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Joined: 2005/7/5
Posts: 382
The Netherlands


Dear revivalist!

Check 1 Corinthians 7:12-17
I don't have any time to find some more scripture or write more about this, but I don't think you should just leave her. (not that I'm an expert on this!)

I can remember something from either one of Paul Washers or Keith Daniels sermons where you as husband should be praying and fasting for your unbelieving wife or children.

Don't you think that the Lord gave you this woman? How do you suppose that the Lord wants that you handle her? Check the scriptures and pray about it!

God bless,

Jonathan Veldhuis

 2007/10/5 2:03Profile


I think it's one thing to lay your life down occasionally for your spouse but when it controls every aspect of your life in Christ that is where you have to draw the line. If you can't share the gosple and do the things you know God wants you to do than we have a problem.

You should be led of the spirit.They that are led by the spirit of God THEY are the sons of God. Are married people not supposed to be led of the spirit because their spouse has grown cold? The scriptures do not only apply to single people only.

 2007/10/5 6:10

Joined: 2005/7/5
Posts: 382
The Netherlands


Dear Rebecah

Are married people not supposed to be led of the spirit because their spouse has grown cold?

Well how can God not wanting a child of Him not being led by the Spirit? But for the rest I can't say anything about it.

Jonathan Veldhuis

 2007/10/5 17:14Profile

Joined: 2007/1/21
Posts: 797


I just read about a story in one of Brother Andrew's books that really struck me. This man was a Christian and he married a believer and the night of their marriage he promised he'd be her rock. Then he got so caught up on the Lord's work that he was neglecting her and most nights she'd go to bed a cry herself to sleep because he wasn't there with her.

Then a friend challenged him to keep doing the Lord's work, but also to set aside time for his wife so that she'd know she was loved and that her cared for her.

We can get so caught up in doing good things that we neglect what the Lord has given us, be it a spouse, family, church, etc.



 2007/10/5 17:21Profile

Joined: 2007/2/16
Posts: 231
Longview WA


Dear revivalist/
you and your wife both need to go to christian counceling, you may discover something about yourselfs, and someone may be out of ballance.
I dont truly know your situation, but in 1Tim 3
someone in your situation wouldnt even be able to wait on tables... someone who has control of his household.
not that you are not earnest, but God has placed you in this relationship, which is a covenant relationship....
My wife and I got married 22 years ago, soon after I was the one who backslid, she never gave up and never stopped praying for me, finally I turned around and am now getting into ministry, I finished bible college and Love the Lord with all my heart.
God works that way, when you tarry before the Lord in your situation, he will change you, and mature you in Him, then he will help you in your situation with your wife.
He still loves her and wants her to come to him.
Please pray for your wife, and pray with her at home/
never pray for her things like please God change my wife.
Pray blessing over her and for God to reveal himself to her.
If you cant pray for her in this way, you may feel you may not have this level of imtimacy with her, its kinda funny, even me and my wife are in Love and were getting intimate with each other, I had a hard time praying with her and for her. When you can get by this and go to that level of intimacy with her, with her permission I am quite certain things will turn around for you both.
Some helpful hints I hope will be useful, others on this site will also have more for you im quite sure..
God bless.


 2007/10/5 20:14Profile


1 Corinthians 7:14-16

14For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband: else were your children unclean; but now are they holy.

15But if the unbelieving depart, let him depart. A brother or a sister is not under bondage in such cases: but God hath called us to peace.

16For what knowest thou, O wife, whether thou shalt save thy husband? or how knowest thou, O man, whether thou shalt save thy wife?

 2007/10/8 14:09


This thread by the way had nothing to do with me.

I just wanted to let you know I had my email viciously attacked by some woman on this board which is why I had to end this thread, shut down my websight and change my username.

I guess anytime you talk about marriage and raise a question people will assume you are talking about yourself.

 2007/10/17 5:55

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