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Joined: 2003/10/30
Posts: 1554

 If You Faced Death Right Now

Hello brothers and sisters,

This testimony is taken from [url=]If you faced death right now[/url] by brother Keith Daniel, starting at ~6min. I was deeply convicted by this testimony, while making audio transcription. I am sure you will be also. All sermon is highly recommended for listen. This example stirs your heart for the reality of eternity before us and Christ-likeness in our actions.

Spared by His mercy,


I was in a church that day, going over the sermon, preparing, soaking myself in prayer, and in the Word of God, preparing myself to preach, and then I looked out and I saw what a lovely day it was, and felt that I should for a walk along the beach, it was just a little away from the church, to get my mind clear, to get some fresh air.

So I went down to the beach and I wanted to just preach and so I began to pray as walked along the beach and started going over my message aloud and I went away from where there were folks, where the crowds were, I began to just walk and walk and walk, until I was out of sight of everyone, just walking, praying, talking to God, weighing up the message, preparing myself. It didn't occur to me that I was in any danger walking away so far and alone, out of sight of everyone, suddenly two men, came as swiftly as you can imagine, so fast that I couldn't believe it.
Suddenly they appeared over the dunes coming toward me. I looked around and I realized no one was in sight, I had walked so far just praying, preaching, going over my sermon, I looked at these two men coming, and suddenly I realized that these men were evil, as I looked at their faces, these men were evil, they came so fast, one behind me one in front, pulled out his long blade swiftly, screaming like animals, I could do nothing and I just looked at these blades, missing me by just a fraction of an inch and there they were screaming. The one pulled me down, the other got on top of me, and the one holding me back said:

[b]"Kill him, kill him"[/b]

And suddenly I saw blood all over. Forgive me I don't mean to shock you. I didn't feel any pain, and I knew I was hurting badly all over, they were hurting me, with these long blades.

This man on top of me, lifting up his blade, and I looked at his eyes with the hatred, the political situation in S. Africa bred such hatred.

There he was looking at me, with hatred in his eyes, I thought in myself: How can one who knows nothing about me, hate me so much as this, and he shouted, I hate you people, we hate you people, I'm gonna kill you!

And suddenly my thoughts, my thoughts began to check what was going on and the most amazing thing happened, the most amazing thing happened right at that moment, as I thought to myself:

"My time is gone, [b]I am going home[/b] right now, never to be hurt by the devil again, never to face anymore hurt or temptation or onslaughts from Satan!
I am going home to Jesus! Right now, my time is finished. I am going to heaven right now!"

And as these thoughts came in my mind, welling up in my heart came a joy, a peace that passes all understanding, like a wave of divine love flowing through me, the joy that wells up at the thought that I'm going to Jesus right now for all [b]eternity[/b] to be safe in His arms.

And I felt this joy welling up so much that I begun to worship God in a way I [b]never knew[/b] that I could worship God!

And suddenly this man turning over me, began to weep and he shouted at me:

[b]"How can you say such things, when you know you are going to die?[/b]
How can any man die like you? How can you say such things?
How can you have no fear of death like this?"

I look at him, and I said:

[b]"It's because I am a Christian!"[/b]

"You see, I've been prepared to meet with God, I've been washed in the blood of Jesus, I have no judgement facing me of any sin, it's all have been washed in the blood through the death of Christ.
There is a verse in the Bible that says:
[b]'Fear not them which kill the body,[/b] but are not able to kill the soul: [b]but rather fear him[/b] which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.'

Suddenly this man got up, and he cried loud and the other man got up from behind me and he began to hit this man, swearing and cursing him, and he said,

"What are you crying for? We hate these people! Kill him man!"

And this man said:
"No, no. What I've done here today to you, Sir, is a terrible mistake! I've been so wrong in what I have done to you, I've made a terrible mistake."

The other man looked at me, and I began to speak to him about God and the other man started crying! And then he said:

"Let's just get away from him, let's just get away him!"

And they began to run, and as they run they turned around, they looked and the one who was weeping so loud, he was just sobbing, and he looked back at me, and I looked at him and I cried out loud, to them:

[b]"Oh, I want to see you in heaven![/b] I want to see you in heaven! I want to know you've been saved! And I didn't go through this for nothing. You seek God to save you! I want to see you in heaven!"

They looked at me and while they cried, they just [b]ran weeping,[/b] I somehow got up, I made my way back, and they found and me and took me to the hospital, contacted my wife.

And there I sat while they were stitching me up in the hospital and my wife holding my hand, and then I began to think, I began to reason, as I sat there holding her hand, and I said to God in my heart:

"Oh God, why would thou allow such a thing to have happened to me! I wasn't out there in sin, I wasn't out there with folly that I needed to be rebuked and chastened, I was out there in prayer, I was preparing, I was going over a sermon to preach for Thee, why would Thou allow such a thing to happen to me?"

