I wasn't sure where to post this...----My name is Brian Erickson, I'm a graphic/web designer located in Arizona. The Lord seems to be blessing my business with an abundant amount of work requests during this time (requests for logos, websites, stationary, posters, etc).I'm looking for any qualified graphic and/or web designers who are willing to do some freelance work ranging from $20-$30/hr, possibly even $40/hr (depending on the job).Your qualification should either be design skills of a similar quality to the projects on my portfolio page or, as a web designer, a keen understanding of assembling functional websites based on a provided design concept. Portfolio samples (online or emailed) will be the best application.If anyone is interested, please visit my website ( www.brianonweb.com ) and contact me via the "contact" page form.I'd love to work with fellow believers and thought this might be a good place to present the opportunity.Blessings,Brian
_________________Brian Erickson
Hey Brian, your work is great. I've done photography professionally for the last few years, along with all my own web work, so I can appreciate the skills. For every ten programmers is seems only one has an artist's eye. Your web designs display serious dedication and creativity. May God bless us with so much stewardship as skill, and the kingdom will be greatly benefited!I have nowhere near the expertise for web design, but I wanted to comment and say "wow".
I would like to bump this again, if anyone is interested or know someone that could be about this opportunity, write to brother Brian, he is a very good and humble brother, and I believe it will be a blessing to work with him.
I second that comment, your drawings are very good.My question, does the person have to live in Arizona? I know of a christian graphics artist, but he lives in Lakewood, Ohio.
_________________Sean Hobson
The beauty of the internet age is the shrinking of the earth. Many of my clients are people whom I'm never met and are scattered about the country. We simply converse via phone and/or email. Most jobs can be delivered via email or sent through the mail when completed.So, living in Arizona is not a requirement. The major requirements are:- the ability to meet deadlines- the appropriate skill set to either produce design concepts at a professional quality similar to those on my website OR the ability to assemble websites based precisely on concepts I provide. Primarily, I'd love to forward the "look" for a website to someone who enjoys assembling them. I generally do not enjoy the assembly/programming process of building sites - just designing the look. An individual with the talent to assemble sites based on provided concepts and produce a final product which functions well, accurately conveying my design concept - would be immensely special.Thank you for the kind words regarding my designs. For the few who have expressed an interest, I'll be emailing you soon.Working with brothers and/or sisters in the Lord would be wonderful.Brian
I hope you find the right persons! :-)For myself, I don't think I'm good enough.And added to that, it all depends on the couple of weeks if I have lots of time or not. :-)I did look for some of my old gfx, but sadly I lost like everything.
_________________Jonathan Veldhuis