Most lines of Charles Wesley's hymns can be lined up with a verse of scripture... so which [u]one[/u] Old Testament verse can be most accurately lined up with the second line of this hymn?In which New Testament chapter is the [u]same picture[/u] [b]most closely[/b] [i]echoed?[/i][b]Tis finished! The Messiah dies,Cut off for sins, but not His own:[/b]
I think the verse you are looking for in the Old Testament is in Daniel 9v26, 'And after sixty-two weeks Messiah shall be cut off, but not for Himself...As for 'Tis finished!..., John 19v30.That's it.God bless.
Hi Enid,Thank you! You are so right about the verse in Daniel... :-)And I knew someone would want to mention Christ's words from the cross... when He was actually 'cut off', but, I wanted to link this in a different way to a theological perspective in which Jesus is not mentioned directly.Any other thoughts?
I'm not going to pretend I know what you mean, because I don't.But in Isaiah 53v8 it says, '...For He was cut off from the land of the living, for the transgressions of My people He was stricken.Here again it mentions Jesus being cut off.Once again, that's it.God bless.
Hi Enid, :-)Thanks for coming back here... and for finding another Old Testament quote which is completely relevant... explaining an aspect of the Messiah's work which is sometimes overlooked...'for the transgressions of [color=006699]My people [/color]He was stricken'Remember, now I'm looking for a [color=006699]New Testament chapter[/color] which [color=006699][i]echoes[/i][/color] this important truth [i][b]for all believers[/i][/b].Hmmm.... have another think.... :-D
I'm not going to pretend I know what you mean, because I don't
Compliments wrote:Quote:I'm not going to pretend I know what you mean, because I don't :-P :-P :-P
Hello,Here is my guess at the chapter you might be refering to.As I said, I don't know, I can only guess, and as Little Gift said, it could be any chapter.But I think it is Romans 11. That's my guess. If it is wrong, so be it.God is good.God bless.
enid said:
I think it is Romans 11.
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