I have spent much time here:www.sermonindex.org andwww.benisrael.orgGot to see Keith Daniel speak in Arkansas. One word, WOW!
I forgotwww.fireonthealtar.org
Hi all, Thanks for all the websites, I've been having fun going through them.Jordan
Commercial Free worship music! : ) www.AllWorship.com
[url=http://christourlife.ca/]Christ our life[/url] - Listen to their testimonies there. Teaching too. Instrumental in my salvation. Good music too[url=http://dougtanner.com/]Doug Tanner[/url] - Great music :)[url=http://enterhisrest.org/]Enter his rest[/url] - Teachings on sanctification. [url=http://heartsburning.com/]HeartsBurning[/url] - My dad's great study on the church.-Sam[url=http://heinme.heartsburning.com/]my blog[/url]
Ah I was wondering when someone would post 'fireonthealtar'!
_________________Jonathan Veldhuis
www.backtojerusalem.com www.davidwilkerson.org/sermons/ http://www.ancientrootsbible.com/ http://www.ccel.org/ http://www.religion-cults.com/ http://truthinheart.com/ Does anyone know of some good sites to buy tracks from? I need some with a strong message on what it means to be a christian, forsaking sin ect. Does anyone know of any tracks like that?
Hi glorytoglory,Here are a couple websites:http://www.livingwaters.com/Merchant2/merchant.mv?Screen=CTGY&Category_Code=gospeltracts http://www.wmpress.org/index.shtmlJordan
Thanks Jordan! This looks like what I was looking for : ). It's a follow up booklet: http://www.wmpress.org/hfa_text/engnkjv.htm
God Bless