For those of you who don't know, I'm English. And I'm very proud of it. We (England) lost the Rugby (miles better than American football) World Cup Final today against South Africa, after we won it last time around.Now call me a cheese-loving illustration-ist or something like that, but it got me thinking. Although we lost, I'm really proud to be English because we gave it a really good go and we've frightened some teams to get where we got to tonight.I know it's probably a cringe-worthy sport-spiritual link, but it got me thinking - I'm really proud of my country, but how proud am I of being a Christian? If I'm doing anything for England, I won't go down without a fight and I'll give it absolutely everything I've got. But can I do the same thing in my spiritual life? When I'm brought down by Lucifer, do I fight him with everything I've got, because I know that my Christ deserves the best of me?It's a real challenge to me (and a cheesy one too, I'm sorry), but hopefully someone will read this and be challenged too.