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Joined: 2006/2/22
Posts: 413

 unleashed from Satan

last night i watched a wordly movie but as God was speaking to me he used the movie to minister to me>

the movie is about a man that is brought up by a mean thug that keeps a collar on his neck when he is not needed and holds him captive inside a cage and every know and then he beats him and tells him he loves him ( basically he is raised as a sort of pit bull dog) when the thug needs him to do his work, he takes the collar of the man and the man kills anybody that he is comanded to do so. anyway the collared man finds a gentle man that unleashes his collar and teaches him the wonderfull things of life helping him to change. but the thug wont let him go until the ex-collared man fights against him but this time his new friend the gentle man, dilivers the final blow against the thug and they live a different life together.

i was like that collered man (spiritually and physically) the devil had me as his slave and when he wanted to use me he would set me against people in this world using either fowl language or my fists and my mind was full of violence. then when he was finished with me, satan would return me back to a passive slave. Then i met jesus who took of my collar off and taught me a different life. the time came for me to fight against satan but know the lord is by my side.

I thank the lord that his pearls of wisdom can be released to us when he needs to speak to our hearts. what satan makes to destroy us, God turns it around to give us life.

Please understand i am not saying this is a christian movie becasue it is not, it's just the lord was able to show me a parable with in this movie.

love crusader

karl rashleigh

 2007/9/1 17:33Profile

Joined: 2003/10/30
Posts: 1554

 Re: unleashed from Satan

Hello brother, thanks for sharing your testimony and the power of Jesus who can save from the collars of Satan!

The first part of the story reminds of one parable that I read from Spurgeon, here it is:

[b]A Modern Parable by C.H. Spurgeon[/b]

A certain tyrant sent for one of his subjects, and said to him–”What is your employment?”

He said–”I am a blacksmith.”

“Go home,” said he, “and make me a chain of such a length.”

He went home; it occupied him several months, and he had no wages all the while he was making the chain, only the trouble and pain of making it. Then he brought it to the monarch, and he said–

“Go and make it twice as long.”

He gave him nothing to do it with, but sent him away. Again he worked on, and made it twice as long. He brought it up again, and the monarch said–

“Go and make it longer still.”

Each time he brought it, there was nothing but the command to make it longer still. And when he brought it up at last, the monarch said–

“Take it and bind him hand and foot with it, and cast him into a furnace of fire.”

These were his wages for making his chain. Here is a meditation for you to-night, ye servants of the devil! Your master, the devil, is telling you to make a chain. Some of you have been fifty years welding the links of the chain; and he says, “Go and make it longer still.”

Next Sabbath morning you will open that shop of yours, and put another link on; next Sabbath you will be drunk, and put another link on; next Monday you will do a dishonest action, and so will keep on making fresh links to this chain; and so when you have lived twenty more years, the devil will say, “More links on still!” And then, at last, it will be, “Take him and bind him hand and foot, and cast him into a furnace of fire;” “For the wages of sin is death.” There is a subject for your meditation. I do not think it will be sweet; but if God makes it profitable, it will do you good.

[i]-Taken from The Christian Treasury, 1868.1[/i]

[b]Hebrews 7:25[/b] Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them.

 2007/9/1 17:52Profile

Joined: 2006/2/22
Posts: 413

 Re: thankyou

what a wondefull illustration and yes that was basically the same message God was giving me trhough the movie but spurgeons words make it more complete in my understanding , so thankyou for that brother.

because i have recently come back to God he is hitting me so strong that every thing that i have watched, read, and heard on sermon index has broken me into tears. God is calling me to spend long hours before his thrown worshipping him and praying with him. Athough i have no brethern in body around me to pray with or fellowship with, i dont feel alone know i feel the holy spirit and God with in me.

yesterday i saw a local prostitute from our town walking down the street and i could see the pain in her heart from being a slave to satan The holy spirit brought me to tears for that girl. although i didnt stop at that time to talk to her, i will be praying that God will diliver her and that he will give me an opurtunity to talk to her and pray with her. :-)

karl rashleigh

 2007/9/1 20:32Profile

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