video seminar last week I encourage you to signup for this one. There will be a question and answer period at the end. :smart: if you have any questions in regards to this feature of the site please don't hesitate to ask.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2004/5/25 11:24Profile

Joined: 2004/2/12
Posts: 4636
St. Joseph, Missouri

 Re:7 Myth's of Repentance

What was the difference between Saul's reaction to being caught in sin and David's? Why did God chastise David and reject Saul? Can a person be truly repentant and defensive about their sin at the same time? What if I 'turn over a new leaf' is that repentance? Can I do works to gain God's favor in repentance? These and other questions will be addressed in the session TONIGHT: "The 7 Myths of Repentance."

Myth #3, #4, and #5

God Bless,


Robert Wurtz II

 2004/5/27 14:57Profile

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795


What if I 'turn over a new leaf' is that repentance? Can I do works to gain God's favor in repentance? These and other questions will be addressed in the session TONIGHT: "The 7 Myths of Repentance."

Brother Robert, thank you for sharing this with us. I am looking forward to this serminar tonight which starts in about 1 hour and a half. If you haven't signed up for a seminar this is your chance there are some spots still left, when you register you will recieve the live link in your email that will be active 15 mins before the event. YOU must register before the Live event to be able to get in. enjoy! ;-)

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2004/5/27 19:32Profile

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795


FYI: There are a few slots still open to register the seminar start in 30 mins and you will have to register beforehand to participate at 9:00pm EST.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2004/5/27 20:32Profile

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795


Here are the notes for this Live Seminar:


“7 Myths of Repentance”
(Part III)
By Robert Wurtz II


1) Penance

Penance is voluntary self-punishment to show repentance. Penance is not something generally found in Protestant circles in the west. Some may ‘afflict’ themselves for a time hoping to gain God’s approval through some type of ‘work’, but this is not a biblical practice. If people ‘afflict’ themselves with fasting or some other thing it can only be a means to changing their mind- but penance in itself is not repentance.

2) Church Discipline

John MaCarthur once stated that one of the greatest problems in Churches today is that they do not exercise church discipline. In fact, he stated that he believes the exercising of church discipline in his church is a primary key to its continued growth over many years. New Testament church discipline is not like the concept of ‘penance’ that we find later in the Universal Church, but is a biblical practice designed, NOT to ease a persons conscience by having them punished for their sin and when the punishment was over they felt better; but New Testament church discipline was to provoke fear in those who would be tempted to sin and to cause the one who had sinned to turn with godly sorrow and repent. I Timothy 5:20-21 reads… Those who sin are to be rebuked publicly, so that the others may take warning. I charge you, in the sight of God and Christ Jesus and the elect angels, to keep these instructions without partiality, and to do nothing out of favoritism. (NIV) Timothy was (as are we) instructed to rebuke publicly anyone without fear or favor who had committed a sin worthy of such a rebuke.
Throughout Church history there have been a number of different ways in which the Churches would handle persons who had been caught in sin. The Jewish Synagogues would hand out punishments to offenders of God’s laws depending on the severity of the crimes. Some were as severe as lashes, and in more severe cases, expulsion from the Synagogue for a certain period of time was the penalty. The only real carry over of these practices into the New Testament was expulsion (excommunication). It must be understood that the New Testament pattern was to bring a person to repentance and NOT punishment. McClintock and Strong comment on this saying, “The act of excommunication was at first an exclusion of the offender from the Lord's Supper and from the agapae. The term itself implies separation from the communion. The practice was derived from the injunction of the apostle (I Corinthians 5:11): "With such a one no not to eat." From the context, and from I Corinthians 10:16-18; 11:20-34, it clearly appears that the apostle refers, not to common meals and the ordinary intercourse of life, but to these religious festivals.” A more severe approach was to “deliver such an one unto Satan” as was the Case with Alexander (I Timothy 1:20), Hymaneaus, Philetus (II Timothy 2:18), and the fornicator of I Corinthians 5. This was the highest censure in the New Testament Church imposed by God through man (the Apostles).


