"The Holy Spirit works in no other way than to glorify Jesus Christ. Anyone who receives the Holy Spirit receives life from the glorified Jesus, and receives also an understanding of the teaching of Jesus and complete security, provided he abides in the light the Holy Spirit sheds." The Advent Of The Holy Spirit "It was this mighty Person, the Holy Spirit, who inspired the apostles to write the New Testament. The New Testament is the posthumous writing of Jesus Christ; He departed, and the Holy Spirit used these men as His pens to expound His teaching." The Advent Of The Holy Spirit "All that Jesus Christ came to do is made experimentally ours by the Holy Spirit; He does in us what Jesus did for us." The Advent Of The Holy Spirit "The Body of Christ is an organism, not an organisation." The Advent Of The Holy Spirit "Jesus Christ's salvation deals not only with the outcast and downtrodden, it deals with clean-living, upright, sterling men and women, and immediately you present the Gospel as Jesus presents it, it is this class you clash with." The Doctrine Of The Holy Spirit "The conception of New Birth in the New Testament is not of something that springs out of us, what modern psychology calls a subliminal uprush, but of something that comes into us. Just as Our Lord came into the world from the outside, so He must come into us from the outside." The Doctrine Of The Holy Spirit "There is no authentic impulse of the Holy Spirit that is not wedded to the words of the Bible." The Doctrine Of The Holy Spirit "Everything hangs on this one central statement of Jesus - YE MUST BE BORN AGAIN - We have lost sight of it, and we have got to get back to it." The Doctrine Of The Holy Spirit "The greatest blessing a man ever gets from God is the realisation that if he is going to enter into His Kingdom it must be through the door of destitution." The Doctrine Of The Holy Spirit "The bedrock in Jesus Christ's Kingdom is poverty, not possession; not 'decisions for Christ,' but a sense of absolute futility." The Doctrine Of The Holy Spirit "The Holy Spirit does not glorify Christ-likeness, because Christ-likeness can be imitated; He glorifies Christ." The Doctrine Of The Holy Spirit "Intellect is never first in spiritual life. We are not born again by thinking about it, we are born again by the power of God. Intellect comes second both in nature and in grace." The Glory Of The Lord's Disciples "The bedrock of Christianity is not decision for Christ, for a man who decides banks on his decision, not on God." The Glory Of The Lord's Disciples "Jesus Christ never preached down to the level of his audience; he did not rely on human understanding, but on the interpreting power of the Holy Spirit in a human mind. The disciples frequently misunderstood what our Lord said, but he banked everything on the work of the Holy Spirit." The Best Is Yet To Be "To use the New Testament as a book of proof is nonsense. If you do not believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, the New Testament will not convince you that He is; if you do not believe in the Resurrection, the New Testament will not convince you of it. The New Testament is written for those who do not need convincing. After the Resurrection our Lord appeared to those only who knew Him in the days of His flesh." The Untenanted Universe Of Easter "Once let that man realise that Christianity is not a decision for Christ, but a complete surrender to let Him take the lordship, and Jesus will appear to him." The Untenanted Universe Of Easter "My relationship to Jesus is not on the ground of Christian evidences, that I can pass an examination on the doctrine of the Person of Christ, but suddenly by the great surprise of the indwelling Spirit of God I see who Jesus is, the Son of the Living God, absolute Lord and Master. The basis of the Christian life is an inner illumination that reveals to me who Jesus is, and on that revelation and the public confession of it, Jesus says He will build His church." The Untenanted Universe Of Easter "The searching point is - Has Jesus appeared to me also? not simply am I saved and turned into another man, but do I know Him? Is He evidencing His marvellous presence in me? Can I bank on Him not by an effort of faith, but by a real influx of His resurrection life?" The Untenanted Universe Of Easter "Never take Jesus Christ as the Representative of God: He is God or there is none. If Jesus Christ is not God manifest in the flesh, we know nothing whatever about God; we are not only agnostic, but hopeless. But if Jesus Christ is what He says He is, then He is God to me." The Untenanted Universe Of Easter "In