What is legalism? Please read these ten points and tell me what you think about them.1. Legalism is self-centered. "Look what I have done. Luke 18:9-14(Parable of the Pharisee and publican)2. Legalism emphasizes the externals and becomes preoccupied with trivia. Matt. 23:5-6, 24-25(This passage describes the self righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees)3. Legalism makes things other the god absolute. Mark 7:5-9(Jesus rebukes the Pharisees objection to his disciples eating with unwashed hands.)4. Legalism obscures a clear view of God. Matt. 23:13,15(Jesus condemns the Pharisees blockade of heaven for others.)5. Legalism is insensitive to human need. Mark 3:1-2 (Jesus answers objections to healing on the Sabbath.)6. Legalism ignores individuality. Matt. 23:4 (Jesus rebukes the Pharisees for laying burdens on others but refusing to help them.)7. Legalism develops into a religion of experts. Matt. 15:3-6(Jesus rebukes the Pharisees spiritualized excuse for not caring for their elderly parents.)8. Legalism creates judgment and divisions. Mark 11:15-18 (Jesus tells the moneychangers that His house shall be a house of prayer.)9. Legalism always needs more interpretation. Matt. 23:16-23 (Jesus challenges the Pharisees focus on the value of insignificant observances.)10. Legalism denies your freedom to make your own decisions based on your personal experience with God. Mark 2:23-38 (Jesus answers the Pharisees about what is lawful on the Sabbath.)Taken from the article, "Legalism as Idolatry".Think they're OK? Consider this, they were written by a former Southern Baptist preacher as a defense of homosexuality!This shows that a broad application of the term legalism, leads to deception. It's slippery slope, you can go to far and be legalistic or you can go to the other extreme of permissive freedom.Jordan