1) Pagan Repentance

Personal Reformation is not repentance. Simply deciding you are going to “do better next time” is not repentance. Richard Owens Roberts writes, “Anyone can turn over a new leaf. It does not require the help of God to sin less or to sin differently. All of us are worse than we need to be, and at any time it is possible to drop some of our worst habits and to do better than ever before. Because self improvement, including moral reformation, is at least occasionally practiced by millions of persons with or without religious inclinations, it has been called “pagan repentance.’”

2) Temporary Improvements

Many people come to Church or come to an altar some place and cry and weep leaving the impression that there has been change and when improvement over the next few days and weeks is noted, some are inclined to think they repented. But sinners don’t need to improve; they are dead in trespasses and sins and need to be born again. The truly repentant are born again by the Spirit of God and are not merely ‘improved’ but they are a new creature (II Corinthians 5:15; Galatians 6:15). This is not to say that a newborn Christian don’t have struggles and need to be discipled; but there is a marked CHANGE in nature that comes with genuine repentance.
Dr. J. Vernon Mcgee once told a story of a family who took a baby pig into its home to try to give a pet for their young children. They gave it a good bath and put a bow around its neck. Then even sprayed some perfume on it and gave it a name. Things went well for some time and the kids really believed that the pig was feeling quite at home. Then one day the baby pig happened to be by the front door when it was opened and it turned and made a ‘b-line’ for the mud hole. Of coarse the kids were disappointed. The moral of the story is that the pigs always return to the ‘pig pen’ and the sons always return to the Father’s house. Oh, there were some temporary improvements made externally on the pig- but it still loved the mud at heart. The son on the other hand was never at home in the pig pen- and seeks to clean the mess off of him as soon as possible. Humans are not comfortable as a muddy mess. If a person has genuinely been born again their nature is that of Christ which is to love righteousness and hate iniquity.

3) ‘Surface’ Salvation

How many times have we heard a person say, “I tried Christianity and it didn’t work for me.” The fact is they tried to come to God in their own terms and refused to sell out. Christianity is not a program or a step by step procedure for getting better. Genuine Christianity changes the heart. Many take a few biblical principals and add them to their life and call it salvation. They may even quit a few bad habits such as cussing, smoking, and drinking. Although these things are wonderful changes, they must not be confused with genuine repentance that results in a born again experience. If you are born again your desires have changed- the direction of your life is altered. Your priorities have changed because your nature has changed. Too often we are working ourselves to the bone trying to make improvements on people who sit in our churches and have never really been born again. They find it difficult to desire the things of God and have an insatiable thirst for sin. They keep coming to Church as a sort of fire insurance- but they need to be born again of the Spirit and become a low maintenance- high impact child of God.

1) Sin Has No Defense

Richard Owens Roberts Writes, “A tremendous consequential myth that we frequently see illustrated in our day is the myth that it is possible for somebody to be repentant and self-defensive at the same time. Those two things can never be put together. You will never find true repentance and self-defense linked. Whenever a person is seemingly repentant and yet busily defends himself, you can be sure his repentance is not genuine.”

2) Repentance Does Not Make Excuses

When people start pointing fingers and making up excuses you can be sure they have not repented. When we truly see our sin for what it is we agree with God about it and turn to Him for relief from it. Pride is at the center of excuse making. It is impossible for a proud person to genuinely repent. A friend of mine recently asked a man to simply confess the sin that he had committed and the man replied, “I have my dignity.” A person should confess their sin to the extent of the damage caused by it.

3) Repentance Does Not Give Explanations

How often have we been in trouble for doing something wrong and been asked for an explanation for our behavior? The reality is, when we see our sin for what it is we know there is no explanation that could possibly justify the sin. A better question to ask would be, “What were you thinking?” Either way the question seeks to position a person to have to try to justify their sin. When Nathan confronted David he did not ask for an explanation, David volunteered all the info needed when he exclaimed, “I have sinned against the Lord!”