the Bible there is no twilight, but intense light and intense darkness." Uncensored Truth "Neutrality in religion is always cowardice." Uncensored Truth "Our Lord makes everything depend upon a man's relationship to Himself, not upon a man's goodness or badness." Uncensored Truth "Look at the history of every vigorous movement born spontaneously of the Holy Ghost, there comes a time when its true spiritual power dies, and it dies in correspondence to the success of the organisation." The Lie In The Greatest Fear Of Life "The fact of Redemption amounts to nothing in my actual life unless I get awakened to a sense of need." Desert Days "No one can tell another about Jesus until he has seen Him as He really is, the One who imparts His own life, i.e., the Holy Spirit, an impartation from the Lord Himself." The Doctrine Of The Great Hour "There is a time coming when the earth itself shall be the very garment of God, when the systems of the world and those that represent them shall call on the mountains and the rocks to hide them, but at that time the earth won't shelter them." The Lie In The Greatest Fear Of Life "Seeing is never believing: we interpret what we see in the light of what we believe. Faith is confidence in God before you see God emerging, therefore the nature of faith is that it must be tried." The Lie In The Greatest Fear Of Life "We discern spiritual truth not by intellectual curiosity or research, but by entreating the favour of the Lord, that is, by prayer and by no other way, not even by obedience, because obedience is apt to have an idea of merit." Discovery By Devotion "Belief is not that God can do the thing, but belief in God. If I believe in God I pray on the ground of Redemption and things happen; it is not reasonable, it is Redemptive." Discovery By Devotion "We cannot talk to God unless we walk with Him when we are not talking." Discovery By Devotion "Jesus Christ does not deal with my morality or immorality, but with my right to myself." Losing Ourselves "It is a tremendous revelation when I realise that self-realisation is the very spirit of antichrist. Self-realisation is possible in the spiritual domain as well as the natural. Much of the Higher Spiritual Life teaching is simply self-realisation veneered over with Christian terms." Losing Ourselves "Self-realisation may keep a man full of rectitude, but it is rectitude built on a basis that ultimately spells ruin, because man is not a promise of what he is going to be, but a magnificent ruin of what human nature once was." Losing Ourselves "Christianity is a personal relationship to Jesus Christ made efficacious by the indwelling Holy Spirit." Losing Ourselves "I am never of any use so long as I try to be." Losing Ourselves "God brings His marvels to pass in lives by means of prayer, and the prayers of the saints are part of God's programme." The Immense Attention Of God "We are devotees of one tiny phase of what Jesus Christ came to do: He came not only to save men's souls, but to bring many sons unto glory." The Immense Attention Of God "The notion has grown almost imperceptibly that God is simply a blessing machine for men - instead, the human race is meant to be the servant of God, a different thing altogether." The Immense Attention Of God "As saints we are called to go through the heroism of what we believe, not of stating what we believe, but of standing by it when the facts are dead against God." The Immense Attention Of God "Jesus Christ was master of the elements because of his relation to God as man, and in him we see God's original design for man." His Face In The Riddle Of The Universe "Tears are not going to be wiped away by our receiving pettings from God; the revelation is that through the marvel of the redemption God is going to make it impossible for there to be any more crying or sorrow, all will be as satisfactory as God himself." His Face In The Riddle Of The Universe "Because man's body and his earthly setting have been affected by sin, we are apt to think that being made of the dust of the ground is his shame; the Bible implies that it is his chief glory, because it is in that body that the Son of God was manifested." Climate And Spiritual Life "Specific times and places and communion with God go together. It is by no haphazard chance that in every age men have risen early to pray. The first thing that marks decline in spiritual life is our relationship to the early morning." Climate And Spiritual Life "The popular idea of temptation is that it is toward evil, meaning that we can see it to be evil by our common sense, but temptation is always a short-cut to good." Climate And