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Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795

 Revival Conference 2007: Pre-Register Today!


[b]"How long, Lord?" - Psalm 79:5[/b]

Will God send another great awakening? Can revival still change nations? There are over 10,000 conferences that happen every year in America. The "Revival Conference" is not to be just another conference but an honest, sincere, earnest plea for the desperate need of revival in North America. There is no cost to attend the event. There will be a minimal amount of materials sold. There will be no big bands. The conference will have the cheif object to be God-glorifying. The speakers will come on their own accord trusting God for provision. There will be no emphasis on money during the event. The event will be a simple, apostolic, yearning for a genuine biblical revival in our day.

This conference is hosted by the ministry of and is a inter-denominational event. The event will be hosted at the "Trinity Gospel Temple" venue which has been freely given to be used for this event. The conference is not officially affiliated with any denomination or specific church.


There is no cost to attend the conference but it is asked that you pre-register at: to secure a seat for the event.

Roger Ellsworth
Keith Daniel
Denny Kenaston
Joshua Daniel
Carter Conlon
Harold Vaughn
Don Currin
Don Courville
Ralph Sutera
Richard Sipley
Dean Taylor
Ron Bailey
Gareth Evans


General Information - The cost to register is free for the event. If possible you are asked to take the time to pre-register online here. The 2 Airports to fly into would either be the CANTON-AKRON CAK Airport or the CLEAVELAND CLE Airport (aprox 45 minutes away from Canton).

The location for event: Trinity Gospel Temple, 1612 Tuscarawas St. W, Canton, Ohio, 44708. (Google Maps, MapQuest, Yahoo).

If you have any specific questions or comments please contact us via email: [email protected] or TOLL-FREE phone: 1-888-224-6123

Hotels and Motels - Due to this conference being free regristration the attendees are required to take care of their own food and board. It is suggested to book a cheaper motel or hotel near the event here are some websites that have suggested accomodations. Secure your accomidations today: Hotels and Motels in Canton, Ohio.

The Prayer Room (available all day) - There will be a prayer room in the upper floor of the Arlington Road Church. This room will be actively praying for the sessions and for revival and awakening in North America and abroad. It will be monitored by prayer staff for the entire day from 8:00am-10:00pm.

Child Care (available during all speaking sessions) - There will be childcare during all the speaking sessions of the entire conference.


Blog - This blog will facilitate a 75 day countdown to the event with prayer points for each day. You can read the official PRESS RELEASE for the conference: Revival Conference: A Sincere Plea for Genuine Revival.

Audio - is the offical host and sponsor of the revival conference. All audio and video media will be available for free download during and after the event.

Video - You can view the video content of the revival conference online simply at youtube. The videos will be posted for free viewing during and after the event.

Photos - There will be many photos taken at the event which will be archived after the event is finished. You will be able to download freely and view all the photos here.

Webcast - You will be able to view the live webcast of the event freely with Simply follow the instructions to tune into the event live using the EST timezone.

Podcast - Listen to and download all the media sessions of the revival conference with podcasting technology. All sessions are offered freely to download to your ipod and computer.


Tuesday, Oct. 23rd

12:00-5:00pm Event Registration - check-in or register on the spot at the registration booths.
2:00-5:00pm Concert of Prayer - A corporate calling out to God for revival and awakening in the world.
5:00-7:00pm Dinner Break
7:00-7:30pm Worship - Corporat e hymn singing led by Jeff Wooldridge / Song by Abigail Miller
7:30-8:30pm Session 1 - Denny Kenaston
8:30pm-onwards Concert of Prayer - A corporate calling out to God for revival and awakening in the world.

Wednesday, Oct. 24th

8:30-9:00am Worship - Corporate hymn singing led by Jeff Wooldridge
9-10:00am Session 2 - Joshua Daniel
10:30-11:30am Session 3 - Don Currin
Session 4 - Ralph Sutera
11:30-1pm Lunch Break
1-3pm Afternoon Break-out Sessions:
Session 5 - Don Courville
Session 6 - Dean Taylor
Session 7 - Gareth Evans
3-7pm Dinner Break
7:00-7:30pm Worship - Corporate hymn singing led by Jeff Wooldridge / Song by Abigail Miller
7:30-8:30pm Session 8 - Carter Conlon
8:30pm-onwards Concert of Prayer - A corporate calling out to God for revival and awakening in the world.

Thursday, Oct. 25th

8:30-9:00am Worship - Corporate hymn singing led by Jeff Wooldridge
9-10am Session 9 - Roger Ellsworth
10:30-11:30pm Session 10 - Harold Vaughn
11:30-1pm Lunch Break
1-3pm Afternoon Break-out Sessions:
Session 11 - Q & A Panel (Gareth Evans, Roger Ellsworth, Ralph Sutera, Denny Kenaston, Don Currin, Joshua Daniel)
Session 12 - Ron Bailey
3:00-7pm Dinner Break
7:00-7:30pm Worship - Corporate hymn singing led by Jeff Wooldridge / Song by Abigail Miller
7:30-8:30pm Session 13 - Keith Daniel
8:30pm-onwards Concert of Prayer - A corporate calling out to God for revival and awakening in the world.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2007/9/13 11:46Profile

Joined: 2007/1/31
Posts: 985

 Re: Revival Conference 2007: Pre-Register Today!

