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 Jack Graham devotional

edit: wrong place. I thought I was on the devotional page??????????

He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.

--Philippians 1:6

While it's hard. Paul in the verse above is encouraging us to wait actively, patiently, and silently for God's best in our lives. And not only that, he's challenging us to wait expectantly for that work of God.

His point? We're to live in eager anticipation of what God is going to do next!

Now, the world says seeing is believing. But the Bible says believing is seeing. And we begin to see how God is working as we wait on Him and trust Him!

So often we want an explanation for what's going on in our lives. We ask God why. And while it's not wrong to ask God why (in fact, Jesus Himself asked God why on the cross), for the most part our question should be how.

How are we going to respond to what God is doing in our lives? How are we going to respond to the circumstances of life? How are we going to allow God to work in us, forming our character?

You know, most Christians are like photographs, they develop best in the dark. And character is revealed by what we are in the dark.

I'm sure it was difficult for Joseph to look beyond that prison cell and to see the promises of God. Joseph saw the problem, but God saw something beyond the problem. He saw the pinnacle of power when Joseph would one day be elevated to the prime minister... to become the prime minister of all of Egypt in order to accomplish His purpose and design.

In the same way, you and I need to learn to look past our problems to see the promises of God today. When we do, we'll become the men and women God has called us to be!


 2007/8/31 16:58

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