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Joined: 2007/7/3
Posts: 162
The Earth

 I came home to a terrible sight, please pray for my brother!

After getting in a eight hour shift at work which was filled with hearing blasphemy and someone telling me to shut the F*** up, and someone referring to me as a terrible evil word that I'd rather not state. I finally get home probably a little after 4 A.M. I then notice that someone drank some alcohol when I looked in the downstairs refrigerater; I see something broken and then I go up stairs and my 16 yr. old brother is passed out on the bathroom floor with puke near him. I know demons want to destroy my brother, and me. I spent yrs. drinking and doing drugs before I came to Jesus. Please pray for God to convict and come into my brothers life. Please pray for Him to preserve my brothers life and deliver him from evil. Also please pray for me to be Jesus amidst this matter. To show mercy and also a love for righteousness and I also ask you to pray that God would strengthen me and give me wisdom and the strength, and grace to act like Jesus around my brother. Because my earthly mother and father, and step-dad, grandparents, etc. act like the world and curse Gods name. Some encouragement also would be great for me to hear. I am weak in different ways; and I have little christian fellowship at this time in my life. I am struggling in my relationship with God and have been spending alot of time in isolation. The enemy has really mounted attacks against me, and I have spent alot of my time over the last number of months in sorrow. Thanks for any prayers and encouragement, Jaron


 2007/9/2 5:31Profile

Joined: 2007/1/31
Posts: 985

 Re: I came home to a terrible sight, please pray for my brother!


I pray that God will give you peace and through this grow you still closer to your God. Let this trial I pray be for good. and may give thanks you oh God. amen


 2007/9/2 11:14Profile

Joined: 2007/1/31
Posts: 985

 Re: I came home to a terrible sight, please pray for my brother!


My family have mocked God, they know of him but live for their own desires.When I walk in moive with unholy things and words that blasphemy God are on. I pray God you guard you from the things of world. My father drank some alcohol, would pass out almost everyday,for 10 years. When I came to Christ I tride to get him to stop, but in the end I gave to Christ. And he changed his heart and set him free from that beer. Since I have lived with my brother it has been harder, but with God dear brother we can do anything.. His Grace is offered and I can tell you it is sweet and powerful when we are weak.
So come to Christ and seek more grace. Let us pray for your brother. And you might be a tool in your family a light in dark coner. Oh praise God, that he can use you. Don't lose hope. I have struggle with my family this last year. But agian and again I run to Christ. One friend said it is ok to crying just don't fret. We must turst our God. I am still learning the deep and great things of my God. Hope and Joy comes from knowing He is faithful and ture. Seeing the cross and finding joy in all we have, and not what we don't. Oh blessed God for giving you life. isolation can hurt us. I do pray dear beloved and God will give brothers who come beside you and pray and talk with you. We need each others. God made it that way.
I wil be praying brother
In Christ


 2007/9/2 11:15Profile

Joined: 2007/6/27
Posts: 1573
Omaha, NE

 Re: I came home to a terrible sight, please pray for my brother!

You can be a witness to your family that there
is a truth that can deliver them and set them
free; that there is a mighty Savior strong and
able to save them!! Let the light of the love
of Christ shine everyday and God will draw them
to the cross. Pray for your family that God
will reveal the truth and His Son and His
grace to them!! Be steadfast and strong in
your walk and your witness.

Martin G. Smith

 2007/9/2 11:23Profile

 Re: I came home to a terrible sight, please pray for my brother!

Jaron, this report is heartbreaking. Because you have a burden for people's souls - the enemy is coming out at you full force - but remember - Satan is at the end of a rope and can only go as far 'towards you' as God allows - because He wants to make you like Christ.

Do you and your brother live alone or with your family ?

I will pray very much for your brother's life - for his protection - for your family' salvation.

I was reading this last night.

They don't openly come out with Jesus but they're not atheistic. They're a husband and wife Dr. team, but what I've seen on that site, is 90% good. Maybe a bit more.

Even this one opened my own eyes quite a bit -

My main burden is to be a witness for my family also and to be able to love as He loves - and not be so hurt by them - so I felt those two links opened my eyes to some things in me - though seemingly secular - it wasn't as psychobabble-ish.

Other than that - Devour His Word and Trust Him to direct you to what to read to Strenghten you.
Your desire to win the lost for Christ will surely and definitely be rewarded - [though you may not see it until you see Him] - but as Christ said - "and with it persecutions".
Seems our families are the hardest to win, but through them and the difficulty with them, we learn to be better witnesses - with more patience, with non-family in witnessing. He's trying to perfect our love for all.
Stay encouraged and am happy you have this place as 'fellowship'.
Prayer partners here too.
Praise God! Look up!

 2007/9/2 11:47

Joined: 2007/7/3
Posts: 162
The Earth


Do you and your brother live alone or with your family ?

Nah not usually, my mom and step-dad have been away for the weekend; another disheartening thing is that a pastors kid was the one that encouraged him to drink I think. God is ever merciful as he prolongs peoples lives to allow them to repent and be saved. If He can change a ungodly ex- athiest, drug addict like me He is surely capable of changing my brothers life and multitudes who are lost and blinded by the powers of darkness. Thanks you all so much for your prayers and encouragement. That is really great for me to receive some encouragement, cheers, Jaron


 2007/9/2 15:20Profile

Joined: 2005/1/9
Posts: 1522
Germany NRW


Hello Jarona,
Some time ago my friend who is a street evangelist met a young couple at a bus stop and witnessed to them. Last week the girl stood up in our church telling us all that she went through a rehab and is dry since 2 weeks. She told me that last time she tried a drink it tasted like bleech. She broke up with her boy friend and she told me whenever she reads the bible God convicts her more and more. I pray that God will convict your brother as well - do not give up praying - try tears!


 2007/9/2 18:11Profile


Hey brother, a little poem called "Footseps in the sand" comes to mind. He said he would never leave us or forsake us, no matter what.

 2007/9/2 18:42


jarona wrote:God is ever merciful as he prolongs peoples lives to allow them to repent and be saved.

Yes Sir - Glory Be.

 2007/9/2 21:00

Joined: 2007/8/17
Posts: 116
Lloydminster, Alberta, Canada


God is with you, cast all these cares upon him, because he cares for you, he knows all about your family, and your brother, and your burdens, let him have them, God's Spirit has been poured out on all flesh, even your brother, and sometimes when a child is being born it is painful, for everyone around to watch. But Joy comes after the child is born. Hang on to Jesus. I have given you both to the Lord , and he is faithful, even when were not.
Find at least one brother in the Lord who has the same faith as you and hold each other up in the Lord. I'm holding you up to Him.
Love tom

Tom weighill

 2007/9/2 22:08Profile

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