Church entertainment?Whatever means you use to get people into the churchis precisely what you must use to keep them.If you get them with a 'religious circus', then youmust keep the circus going--keep up the entertainment.If you get them with biblical preaching and teaching, thenthat will keep them and you will not need the entertainment.-Ernest Reisinger
I had a discussion about this last night with my father. If a church alters its methods in order to be "most relevant" and unoffensive to "get people in the door", then each Sunday they will have to continue the program or else they will bore or offend the newest crop of visitors people.
It is the gospel message that matters most; and we need to proclaim the truth faithfully!!
_________________Martin G. Smith
Hi theopenlife ... Have you ever read the book listed below ...[b]Prophetic Untimeliness ... by Os Guinness[/b] ... (a real eye and ear opener) ... addresses the very subject of which you speak ...Blessings in Christ our Lord ....
I haven't, but the excerpts are great. I'll put that on the long list. Thanks!