Hello everyone! I wrote this song not too long ago and thought I'd share it here :)Don't Believe in the WorldThe world wants to draw you inTo love the world and its sinDon't be blinded by the liesFix your eyes on the SaviorOn the holy WordChorus:Don't believe in what the world tells youDon't believe in what the worldly doNothing can take the place of JesusNo one can save you but JesusV1:My heart is grieved dear brothers and sisters for your hearts that will not hear,clinging to the unholy while professing Jesus nearHow I hate the wickedness I see that you are captive to,Oh God please change their hearts that they might hate evil too.Many laugh and joke and scoff while claiming to know Christ.How they can make light of sin, it makes me want to cry.Oh do we see or understand the holiness of God?Or would we rather push him away and enjoy what we want?(chorus)V2:Oh worldliness that undoes the heart and sets many hearts astray,Lord make us holy, make us righteous, begin today!Take away our pridefulness and teach us how to loveThat we'd be living sacrifices honoring God above.Invade our lives, shake us up, break us, make us new.We're in need of your holy fire to purify and renew.Lord thank you for opening my eyes to sin that I can see.Transform my heart in rapturous love for my Savior who set me free!(chorus)Click here to listen to songIn the love of Christ,Laura
thank you for sharing :)may Lord give you more songsI will be praying for that :)In His love charlene