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What do you do if you love someone and have always done but the person you love has never been able to decide about you or commit to you but has said that they might want you in the future. Then other people come along and you keep turning them down in the hope that the one day the person that you truly love will reciprocate until you finally start to face the fact that maybe they never will and you will be left a very bitter angry person. So you start dating someone else as they are really nice but then you have the whole baggage and uncertainty that maybe God wants you to be with your best friend and also that what if you could never really truly let go and love someone else the same. Do you just decide that if you can't have the one you wanted then you won't have none at all?! Or do you determine to move on? Got no unquestionable leading from God on this one either.


 2007/9/5 9:01

 Re: Dilema

Clueless asked

What do you do if you love someone and have always done

Lay it down, sister.

Give God a few permissions over your future, such as that you want to marry only the person He has set aside for you. Start trusting that He can wake the other person up.

It may be that you're far too competent - or, seem to be demanding - and the person you love knows he couldn't meet the criteria you've set, so, he just lays the whole thing to one side and gets on with his life.

the person you love has never been able to decide about you or commit to you but has said that they might want you in the future.

Might this be a way that person has chosen to attempt to communicate that unless God changes you, he won't be interested? Ouch. I know that's a blunt question... you don't have to answer it...

But, the truth IS that unless you are pre-occumped with Jesus rather than a man, you might never be attractive enough to the man who has set himself to go through with God even if he has to stay single.

The good news is, that if you give the [i]whole[/i] matter honestly to God, and don't keep taking it back, looking for human answers while you're waiting for His will to be outworked in your life, He [i]can[/i] make you know the way forward, and there [i]is[/i] a rest from this kind of confusion - in Jesus, if you go to Him and resolutely stay with Him.

This is not meant to be a harsh response. It's the quickest way I know to living with the uncertainty of not knowing God's mind yet.

 2007/9/5 20:05

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