Spiritual Life "Some say if you obey Jesus you will have a life of joy and delight. Well, it is not true. Jesus said to the disciples - Let us go to the other side of the lake - and they were plunged into the biggest storm they had ever known." Climate And Spiritual Life "Our Lord rebuked the disciples for fearing when apparently they had good reason for being alarmed. The problem is - if Jesus Christ is only the Carpenter of Nazareth, then the disciples were foolish to put him at the tiller; but if he is the Son of God, what are they alarmed about? If Jesus Christ is God, where is my trust in him? If he is not God, why am I so foolish as to pretend to worship him?" Climate And Spiritual Life "Jesus Christ teaches us to build our confidence in the abiding reality of himself in the midst of everything. If a man puts his confidence in the things which must go, imagine his incomprehensible perplexity when they do go." Climate And Spiritual Life "We blunder when we tell people they must believe certain things about Jesus Christ; a man cannot believe until he knows him, then belief is spontaneous and natural... No man believes what he sees unless he believes before he sees." The Name "It is impossible to do what our Lord says if we imagine we can do it of ourselves, and we soon discover our ignorance. Jesus Christ bases all his teaching on the fundamental fact that God can do for a man what he cannot do for himself." Have I To Forgive My Enemies? "God cannot forgive a man unless he repents... Jesus Christ did not come to fling forgiveness broadcast; he did not come to the Pharisees, who withstood him and said he was possessed with a devil, and I forgive you. He said, How can ye escape the damnation of hell.?" Have I To Forgive My Enemies? "There is no such thing as God overlooking sin. That is were people make a great mistake with regard to God's love; they say God is love and of course he will forgive sin. But God is HOLY love and of course he CANNOT forgive sin. Therefore if God does forgive, there must be a reason that justifies him in doing it." Have I To Forgive My Enemies? "If I am forgiven without being altered by the forgiveness, forgiveness is a damage to me and a sign of unmitigated weakness on the part of God." Have I To Forgive My Enemies? "The reason my sins are forgiven so easily is because the Redemption cost God so much." Have I To Forgive My Enemies? "Forgiveness means not merely that a man is saved from sin and made right for heaven - no man would accept forgiveness on such a level; forgiveness means that I am saved from sinning and put into the Redeemer to grow up into His image." Have I To Forgive My Enemies? "There is nothing more certain in Time or Eternity than what Jesus Christ did on the Cross." Have I To Forgive My Enemies? "A sense of property is a hindrance to spiritual growth, that is why so many of us know nothing about communion with Jesus Christ." Spiritual Disenchantment And Delight "God is trying to educate us in inner martyrdom and we won't have it, we get tired of being educated spiritually." Spiritual Disenchantment And Delight "Jesus Christ never expected from human nature what it was not designed to give; consequently he was never bitter or cynical. Unless our human relationships are based in God they will end in frantic disillusionment." Spiritual Disenchantment And Delight "Christianity is not devotion to work, or to a cause, or a doctrine, but devotion to a Person, the Lord Jesus Christ." Spiritual Disenchantment And Delight "Paul refused to take anything or anyone seriously but Jesus Christ." Spiritual Disenchantment And Delight "You must be invaded by the Spirit of God by means of supernatural recreation... Beware of the tendency to water down the supernatural in religion." Approved Unto God "Until we have become spiritual by new birth the Atonement of Jesus has no meaning for us." Disciples Indeed "Divorced from supernatural new birth the teaching of Jesus has no application to me, it only results in despair." Disciples Indeed "To call conversion new birth is an impoverishment. Because a man who has lived in sin stops sinning, it is no sign that he is born from above. Jesus did not talk about new birth to a sinner, but to a religious man, a godly man full of rectitude; but Nicodemus worshipped God as a reminiscence, he had not the creation of El Shaddai in him. The creation of El Shaddai is what is made possible by the Lord Jesus." Not Knowing Whither "In new birth God does three impossible things, impossible, that is, from the rational standpoint. The first is to make a mans past as though it had never been; the second, to make a man all