Brother thank, for this info..
I delighted to see there is time of prayer.
This has blessed my heart. Thank you for all your hard work..

Now let us pray...


 2007/9/13 13:21Profile

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795


I delighted to see there is time of prayer.


Amen, yes the times of prayer are crucial and much needed. Hopefully the preaching will simply burden us to pray more for revival. We are in the new facility: "Trinity Gospel Temple" which seats over 3000 people and will have a room setup for prayer that will go on during the entire conference!

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2007/9/14 11:46Profile

Joined: 2007/6/7
Posts: 429
Baton Rouge, Louisiana


Will the prayer time also be broadcast live over the internet so those of us who can't go to the conference can participate?



 2007/9/16 7:20Profile

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795


Will the prayer time also be broadcast live over the internet so those of us who can't go to the conference can participate?


As per the schedule at I am hoping to get as many sessions live on as possible including all the corporate prayer times. I do think it would be great to have many saints across the world agreeing in prayer together.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2007/9/16 23:20Profile

 Re: Revival Conference 2007: Pre-Register Today!

Greg said

including all the corporate prayer times. I do think it would be great to have many saints across the world agreeing in prayer together.

Brother, I have to say that I would be most unhappy about praying my heart out in these circumstances.

You may know from previous of my posts in other threads, that I am [i][b]most[/b][/i] concerned about the two-fold exhibitionist\voyeurist issues which are raised by taking publicity this far.

I do see there is a place for agreement in prayer - that is, formal prayer by those leading whole meetings as facilitators - but I know from my own past struggles to pray my honest heart towards God, that several factors pertain, and being listened to by the entire world would have ben asking at least one bridge to be crossed with would for me (at least) have been one too far. It is an unnecessary hurdle to ask brethren to endure, let alone those who might need to make their first ever real commitment to Christ.

Now, you might say [i]those[/i] of prayers can be prayed in the prayer room... but... how can you be sure this is when the Spirit will be free to draw [i]rhose[/i] kinds of prayer from the participants? Such a stricture may mean that you dampen the Spirit's moving in the prayer opportunities during and as a result of, the main gatherings and messages preached. At those spiritually open moments, that sense of privacy amongst spiritually trustworthy friends in the presence of God, is to be prized like gold.

I hope you would be open to guidance [i]at the time[/i], to switch off the broadcast for the sake of those who might need immediately to 'go through with God' on what feels to them like a matter of life and death (and probably is, therefore, exactly [i]that serious[/i]).

Personally, the times I've been most able to be freed from bondage, is [u]during corporate worship[/u]... proper worship... when [u]God[/u] has descended and come to my aid. Thus, even times of praise and worship may not be suitable for broadcast. So... I would really hate to think that the opportunity for people to be changed forever, might be wasted by a mistaken hope of engendering a greater degree of [i]natural[/i] unity.

 2007/9/17 1:39

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795


Brother, I have to say that I would be most unhappy about praying my heart out in these circumstances.

You may know from previous of my posts in other threads, that I am most concerned about the two-fold exhibitionist\voyeurist issues which are raised by taking publicity this far.

Simply having the live webcast active for the corporate prayer times really will show to the world that the emphasis of this event is not just speaking but "prayer" for revival also. That we are desiring not just to pray about revival and hope for revival but [b]have[/b] revival in our midst and have God come down in our midst. Personally if people are coming to showmanship before others they should probably not come. I am past the point of caring what people think of me and would rather just passionately plead for God to come, we need God!

Much is learnt by prayer also and many people are at a loss at what to pray, I think for some entering into these cooperate prayer times from abroad will be educational and bring a sense of awe and discernment on how to pray for revival and why this is important. I have learnt much more in the spirit hearing some old saints pray then hours by myself, not taking away the need for personal disciplined prayer times.

There will be a prayer room going on during the whole event which is hoped to be the furnace for the event.

One other reason for the video cameras capturing the prayer times will also be for the "documentary" that a large digital Christian tv station desires to do on the event, I am open to this believing it is from God.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2007/9/17 12:16Profile

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795



Keep praying for this conference, There are currently over [b]850 People[/b] registered online for the conference and much local support for the conference. It is not too late to register and I will list some good cheap hotels here:



There is no cost to attend the conference but it is asked that you pre-register at: to secure a seat for the event.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2007/9/19 21:27Profile

 Re: Revival Conference 2007: Pre-Register Today!

Greg, thank you for your reply.

I agree we learn much from hearing others pray and also that one gets past caring what others think. I believe also, that if you feel led to stop the cameras after the documentary makers have what they need, you will obey God.

 2007/9/19 21:40

Joined: 2004/10/13
Posts: 2132


DO NOT BOOK TO STAY AT EITHER OF THESE MOTELS. They are simply bad places to stay. If anyone one needs an inexpensive place to stay there's a Motel 6 just off Portage Road. There's also a Red Roof Inn off Beldon Ave exit. Those are safer places. Sorry Greg didn't mean to correct you about the motels but these are crack dens that you listed and while many that frequent this site might enjoy preaching there, few would venture to stay there for fear of being shot, or robbed, or even beaten up.


 2007/9/19 22:03Profile

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