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 May 13th - Numbers 22; Pslams 62-63; Isaiah 11-12; James 5


[img align=left][/img] Text/Audio: [url=]Numbers 22[/url] / [url=]Psalms 62-63[/url] / [url=]Isaiah 11-12[/url] / [url=]James 5[/url]


"The marks of the false shepherd. The great mark of false shepherds is that they enter not by the door: 'Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that entereth not by the door into the sheep-fold, but climbeth up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber' (verse 1). Christ is the door into the sheep-fold: 'I am the door; by me, if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture' (verse 9). The mark of every false shepherd is, he is not saved himself. This is the mark of the devil; he is lost! lost! lost! Those of you who follow Satan as a master are following the one who is lost himself. And this is the mark of the Antichrist, just that he enters not in by the door. They make another way into the sheep-fold; they have other mediators than the one Mediator between God and man. This is the mark of the world, they enter not in by the door. Is it a lost world? Oh, dear sheep, why do you fear the world? It will soon perish. The same is the mark of all false ministers. Ah, brethren, remember that you live in a dangerous time." -Robert Murray McCheyne


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SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2004/5/13 13:34Profile

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