I've often noticed personally that when I try to raise an issue of doctrine before others, those in your immediate fellowship that are first to use the "Why can't we all just get along?" line of thinking are those whom you know are not really at full 100% in their walk with God.
_________________Jeff Mollman
Quote #1
One consistant factor I've seen among Arminians who eventually shifted towards a Calvanist leaning (myself included) is that there is a coupling between intense Berean-level study of the Word as well as contemplation of what it is going to mean practically.
Before anyone starts huffing and puffing the exact same thing can be said for the other camp as well. I only am pointing out Calvinism because it is the subject at hand and specifically to refute the absurd comment quoted. Again, the majority of professed believers are not saved, those that are saved are living way below the basic NT Chrsitianity level and this included Calvinists who are the subject of this thread.
Wow... twice this week I've agreed with Jim on something!Krispy
KrispyKrittr wrote:Quote #1Quote:I've often noticed personally that when I try to raise an issue of doctrine before others, those in your immediate fellowship that are first to use the "Why can't we all just get along?" line of thinking are those whom you know are not really at full 100% in their walk with God.Quote #2Quote:One consistant factor I've seen among Arminians who eventually shifted towards a Calvanist leaning (myself included) is that there is a coupling between intense Berean-level study of the Word as well as contemplation of what it is going to mean practically.I dont think we can say that everyone who is not as concerned about doctrine as some of us are are not walking with the Lord.I also dont believe for a minute that Calvinists are the only ones who study the Word at a Berean-level. This smacks of "If you dont believe exactly as I do, you're not a true Christian". That type of attitude is as detrimental to Christian unity as anything else we could mention.Boy... there sure is a lot of pride on this thread.Krispy
Jeannette... uhmmm, yea... thats kinda what I was trying to say... lol.Krispy
KrispyKrittr wrote:Jeannette... uhmmm, yea... thats kinda what I was trying to say... lol.Krispy
KrispyKrittr wrote:Boy... there sure is a lot of pride on this thread.
The reformed doctrine is all about Christ. You mischaracterize the heart of some who follow the doctrine. I'm sorry you haven't met loving reformed people. I'd like to introduce myself and I know many, many others. Two of the most well known speakers I know are two of the most loving active Christians I've ever seen Arminian or Christian.... John Piper and Paul Washer. There are many, many, many. At the same time, as Paul Washer has said, there are many Arminians who have lived far above their theology and many Calvinist who have lived far below theirs. Holding the correct doctrine means nothing if Christ is not being formed in you.