over again, and the third, to make a man as certain of God as God is of Himself. New birth does not mean merely salvation from hell, but something more radical, something which tells in a mans actual life." The Place Of Help "Worry means one of two thingsprivate sin, or the absence of new birth." The Psychology Of Redemption "Christians are born, not made. They are not produced by imitation, nor by praying and vowing; they are produced by new birth." The Psychology Of Redemption "If ever we are to see the domain where Jesus lives and enter into it, we must be born again, become regenerated by receiving the Holy Spirit; then we shall find that Truth is not in a creed or a logical statement, but in Life and Personality." Baffled To Fight Better "What sounds mystical and impractical to anyone not born again is a glorious reality to the saint." God's Workmanship "The secret of the Christian is that he knows the absolute Deity of the Lord Jesus Christ. When we are saved by Gods grace our minds are opened by the incoming of the Holy Spirit and we understand the Scriptures. The test of regeneration is that the Bible instantly becomes the Book of books to us." The Highest Good "When a man is born again, he knows that it is because he has received something as a gift from Almighty God and not because of his own decision." My Utmost For His Highest "Everyone who is born again of the Spirit of God knows that there is no good thing outside the Lord Jesus Christ." Our Brilliant Heritage "If we are born again of the Spirit of God, our one desire is a hunger and thirst after nothing less than holiness, the holiness of Jesus, and He will satisfy it." Our Brilliant Heritage "When we are born again we have exactly the experience of going through death." Our Portrait In Genesis "We inherit by nature certain strong cardinal virtues, but these are not the slightest atom of use to us, and when a man or woman is born again of the Spirit of God, these virtues are nearly always a hindrance instead of a benefit." The Philosophy Of Sin "When a man is born again of the Spirit of God, he does not walk by faith, but by sight, everything thrills, it is a delight to be spiritual." The Place Of Help "After we are born again, the Bible becomes a new Book to us, and we search the Scriptures, not to get life out of them, but to know more about Jesus Christ." The Psychology Of Redemption "We learn through chastisement, because God is supplying heaven with sons and daughters, not with precious stones." The Worker's Way About Faith "Joy is not happiness; there is no mention in the Bible of happiness for a Christian, but there is plenty said about joy." The Worker's Way About Faith "Intellectual definition is of no use whatever in the spiritual life." The Worker's Way About Faith "The summing up of the life of faith is the teaching of Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount - Be carefully careless about everything saving your relationship to God." The Worker's Way About Faith "When a man is born again he stops desiring the things he used to desire, not gradually, but suddenly; things begin to matter that did not matter before, and the things that used to matter no longer do so." Biblical ethics "A sinner saved by grace will always refer in his testimony to the moment at which he experienced new birth." Bringing Sons Unto Glory "Jesus Christ is not a Being with two personalities; He is Son of God -- the exact expression of Almighty God, and Son of Man -- the presentation of God's normal Man." Bringing Sons Unto Glory "Immediately we introduce a rationalism that does not accept the New Testament revelation, we get confused. We will not bring to the subject the innocence of mind which the Spirit of God demands; we bring objections which spring from preconceived notions." Bringing Sons Unto Glory "How are we going to have the innocence that Jesus had? In one way only, by being born again from above." Bringing Sons Unto Glory "The one thing Adam was not to have dominion over was himself. God was to have dominion over him, and Adam had to partake in his own development by obeying God's rule over him, not his own wisdom." Bringing Sons Unto Glory "The essential nature of sin is my claim to my right to myself." Bringing Sons Unto Glory "We like to hear about the life of Jesus, about His teaching and His words, about His sympathy and tenderness, but when we stand face to face with Him in the light of God and He convicts us of sin, we resent it. Men crave for what the Gospel presents but they resent the way it is presented by Jesus." Bringing Sons Unto Glory "All the mighty efficacy of the Death of Jesus, of