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Joined: 2005/10/28
Posts: 246
Logan City, Queensland, Australia

 The Modern Gospel of prosperity and easy-believism is no longer exclusive to the western church!

This honestly grieves my heart.

The video is taken from one of Singapore's largest churches. Have a very careful listen. Starts off as orthodox, but wait until you get to the second half.

[url=]Ps Joseph Prince, New Creation Church, Singapore[/url]

When you cry out to God for the nations to open their doors to the gospel, is this what you expect them to receive?

Benjamin Valentine

 2007/10/16 23:25Profile

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795

 Re: The Modern Gospel of prosperity and easy-believism is no longer exclusive to the

When you cry out to God for the nations to open their doors to the gospel, is this what you expect them to receive?

He is preaching "repentance" as a changing of mind and not having to clean yourself up before you can accept Christ. Repentance does have aspects of stopping the sins you are doing but primarily has the sense of the choice of the will.

To say to a person they need to "repent" before they can accept Christ and by meaning "repent" to STOP all sinning is impossible for a sinner to do. Only through christ can we live a true life of repentance.

So there is some truth this brother is preaching, we must be careful not to be led to extremes either way.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2007/10/16 23:53Profile

Joined: 2005/11/5
Posts: 124

 Re: The Modern Gospel of prosperity and easy-believism is no longer exclusive to the


james thorpe

 2007/10/17 1:27Profile

Joined: 2005/10/28
Posts: 246
Logan City, Queensland, Australia


by sermonindex on 2007/10/17 14:53:45

He is preaching "repentance" as a changing of mind and not having to clean yourself up before you can accept Christ. Repentance does have aspects of stopping the sins you are doing but primarily has the sense of the choice of the will.

To say to a person they need to "repent" before they can accept Christ and by meaning "repent" to STOP all sinning is impossible for a sinner to do. Only through christ can we live a true life of repentance.

So there is some truth this brother is preaching, we must be careful not to be led to extremes either way.

True, but at the same time he was using Acts 13:38-39 to say that the cross in of itself removes the need for repentance altogether on the grounds that it establishes "a condition" and that because it wasn't always preached by Jesus and the apostles, it therefore must not be necessary. Either repentance from sin is a compulsory requirement or it is not.

Secondly, he openly mocks those who take a stand against easy-believism by suggesting that Acts 13 and hence early christianity endorses it; saying that those who adhere to the opposing "Lordship Salvation" are (in his own words) "theologians influenced by cluttered Christianity."

Benjamin Valentine

 2007/10/17 2:01Profile

Joined: 2006/5/22
Posts: 2680
Nottingham, England


Watched the video several times, since it is less than 10 mins long.

And because it is only 10 mins of a sermon, obviously we have missed the rest, or it is elsewhere on the web, but anyway to the point.

I noted several things.

He mentioned 'our future sins are forgiven', not word for word, but it's there.

By that I suppose we can sin habitually and still carry on in our Christian walk knowing that Jesus paid for our sins.

I cannot tell sometimes if he is referring to the unsaved or saved.

He mentioned Romans 8v1 'There is therefore no condemnation...

He stops there and does not mention the rest of the verse which says, those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit.

He also said God raised Jesus from the dead 'in style'. What does that mean, or did I hear wrong?

He also mentioned that there were no conditions on the part of the recepient, there was nothing we could do toward our salvation.

This is true, but does that exclude repentance, are we not to repent as the Holy Spirit leads?

Do we just change our mind about God, which is what he says repentance is, and continue in the old lifestyle, whatever that lifestyle was?

If your mind has to change, doesn't your life have to change?

Just some thoughts.

God bless.

 2007/10/17 6:34Profile

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