A interesting article and thoughts by an anonymous writer:[b]SPIRIT OF BAAL - NICHOLIAN - in our assemblies![/b]I believe the Lord has shown me that there is a spirit of Baalam over this nation - so I feel it is of great importance we look at what Jesus had to say about the Spirit of Balaam - and it's counter-part the ways of the nicolaitans. We have become a nation of great sexual immorality and it's leven has crept into the church and with the belief that christians can enter the kingdom of heaven in this state of affairs. Many have been bewitched believing this false doctrine. Jesus did not take this lightly - and there are very serious consequences if the church follows the ways of the - Balaam- and - the Nicolaitans - in which much of it has. God hates the herisay that is taught in the church today - that - we can go on and live immoral lives - and the fact that many of the pastors don't address this issue and teach against it's sin is staggering - Yes most will teach against homosexually - and - yet in the same stance - smile and greet the couple in their church that is living together in sexual immorality - in which the word of God say that those who are living in sexual immorality - shall - not - enter the kingdom of heaven - a double standard here and one that could cost the people to burn in hell - and - both - a huge majority of pastors and the congration are - going to the computer - and - going into the porno section - not heeding the words of the Lord. The nicholian teaching was that all christians that participated in sexual immorality would still go to heaven. Today there are thousands - and - thousands of christians who live in sexual immorality - and - it is increasing daily. The leven is spreading and getting out of control! Lets see what Jesus had to say about this teaching - or - today - the lack of teaching the consequences of this lifestyle - and - practice. Actually Jesus was commending the church of Ephesus for hating the practices of the nicholians. Revelation 2: 2 - 6 - I know you deeds your hard work and you perseverance. I know that you cannot tolorate wicked men - that you have tested those who claim to be apostles and are not and you have found them to be false - You have persevered - and - have endured hardships for My name - Yet - " I hold this against you" - you have forsaken your first love. Remember the height from which you have fallen! Repent - and - do the things you did at first - IF - you do not repent - I will come to you - and - remove your lampstand (Church) from it's place - but you have this in your favor - you hate the practices of the Nicolaitians - "which I also Hate!" Again the Nicolaitians taught that sexual immorality would not effect ones salvation. Balaam - Balaam was a false prophet - He sold his services to the king - and - tryed to sway the king to get Israel to compromise their faith - and - again that it was alright to live in sexual immorality - and - idolarty. He was leading people into fatal compromise - in worldliness - immorality - and - idolarty - all for the sake of personal gain and favor. Revelation 2: 14: Nevertheless - I have a few things against you - You have people there who hold to the teaching of Balaam - who tought balak to intice the Israelites to sin - by eating food sacrificed to Idols - and - by commiting sexual immorality. Likewise - you have those who hold to the teaching of the Nicolaitans. - "Repent" therefore! - Otherwise I will come against them - and - fight against them - with the sword of My mouth. Jesus is saying here - "He" - personally will wage war against immoral believers - IF THEY DO NOT REPENT!!!" - and - WOE! - to the pastors who do not teach against this and are partakes of it's evils. Jesus had said this - not me - and so lets not call Him a lier - and - say that he would never come in and wage war against the apostate saints - and turn them over if the do not repent. He goes on to say to the church at Thyatria that they tolorate that woman Jezebel who calls herself a prophetess - this was a horrible sin - for Jezebel tolorated sin - and false doctrines - and witchcraft - and all unrighteousness. It is a "manipulative spirit" - and - a very "subductive spirit". - 1 Kings 13: 61 - She to represents the freedom to sin. Jesus says He will cast her on a bed of suffering - and - those who commit "adultry" with her to suffer "intensily" Jesus says unless the saints repent - if they do not - He will "Strike her children Dead." Jesus is very serious that we not get caught up in these things - and - yet they are here - and - we must be aware of them - and - not get caught up in their leven - for it becomes as a cancer o not easily seen at first and - suddenly" it become a death situation - watch where our minds are headed and renew our minds in the things of the Lord daily and keep them focused heavenward. This is aposasty - with a capatal A -and - you can not deny it is here - and being practiced. If you find yourself in this situation - Repent and come out from among it's leven and if need be get prayer and deliverance and Christ shall set you free. I will end this on a more posative point - please take time to read read all of the "Revelation of Jesus Christ' - to His church - the seven churches - and - be blessed as you read the expectations He has for the faithful Rement (which by the way shall be more that we can count) - The true - and - faithful bride of Christ - and what her - rewards are. God Bless - and - may we fully surrender to our King who loves us - and awaits the Father's command to go and gather His bride!
_________________SI Moderator - Greg Gordon