His Resurrection and Ascension to the right hand of the throne of God, is implanted into us by regeneration." Bringing Sons Unto Glory "Spiritual maturity is not reached by the passing of the years, but by obedience to the will of God." Bringing Sons Unto Glory "It is only when we are born again and sanctified that we enter into an understanding of the life of Jesus. His life is the type of life that the Spirit forms in us when we obey Him, full of innocent wonder." Bringing Sons Unto Glory "The waiting time is always the testing time. How we hurry people into work for God!... If you are called to preach, God will put you through mills you never dreamed of." Bringing Sons Unto Glory "It is a wonderful point of illumination that Our Lord's soul was in a body like ours, and that for thirty silent years He exhibited a holy life through all the stages of development that our life goes through." Bringing Sons Unto Glory "One of the greatest snares is the number of good things we might do. Jesus Christ never did the good things He might have done, He did everything He ought to do because He had His eye fixed on His Father's will and He sacrificed Himself for His Father." Bringing Sons Unto Glory "God shielded His Son from no requirements of a son, and when we are rightly related to God He will not shield us from any requirements of sons." Bringing Sons Unto Glory "No natural man is free to keep the commandments of God, he is utterly unable to unless he is born again of the Holy Spirit." Bringing Sons Unto Glory "Beware of bringing to the study of Jesus anything that does not belong to the New Testament." Bringing Sons Unto Glory "In the New Testament the Baptism of Jesus is not taken as an illustration of anything which we experience, it is recorded as a manifestation of Who Jesus was. He stands forth consciously -- Son of God, Son of Man, God-Man -- having come for one purpose, to bear away the sin of the world... Jesus came forth at the threshold of His public ministry in the full consciousness of Who He was; from that moment He manifested Himself as being here for one purpose only, to be identified with the sin of the world and to bear it away." Bringing Sons Unto Glory "The New Testament records two personal descents of the Holy Ghost: one on Our Lord as Son of Man at His baptism, the other on the Day of Pentecost... By right of His Death and Resurrection and Ascension Our Lord can impart the Holy Spirit to any and every man." Bringing Sons Unto Glory "Repentance to be true must issue in holiness, or it is not New Testament repentance." Bringing Sons Unto Glory "Beware of the subtle insinuations which come in the guise of light, that we are to be like Jesus in the sense of sharing in His great mediatorial work; we are not. Jesus Christ came into the world to deliver men from sin; we do not. He was God Incarnate; we are not." Bringing Sons Unto Glory "The emphasis to-day is being put on the fact that we have to save men; we have not. We have to exalt the Saviour Who saves men, and then make disciples in His Name." Bringing Sons Unto Glory "We have unconsciously usurped the place of the Holy Ghost; we present a series of argumentative doctrines and say, If you believe this and accept that, something will happen. It never happens in that way, but always as a tremendous surprise." Bringing Sons Unto Glory "Temptation is more powerful today than ever it has been in the history of the Church, to put men's needs first, not God; to spell God in the term humanity; to make God an etcetera for blessing humanity... Health and happiness is what is wanted today, and Jesus Christ is simply exploited." Bringing Sons Unto Glory "There was no show business with the Son of God, and there is to be no show business with the saints." Bringing Sons Unto Glory "If you are a saint, you have a glorious opportunity of following the example of Jesus and being strong enough to decline to exercise your rights." Bringing Sons Unto Glory "No prophet ever lived by his message; immediately he tries to, he must accommodate his message to the standards of the people. The messenger of God has to stand where Jesus Christ stood, steadfast in obedience to God first." Bringing Sons Unto Glory "You never know Jesus Christ and Him crucified unless you have seen Him transfigured in all His transcendent majesty and glory; otherwise the cross to you is nothing but the cross of a martyr. If you have seen Jesus glorified, you know that the cross is the revelation of God's judgment on sin." Bringing Sons Unto Glory "In the New Testament everything centres in the cross. The cross did not HAPPEN to Jesus; He came on purpose for