4) Repentance Does No Make Comparisons

Citing the sins of others is one of the oldest tricks in the book when it comes to being confronted with sin. Many people believe that because they have some ‘dirt’ on someone else then they can use that ‘dirt’ to keep the heat off their own back when the revelations of their sin draw near. This is a childish tactic and is truly a sort of blackmail. But the sinner must remember something; such things do not move God. Man is not the primary offended party in sin anyhow. You may manipulate man and get out of repentance, but God is not moved to anything but anger by such a tactic. The words of Christ are clear when it comes to concerning ourselves with God’s business in other peoples lives; “What is that to thee, follow thou me.” (John 21:23) Just because you see someone else doing things that are worse than what you may be doing does not justify your sin. This is obviously not repentance. It is a self-defense/self-preservation maneuver... “If you tell on me- I’ll tell on you.” Nay! Except you repent BOTH of your sins will be proclaimed from the housetops. (Luke 12:3-5) God told David through Nathan the prophet; For thou didst it secretly: but I will do this thing before all Israel, and before the sun. (II Samuel 12:12) It is unwise to make comparisons between ourselves. (II Corinthians 10:12) In the judgment we will not be able to do as many have done with their siblings before their parents, or their peers before the principal at school. “Everyone was doing it” will not fly in the judgment; because everyone who is guilty will be judged.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2004/5/27 21:04Profile

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795


Here is the Live Text transcript of the meeting for reference, God Bless all that attended.


Date: Thu May 27 20:47:42 GMT-0400 2004
Click Here for Meeting Details

++Robert Wurtz II has entered the meeting.

Greg Gordon says:

Robert Wurtz II says:
can you hear me?

++James Gabriel Gondai Dziya has entered the meeting.

Greg Gordon says:

Greg Gordon says:
Hi James

James Gabriel Gondai Dziya says:
Hey Greg. Do i need a mic to join this meeting?

Greg Gordon says:

Greg Gordon says:
do you have speakers?

James Gabriel Gondai Dziya says:
Okay cool

James Gabriel Gondai Dziya says:
Yes, I heard you earlier

Greg Gordon says:

Greg Gordon says:
praise god

James Gabriel Gondai Dziya says:

James Gabriel Gondai Dziya says:
I am from Zimbabwe

++matt grace has entered the meeting.

Greg Gordon says:
he is in the USA right now

James Gabriel Gondai Dziya says:
Oh hel Robert, where are you from. Right now I am in Texas

matt grace says:

James Gabriel Gondai Dziya says:
I mean hello

Greg Gordon says:
Hi Matt

James Gabriel Gondai Dziya says:
Hi Matt

matt grace says:
wish i had a web cam

matt grace says:
or a mic

matt grace says:

matt grace says:

James Gabriel Gondai Dziya says:
I too need to invest in all that stuff

matt grace says:
im up at auburn for college normally

matt grace says:
thank ya

matt grace says:
sorry i missed the first part of this

++Ed Pugh has entered the meeting.

matt grace says:
did i miss anything im gonna need to know...ah i'll grab that now

Greg Gordon says:
Hi brother Ed

matt grace says:
hey ed

Ed Pugh says:
Hi Greg, Matt, and Robert

James Gabriel Gondai Dziya says:
Matt is asking all the relevant questions for me.

Ed Pugh says:
Nice to be here Robert too.

James Gabriel Gondai Dziya says:
Hello Ed

Ed Pugh says:
Hi James

++Mike Balog has entered the meeting.

Ed Pugh says:
Hi Mike

matt grace says:
rgr that

matt grace says:
im gonna see if i can find some headphones real quick ill just b a second

Mike Balog says:
Hey Ed!

James Gabriel Gondai Dziya says:
I would also like to express how sermonindex has not only been a source of ministry and exhortatation in my own life, but also for my family and friends who visit...thank you for all the hard work you put into this Greg, may the Lord bless you and give the increase!

