I would like to request prayer for myself and for my fiance. Please pray for healing, for comfort, for revival, for peace, for growth, for us to move forward. And for anything else that the Spirit leads you to pray about. She told me today that she has cheated twice outside of our relationship. I would really appreciate it. God bless.Thank you -Nick & Jamie
YOU are in my prayers.. May he give great wisdom..In his lovecharlene
I pray that the Lord speak to both of you during this sad time. I couldn't help but notice a possible contradiction in your request though...
Please pray...for us to move forward.
_________________Mike Compton
I'm praying for you two.
_________________Jeremy Hulsey
THANKS SO MUCH FOR YOUR PRAYERS! We both are feeling a lot better. GLORY TO GOD! We've already made huge progress through seeking the Lord and staying in His word. The coolest thing is that I'm learning sooooo much. Please continue to pray for us :)Thanks again,Nick & Jamie