it." Bringing Sons Unto Glory "Spiritual truth is discernible only to a pure heart, not to a keen intellect." Bringing Sons Unto Glory "The steadfast habit of the Christian life is the effacement of self, letting Jesus work through us without let or hindrance as the Father worked through Him." Bringing Sons Unto Glory "It is not a question of What would Jesus do, but, What would Jesus have ME do?" Bringing Sons Unto Glory "A sinner, that is, one convicted of sin, is the only one who is in a fit state to understand why Jesus came." Bringing Sons Unto Glory "The Christian faith means that the historic Cross of Christ is the pinhole in actual history through which we get a view of the purpose of God all through." Bringing Sons Unto Glory "There is all the difference between the comprehension of intellect and the comprehension of spirit." Bringing Sons Unto Glory "When you pray, remember that it is Jesus Christ who carries out the answer, God hands over this marvellous power to him. By his ascension our Lord becomes omniscient, all-wise; have we ever had a glimpse of what that means?" Bringing Sons Unto Glory "According to the New Testament the historic Jesus and the Eternal Christ are one and the same." Bringing Sons Unto Glory "Jesus Christ had a two-fold personality: He was Son of God revealing what God is like, and Son of Man revealing what man is to be like." Bringing Sons Unto Glory "We experience regeneration, that is, we experience the life of God coming into our human nature, and immediately the life of God comes in it produces a surface of consciousness." Conformed To His Image "The only man who ever walked this earth as God designed man should, was Jesus Christ." Conformed To His Image "The only word that expresses the enormity of sin is CALVARY... If it cost God Calvary to deal with sin, we have no business to make light of it." Conformed To His Image "Sin is not wrong doing, it is wrong BEING, deliberate and emphatic independence of God." Conformed To His Image "Bear in mind that it requires the Holy Ghost to convict a man of sin; any man knows that immorality is wrong, his conscience tells him it is; but t it takes the Holy Ghost to convince a man that the thing he most highly esteems, viz.: his own self-government, is an abomination in the sight of God." Conformed To His Image "The essence of sin is my claim to my right to myself, it goes deeper down than all the sins that ever were committed." Conformed To His Image "Strictly speaking, repentance is a gift of God; a man cannot repent when he chooses. Repentance does not spring out of the human heart, it springs from a ground outside the human heart, viz., the ground of the Redemption." Conformed To His Image "Self-realisation is anti-Christian. All this is vigorous paganism, it is not Christianity. Jesus Christs attitude is always that of anti -self-realisation. His purpose is not the development of man at all; His purpose is to make man exactly like Himself, and the characteristic of the Son of God is not self-realisation but self-expenditure." The Place Of Help "Many deliberately choose to be workers for God, but they have no matter of God's mighty grace in them, no matter from God?s mighty word." Approved Unto God "Face yourself with one central Fact only, the Lord Jesus Christ, His Life and Death and Resurrection." Approved Unto God "All God's men are ordinary men made extraordinary by the matter He has given them. God puts His workers where He puts His Son. This is the age of the humiliation of the saints." Approved Unto God "The worker chosen by God has to believe what God wishes him to believe, though it cost agony in the process; the worker who chooses to work for God may believe what he likes. It is the latter class who exploit the Bible." Approved Unto God "Christian Psychology is based on the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ, not on the knowledge of ourselves. It is not the study of human nature analyzed and expounded, but the study of the new life that is born in us through the Redemption of our Lord, and the only Standard of that new life is our Lord Himself." The Psychology Of Redemption "In Christian Psychology we have not to introspect as we do in natural psychology; we have to accept the revelations given to us in and through our Lord Jesus Christ; that is, we must take all our bearings from the Son of God, not from our natural wits. We have not to study and understand ourselves; but to understand the manifestation in us of the life of the Son of God Who became Son of Man, the Lord Jesus Christ." The Psychology Of Redemption
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