++Charles has entered the meeting.

matt grace says:

Greg Gordon says:
thank you james

Ed Pugh says:
Was this the name of the book "Repentance

Greg Gordon says:
hey mike hows your roadrunner connection going hehe

++®NET® ([email protected]) has entered the meeting.

®NET® ([email protected]) says:
WOW, what is this?

Greg Gordon says:
its a Live seminar brother

Mike Balog says:
Oh, I might have to put on the brakes LOL

matt grace says:

Ed Pugh says:
Great, I found it. It's $13.99 at the following site:

Greg Gordon says:
Robert will be teaching on repentance

Greg Gordon says:
yes thats a good site to buy it from

Greg Gordon says:
whenever you are ready brother

Greg Gordon says:

Greg Gordon says:
Here are the link to the notes for the class brothers and (sisters)

Greg Gordon says:
just scroll down on that page

Greg Gordon says:
"greatest problems in Churches today is that they do not exercise church discipline."

matt grace says:
thank you

++shawn ([email protected]) has entered the meeting.

+++®NET® ([email protected]) has left the meeting.

++steph ([email protected]) has entered the meeting.

Greg Gordon says:

Greg Gordon says:
the notes for this lecture are here

+++steph ([email protected]) has left the meeting.

++steph ([email protected]) has entered the meeting.

+++shawn ([email protected]) has left the meeting.

steph ([email protected]) says:
how do i stop this?

Greg Gordon says:
just close the window :)

steph ([email protected]) says:
i tried...i still here him speaking

steph ([email protected]) says:

Greg Gordon says:

Greg Gordon says:
hmmm maybe its God telling you need to hear

++Jennifer ([email protected]) has entered the meeting.

steph ([email protected]) says:

Greg Gordon says:
hi sister jennifer :)

Jennifer ([email protected]) says:

steph ([email protected]) says:
it's even on mute...and i still hear it

matt grace says:

Greg Gordon says:
its definetly God then

Greg Gordon says:

matt grace says:
try turning off the computer, if it stays on then its definitely god

Greg Gordon says:

steph ([email protected]) says:
hmmm....i'lll try that :)

steph ([email protected]) says:

Greg Gordon says:
see you back in abit

Greg Gordon says:

+++steph ([email protected]) has left the meeting.

Greg Gordon says:

Greg Gordon says:
rebellion is witchcraft

Ed Pugh says:
Amen, was that Brother Dave who said that?

Greg Gordon says:
yes :P

Greg Gordon says:
theres a very good sermon by brother wilkerson on that one

James Gabriel Gondai Dziya says:
I find the witchcraft which is spoken of here (in the developed world) strange and somewhat different to African witchcraft

Greg Gordon says:
witchcraft is really just seeking your own interests and finding counsel in others than God

James Gabriel Gondai Dziya says:
Oh yes, i see what you mean.

Ed Pugh says:
The life of Saul is such is a sobering story and such a sad one as well.

Greg Gordon says:

Greg Gordon says:

Greg Gordon says:

Greg Gordon says:

James Gabriel Gondai Dziya says:
Yes it is a very sad story but as Paul said, "...what if God, willing to show the his glory, with long suffering made some vessles fitted to destruction

James Gabriel Gondai Dziya says:
you can see english is not my first language

Greg Gordon says:
you come across well James :)

Ed Pugh says:
You're doing quite well James.

James Gabriel Gondai Dziya says:
thank you

Ed Pugh says:
Yes, but (let's put the buts behind us). No pun intended.

Greg Gordon says:

James Gabriel Gondai Dziya says:

matt grace says:
amen amen

Greg Gordon says:
wow thanks robert that was awesome

James Gabriel Gondai Dziya says:
praise the Lord, that was a terrific message

Greg Gordon says:
its amazing how much falsities there are in repentance

matt grace says:
whats the name again?

Ed Pugh says:
Amen, great stuff Brother Robert.

Greg Gordon says:
yes I am going to search and post the cheapest price to get it

Ed Pugh says:
Great Greg.

