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Joined: 2006/3/24
Posts: 108
Rochester, New York

 Can an evangelist not be saved?

Can someone who is an evangelist, sharing their faith not be saved if they are walking in sin? What if they occasionally sin?

Just a question for thought.

Doug Renz

 2007/9/4 16:36Profile

Joined: 2007/7/3
Posts: 162
The Earth

 Re: Can an evangelist not be saved?

Of course a so called evangelist could be cast into everlasting hell. Where does it say in the bible, Romans maybe? That the gifts of God are without repentance. Jesus did not say become an evangelist and thou shalt be saved. Or become a pastor or missionary and your sins will be forgiven. There will be and are pastors, missionaries, and people that were evangelists or called themselves evangelists in hell. If one does not repent from there sins, fails to forgive, and never is born again. They share eternall destiny with the most anti-christ person that ever walked the earth because they failed to repent and be saved. It is there own fault because they preached it, but yet failed to obey the Word and turn from loving there sins.


 2007/9/4 17:21Profile

Joined: 2007/3/28
Posts: 403
Raleigh, NC

 Re: Can an evangelist not be saved?


sonofadam777 wrote:
Can someone who is an evangelist, sharing their faith not be saved if they are walking in sin? What if they occasionally sin?

Just a question for thought.

Whether or not you evangelize has little bearing on whether or not you sin, at least not in America.
In places where Christians can die for sharing their faith, I think evangelism is definitely more of an indicter of that persons walk with God.

Matthew Miskiewicz

 2007/9/4 17:45Profile

 Re: Can an evangelist not be saved?

A called evangelist preaches because he is called. Is he perfect no. He should walk worthy of his calling that has been given to him. Sure He don't preach because he is perfect, he preaches because he is called. Does he sin? Is he breathing?
1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
There are two different kinds of christian evangelist.
1.Those who occasionally sin.
2.And the other is lying evangelist.
Although, evangelist #1 I'm sure does occasionally sin and also confesses that sin and ask for forgiveness had rather not have sinned at all.
The other lying evangelist # 2 is deceived because he thinks God don't know he sinned.

 2007/9/4 17:47

 Re: Can an evangelist not be saved?

double post:
Hello everyone I double posted :roll: :oops: :-?

 2007/9/4 17:48

Joined: 2007/4/12
Posts: 181
Georgia, USA

 Re: Can an evangelist not be saved?

Oh yeah. I was an evangelist for two years before I was saved.
I even brought a person to faith while not saved.
In fact, I was originally proselytized by non-saved folks!


 2007/9/4 17:49Profile


So which one did you say you were?

Now, when I give the opinion on evangelist # 1 now, I didn't indicate that he just robbed a convenience store or visited a hooker or he went to the casino to gamble, before he gave his sermonette to christianettes and was smoking cigarettes. What I was referring to is, even a thought can be sin. If the evangelist were to get a sermon from God, that was hard sermon to preach and he knew God had given him that sermon to preach, and it would anger them, but the preacher decides to water down the message from what God gave him to speak, in order to please men and tickle their ears. That can even be a sin.
ref:James 4:17-5:1
17 Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.

OK, I'm ready, somebody give the love sermon!!!
I'll just go ahead and give the response just in case they do.
You cannot love someone, anymore than when you give them truth, that could effect their eternity.

 2007/9/4 18:03

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