And suddenly God spoke to me in my heart, Oh no man will ever tell it was not God, His voice echoed in my heart:

"I allowed this, to happen to you, to show you how every man could die, with peace that passes all understanding, no matter how they have to die . I allowed this to show you, how every man could die, if they are prepared to meet with Me as you have, with peace that passes all understanding, with joy welling up, worship, no matter how they have to face it."

Oh, if you faced death, right now, would you face it having prepared to meet with God?

If you faced death right now, right now, would you face it having prepared to meet with God?
Would you face it having God's peace that passes all understanding? There is no understanding, how God can give you such peace at such a moment, but He gives this!

Death has lost it's sting, the grave has lost it's victory!

If you faced death, right now, would you face it with men's blood on your hands?

Will you answer that question, everyone of you! Right now to God.
If you are not here for God, what on earth you are doing here?
You now give God an answer, He is waiting for answer.

If you faced death right now, right now, would you face it with men's blood on your hands?

Answer God, answer God.

 2007/8/25 7:55Profile

Joined: 2003/6/11
Posts: 9192
Santa Clara, CA

 Re: If You Faced Death Right Now

Kire, thank you brother, will listen to this as well today. Strange to find I had already downloaded it at some point, certainly have never listened to it ...

Mike Balog

 2007/8/25 8:07Profile

 Re: If You Faced Death Right Now


Tears_of_joy wrote:
Hello brothers and sisters,

There is a verse in the Bible that says:
[b]'Fear not them which kill the body,[/b] but are not able to kill the soul: [b]but rather fear him[/b] which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.'

"I allowed this, to happen to you, to show you how every man could die, with peace that passes all understanding, no matter how they have to die . I allowed this to show you, how every man could die, if they are prepared to meet with Me as you have, with peace that passes all understanding, with joy welling up, worship, no matter how they have to face it."

Oh, if you faced death, right now, would you face it having prepared to meet with God?

If you faced death right now, right now, would you face it with men's blood on your hands?

Answer God, answer God.

[color=0000FF]These thoughts and truths were some of the same thoughts that Stephen might have had, when the evil people stoned him, and the incident, later had an great impact on the Apostle Paul's life. A combination of things and events which could possible be only explained by divine providence of our Lord. He is still working today not wanting anyone to perish but all come to the knowledge of the truth and to seek and to save that which is lost. He wants us to resist the devil.[/color]

 2007/8/25 8:54

Joined: 2006/1/19
Posts: 1406

 Re: If You Faced Death Right Now

Thank you Brother Kire,

This is a wonderful testimony of what it means to place our life in the arms of our Lord, to trust Him for the outcome. Two perfect strangers
who experienced first hand what it means to trust in the Lord with all one's heart, possibly to the saving of their souls. Far from the outcome of one pulling out a weapon and sending them to hell.
2 Cor. 10:4
(For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;)

Amazing what God can do when we trust in Him with all our heart.

If you faced death right now, right now, would you face it with men's blood on your hands?

Yes Brother, we must answer God.

In His Love

 2007/8/25 9:49Profile

Joined: 2007/4/12
Posts: 181
Georgia, USA

 Re: If You Faced Death Right Now

Wow, God sure uses brother Keith... what an amazing testimony.


 2007/8/25 12:33Profile

Joined: 2006/1/31
Posts: 4994


this truly is amazing, but something tells me that this should be the case for all of us, i think this is nothing more then the normal life...i think, that i would get to that depth of walking and living in HIM!


 2007/8/25 13:21Profile

Joined: 2003/10/30
Posts: 1554

 Re: If You Faced Death Right Now

I have saved this quote from one of the signatures here, I think it fits to this thread, may it produce examining and searching ourselves in the light of eternity:

Is your soul in that state in which you would desire
it to be found when death strikes? Are you, in your devotional habits, your temper, your general behavior, as you should be--with eternity so near? Would you desire to die--just as you are now?
-J.A James

 2007/8/28 15:27Profile

Joined: 2007/1/31
Posts: 985


let it be said well done good and faithful servant...


 2007/8/28 18:02Profile


I have been close to the Lord many times, but never as close as when He asked me--or rather sovereignly brought me--to the place of giving up my life to/for Him. It took somebody threatening to take my life away last winter for me to find true peace and rest in my Lord. I believe this "state of death" should be permanent in our lives. Feeling the sentence of death in his body, the Apostle Paul said, or being crucified with Christ, and although alive in his flesh, it was Christ that lived in him... dying daily. Brother Daniel's testimony is amazing. Thank you, Kire. May the Lord bring us all to this place and keep us there! The Cross!!!

Today He spoke to me about it while I was at work: "If you don't die right now, Slav," He said to my heart, "--if you don't stop striving--if you don't forsake even your good intentions about serving Me and any ambition you may have which gets in the way of ME leading you completely in your walk--then you become an enemy of the Cross. Did you get it? Unless you give up premeditating and analyzing--unless you quit your self-life once and for all--and humble yourself under My mighty hand, and listen to Me, and obey Me in all I tell you, you'll be no different from an unbeliever in My service. This is the narrow way. Now walk in it."

Save and sanctified by the grace of Christ,

 2007/8/30 21:03

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