Greg Gordon says:
I will post it in the thread for this seminar

matt grace says:
arighty thanks

matt grace says:
im really new at this

James Gabriel Gondai Dziya says:
I myself can witness with most of what he said, as i have struggled with sin myself

matt grace says:
and i'mnot totally sure that i have done everything i need to do

Mike Balog says:
Legal limit? Interesting...Isn't there a ban?

matt grace says:

James Gabriel Gondai Dziya says:

Ed Pugh says:
Do you know why repentance is listed third in 2 Chronicles 7:14. (Humble themselves and pray come first.) I think we can't truly repent without true humility and a prayerful heart?

[email protected] ([email protected]) has entered the meeting.

Greg Gordon says:
yes the fallow ground

Charles says:
I see this message is Part 2 - is part 1 available anywhere?

James Gabriel Gondai Dziya says:
So what are your thoughts on fasting? Is it totally redundant?

Ed Pugh says:
Yes, the fallow ground...

Greg Gordon says:
yes charles I will get links up for all the text seminars

James Gabriel Gondai Dziya says:
Yes sir

Charles says:
thanks Greg - as I'm new to this, where will the links be found? And thanks :)

Greg Gordon says:

Greg Gordon says:
in this thread

Greg Gordon says:
I will get them up after this seminar brother

Charles says:
thank you!

Mike Balog says:
Yes agreed on fasting..

matt grace says:
thanks for this it was great

James Gabriel Gondai Dziya says:
As the Psalmist said, in Psamls 69:10, it chastens the soul does it not

Ed Pugh says:
But fasting is not an attempt to make up for the past? I don't believe so. That would be of the flesh.

Greg Gordon says:
man I almost die when I fast

Greg Gordon says:
my metabolism is quite high, typing is a workout for me

Ed Pugh says:

James Gabriel Gondai Dziya says:
You say that would be like penance?

Mike Balog says:

Greg Gordon says:
penance and weeping is a result of God being manifested to us and our sinfulness being shown.

Ed Pugh says:
Ephesians 2:8,9

Greg Gordon says:
When we see the holiness of God then penance will come.

Greg Gordon says:
but penance without a revelation of God's holiness and our sinfulness could just be a show or works of the flesh

Ed Pugh says:
Amen, Greg. It evolves into Godly (His) sorrow.

Greg Gordon says:
I encourage even here to signup for the next seminar on June 1st with Jessee Morrel

James Gabriel Gondai Dziya says:
He that cometh to God must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of those that deligently seek him...

Greg Gordon says:
he will be teaching on George Whitfield!

Greg Gordon says:
also I will post the next seminar for robert in a few days and you can sign up early for that also

James Gabriel Gondai Dziya says:
I see what youmean

Greg Gordon says:
theres still 2 myths left right brother robert

Mike Balog says:

Ed Pugh says:
I've been praying about stuff within me that may be buried within me. When I did this I went back to age 5. Is that unusual? (I'm 42)...

[email protected] ([email protected]) has left the meeting.

Ed Pugh says:
Repentance back to age 5..

Mike Balog says:
You can rember that far back Ed?

Greg Gordon says:
no that has been my experience brother ed. the Lord in His timing has given me a real forgivenss and working out of sins and problems in my earlier life.

Charles says:
What is the title of the book?

Greg Gordon says:
people think all the sins are forgiven with Jesus

Greg Gordon says:
but God still does a deeper work through the blood

Ed Pugh says:
Yes, the Holy Spirit showed me the sin of unbelief at age 5.

Greg Gordon says:

Robert Wurtz II says:
Repentance The First Word of the Gospel

Mike Balog says:
Ed, wow...

Charles says:
thank you

Robert Wurtz II says:
Richard Owen Roberts

Greg Gordon says:
the finney lectures which robert has been reading out.. in lecture 3 he talks about dealing with past sins.

Ed Pugh says:
I had nightmares with demons and witches and such. It's still vivid.

