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 What does God think about this 21st century bridge in separating God and HIS WORD from Government.

If you say a no Christian should be in authority on earth or you for the wicked ruling?

Is it pleasing to HIM and will HE bless it separating HIM from anything?

Is he pleased with those and will HE bless those who support separating HIM from anything?

What does HE mean that in all things he might have supremacy?

What does he think about people who think ommiting HIS SON'S name in public prayers so they don't offend others?

What does HE think of those who give Allah the equilancy to HIM or HIS SON JESUS as not to offend the people worshipping the false Gods? Should we not be telling them they are?

Can anyone even recognize another God other than HIM and call HIM LORD and mean it?

What does HE think of those who want to separate HIM from anything?

Has he gave his church the keys to His Kingdom?

What does HE think about people who want get involved in promoting HIS Kingdom on earth as well as heaven?

Does HE say thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven?

How God feel about a man who fears HIM and obeys HIM and seeks to hold a place of authority to promote HIS plans and purpose?

How does God feel about those who doesn't want to get involved in some areas of life to promote HIS plans and purposes?

Do we enter HIS Kingdom through HIS blood of Jesus and serve in HIS church on earth? Is that not HIS Kingdom? Will there be any evil to resist in heaven?

What did Jesus say about the centerion (soldier)?

Since the definition of politics is "to campaign for office". Does HE desire for HIS people to campaign for Jesus and also for those indwelled with HIS SPIRIT who campaign for earthly office
in order to advance His purposes or does HE say to not get involved in campaigning for THEM to promote HIS purposes on earth as it is in heaven?

Did we join HIS Kingdom retro on earth or will we be certified in as Christians in heaven?

Col 1:16-20
16 For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him. 17 He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. 18 And he is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything he might have the supremacy. 19 For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him, 20 and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross.

 2007/10/8 15:29

Joined: 2007/1/21
Posts: 797

 Re: What does God think about this 21st century bridge in separating God and HIS WORD

They're two different kingdoms, why try and put them together? One's earthly and the other heavenly, they don't mix.

I don't believe in being politically correct, that's just cowardice. Sin is sin and that's what I'll call it, but I won't get involved in politics.



 2007/10/8 16:58Profile

Joined: 2004/10/13
Posts: 2132

 Lots of questions

Sir, You have alot of questions and the answers on most of them have divided the saints of God for generations. Basically each person is responsible to be salt and light where God has placed them, in that context we should let the Lord be Sovereign in His election on where He places His saints and use them by His spirit the way He choses to, what do you think?


 2007/10/8 20:00Profile

 Re: Lots of questions


dohzman wrote:
Sir, You have alot of questions and the answers on most of them have divided the saints of God for generations. Basically each person is responsible to be salt and light where God has placed them, in that context we should let the Lord be Sovereign in His election on where He places His saints and use them by His spirit the way He choses to, what do you think?

moe wrote: Sir I think God's Word and truth unites when it is accepted and it divides when it is not accepted. I think we have to many so called preachers and people trying to tickle mens ears today, instead of speaking and preaching to please God and that is why we are where we are at today in a wicked and sinful generation. And for those questions and answers dividing the saints, I'm not sure I need to answer that.

 2007/10/8 20:47

Joined: 2004/10/13
Posts: 2132


The Word does divide indeed, but if Jesus' Kingdom were of this earth than His servants would have fought. This earth is a proving ground, nothing more. It will be burnt with a fervent heat, the very skys will roll up like a scroll. But until than we who are on earth are to be salt and light/ His ambassadors in the land where He places us.

And for those questions and answers dividing the saints, I'm not sure I need to answer that.

I wasn't posing it to you personally, I was making a general comment on thoughs types of questions made by many over alot of world history and the effect that such questions have had in light of church history and martyrs and such, thats all.


 2007/10/9 0:53Profile


It is almost impossible to be salt and light in a closet and not applied to what needs to be preserved and bring out a more desired flavor or shine any light on the darkness.

You are right that Jesus's Kingdom is not of this world, but that is where you get in it and where you serve in it. Why did he leave us here after he filled us with HIS SPIRIT if not so? Non involvment in the world and nonresistantacy against evil is just exactly the mindset and heart belief that the devil wants to see in a christian to make them non effective in being salt and light in a lost and dying world that is full of evil.
dohzman I detected that you detected that I was offended by your statement. If I were offended by every statement I thought was wrong I would stay offended most of the time. No problem with you speaking your opinion. My advice is, you just want to make sure you are correct in your opinion, for your sake, not mine. No problem on my end.

 2007/10/13 8:56

Joined: 2007/1/21
Posts: 797



moe_mac wrote:
It is almost impossible to be salt and light in a closet and not applied to what needs to be preserved and bring out a more desired flavor or shine any light on the darkness.

Hi Moe,

Here's what I think, revival won't totally change this nation (although it would help a great deal)and being involved in politics won't change things (that generally leads to compromise on the part of the Christian). What would change our nation would be for Christians to get out on a personal level and witness, disciple and engage the forces of darkeness like Jesus told us too.

And pray! :-)



 2007/10/13 9:14Profile



HomeFree89 wrote:

moe_mac wrote:
It is almost impossible to be salt and light in a closet and not applied to what needs to be preserved and bring out a more desired flavor or shine any light on the darkness.

Hi Moe,

Here's what I think, revival won't totally change this nation (although it would help a great deal)and being involved in politics won't change things (that generally leads to compromise on the part of the Christian). What would change our nation would be for Christians to get out on a personal level and witness, disciple and engage the forces of darkeness like Jesus told us too.

And pray! :-)


moe wrote: Hello Jordan Amen![b]We should always witness to men and tell them about Jesus and impress upon them that HE is the only way, but also along with that should't we seek to use what ever power and inflence that HE has given us by HIS grace to promote HIS plans and purposes here on earth, so that in everything that HE might have supremacy.[/b]Would this not show we just not only have just lip service?

Politics is a word that is often misused in the church. [u]The worldly definition of politics to campaign for office.[/u] If that is all that a person campaigns for and seeks an office to satisfy their own selfish ambitions, then I agree that is not good, is a sin and is politics, but if one feels lead by the Holy Spirit and allows himself to seek office or any place of authority given by God or to be put in a position that enables him to inflence the culture for Christ, so that in everything HE might have supremacy, then that is not politics, that's being salt and light. If he gets in office for that reason and afterwards backslides and turns his objective to his own personal selfish ambitions then that is politics. I hope I have cleared that up. Of course anything that he accomplishes he should always give God all the glory for any accomplishments for without HIM we are nothing and realize that it is HIM that works in us both to will and to do HIS good pleasure.

The devil goes around seeking whom he may devour and he likes to deceive those who will not make any effort and allow God use them in anyway to fight against his plans on earth.

 2007/10/13 13:52

Joined: 2007/1/21
Posts: 797


Hi Moe,

Thanks for the response. I pretty much agree with your last post. My mom and I have been talking about this and we've basically come to the conclusion that if a Christian doesn't compromise in office, then he won't get very far up to do anything unless the Holy Spirit just works him up into a place of authority. I can think of several people right now that I'd be thrilled to have get into office, but they hold such high standards that it's highly unlikely.

Any ways, thanks for starting this thread, it's been a help to me.

Jordan :-)


 2007/10/14 9:15Profile

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