Greg Gordon says:

Mike Balog says:
Curious about that whole exercise of going back over our previous sins, from the ...lectures...thats the one

Greg Gordon says:
those are the finney lectures

Greg Gordon says:
you can listen and read them.

Ed Pugh says:
Great, thanks Greg.

James Gabriel Gondai Dziya says:
When you discussed the topic "reformation is not repentance", it made me think of incident (maybe wrongly) when Jesus said, ' why do you call me good teacher, no one is good except for the Father"... was that a case of him acknowleging that his lack of sin was due to the Father in him?

Greg Gordon says:
Robert is still going to go throuh the rest of the lectures later on as God leads. its a good time to catch up and listen to the first 3

Greg Gordon says:
you will have to take a pitstop at lecture 3 its very intense

Greg Gordon says:
im still dealing with that one.

Mike Balog says:
Im still wondering about that...hmmm, thanks Robert that's helpful

Mike Balog says:
me too Greg

Greg Gordon says:
James Gabriel Gondai Dziya says:
When you discussed the topic "reformation is not repentance", it made me think of incident (maybe wrongly) when Jesus said, ' why do you call me good teacher, no one is good except for the Father"... was that a case of him acknowleging that his lack of sin was due to the Father in him?

Ed Pugh says:
Yes, there's always a purpose. I don't want any sin hidden in my heart. It's when I didn't believe Him, when I didn't trust Him.

Greg Gordon says:
hmm should james clarify

James Gabriel Gondai Dziya says:
Yes sir

matt grace says:
did you say jesus was the second adam?

Greg Gordon says:
amen yes he is

matt grace says:
why, if i can ask

Greg Gordon says:
thats a good one for the forums

Greg Gordon says:

matt grace says:

matt grace says:

Ed Pugh says:
This is great stuff. If we want to enter the "fulness" surely we must be truly empty.

Greg Gordon says:

Greg Gordon says:
wow I love that brother ed

Mike Balog says:

Greg Gordon says:
Duncan Campbell said./.... " because they ENTERED INTO THE FULLNESS'

Greg Gordon says:
man we need to get there

Mike Balog says:

Greg Gordon says:
bring revival!

Ed Pugh says:
Amen. Dead!

Mike Balog says: self

James Gabriel Gondai Dziya says:
Well sir the reason i brought it up is this, many people believe that doing good works is a sign that they are good, it is my opinion that when you are good it is a case of the light (God) shining in darkness (the flesh)... so no matter how many good works we do, reformation is not repentance

Ed Pugh says:
Yes, Duncan Campbell what a word. It's vividly etched in my mind.

Greg Gordon says:

+++Jennifer ([email protected]) has left the meeting.

James Gabriel Gondai Dziya says:
I do not mean to extend it longer than it needs to but my typing is very slow

James Gabriel Gondai Dziya says:
Yes sir

Greg Gordon says:
hes 19 years old

Greg Gordon says:

Greg Gordon says:
turn it around

Ed Pugh says:
wow, praise God.

Greg Gordon says:

Greg Gordon says:

Mike Balog says:
Love it!

James Gabriel Gondai Dziya says:

Ed Pugh says:

matt grace says:

Greg Gordon says:

James Gabriel Gondai Dziya says:

Mike Balog says:
Were all 19 at heart...

matt grace says:
yesar that gets hard to tell people at college

Ed Pugh says:
The joy of the Lord is my strength.

Greg Gordon says:
yes its amazing all the youthGod is calling with a holy dissatisfaction.

James Gabriel Gondai Dziya says:
Oh really?

Mike Balog says:
It's truely a joy though to see the younger generation looking to the deeper things of God...

Greg Gordon says:
yes robert is a busy man

James Gabriel Gondai Dziya says:
wow! Teenagers can be tough to deal with

Greg Gordon says:
its so awesome we can steal him for these seminars :)

James Gabriel Gondai Dziya says:
It sure is

Ed Pugh says:
Can be but many love the Lord. They certainly encourage me.

Greg Gordon says:

Greg Gordon says:
Repentance In Kansas City by andrew strom

Mike Balog says:
No kidding....That's great

Ed Pugh says:
Praise God. I see many teenagers leading their parents to Christ. It's great and humbling.

matt grace says:
wow that really makes gets me when people i know come up and start prayin

matt grace says:
people that havent been with christ

Mike Balog says:
Just the opposite....yep, agreed Robert

Ed Pugh says:
Amen, don't dilute the Gospel.

James Gabriel Gondai Dziya says:
Yes sir, they sure do...that is why so many of them end up turning to other religions which seem deeper, because at that age they have a lot of zeal for the truth

+++Ed Pugh has left the meeting.

Mike Balog says:
See through the 'fluff'

Charles says:
Robert - do you have a website?

Greg Gordon says:
ditch us when you have to go brother robert.

matt grace says:
i gotta get outa here, told a friend id come over at 9

James Gabriel Gondai Dziya says:
I'd would flatter... I dont mind if you use my name actually

matt grace says:
thank you again for htis

matt grace says:
and this great sitte

matt grace says:
and i wish i could type

Mike Balog says:
Bless you brother...

James Gabriel Gondai Dziya says:
Thank you sir

Greg Gordon says:
:) bye

matt grace says:
yes sir ill be here

+++matt grace has left the meeting.

++Ed Pugh has entered the meeting.

+++Ed Pugh has left the meeting.

Greg Gordon says:
Ed is back for more

Greg Gordon says:

Greg Gordon says:

Mike Balog says:
This is great technology...Yeah, I know everyone can see me typing...waiting with bated breath...

Greg Gordon says:

James Gabriel Gondai Dziya says:
Well guys its been a good fellowship, but I must be off to work now. God bless you all.

Greg Gordon says:
yea dont join in for the olympic team mike

Charles says:
Thank you Robert and Greg - see you next week!

Mike Balog says:
Bless you James, see ya in the forum

Greg Gordon says:
God Bless James

Greg Gordon says:
yes theres a seminar June 1st also

Greg Gordon says:
consider going to that one also

+++James Gabriel Gondai Dziya has left the meeting.

Mike Balog says:
DO they have a competition for rambling?

+++Charles has left the meeting.

Greg Gordon says:

Greg Gordon says:
Ok brother thanks so much..

Greg Gordon says:
lol its over your head right now

Mike Balog says:
Much much thanks Robert

Greg Gordon says:

Greg Gordon says:

Mike Balog says:

Meeting Owner: Greg Gordon
Current Attendees: dee owens, matt grace, Mike Balog, Ed Pugh, James Gabriel Gondai Dziya, Robert Wurtz II, Charles, Jimmy ([email protected]), ®NET® ([email protected]), steph ([email protected]), shawn ([email protected]), Jennifer ([email protected]), Dr. J ([email protected]), [email protected] ([email protected])
Entered Meeting At: 2004-5-27 8:47:42 PM
File Saved at: 2004-5-27 10:09:22 PM

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2004/5/27 22:14Profile

Joined: 2003/9/16
Posts: 474

 Re: Thanks Brother Robert

Thanks so much Brother Robert,

I'll be getting the book (at least ordering it) tomorrow. Repentance truly is a wonderful gift from God. Amen!

Ed Pugh

 2004/5/27 22:50Profile

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795


Heres the book that was mentioned in the serminar, and its the book that Robert Wurtz is using as a model also:


[b]Repentance: The First Word of the Gospel[/b]
[i]by Richard Owen Roberts, Henry T. Blackaby[/i]
Format: Trade Paperback
Publication Date: July 2002
ISBN: 1581344007
List Price: $ 19.99

Heres is a great site that shows all the used copies at different prices:
[url=]Best Buy books[/url]

It ranges there from $11.99 - 19.99 I am going to search around and definetly order this book.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2004/5/28 0:21Profile

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