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Joined: 2007/6/7
Posts: 429
Baton Rouge, Louisiana

 I don't like airplanes.....

On Tuesday I have to fly to Colorado for a business trip. It’s been a long time since I’ve had to fly and I’m not very excited about it. Please pray for a safe trip and the peace of God during the flight.

Thank you brothers and sisters.



 2007/8/25 7:54Profile

Joined: 2007/1/31
Posts: 985

 Re: I don't like airplanes.....

Praise God, pray he will give you peace on the trip. How is your boss doing?

Much love


 2007/8/25 8:23Profile

Joined: 2003/6/11
Posts: 9192
Santa Clara, CA

 Re: I don't like airplanes.....

Hi sister,

I understand ... Have found that these are times of some extra earnest praying and a real testing of faith over fear, all those things that we can conjure up. There is that trepidation yet also paradoxical wonder and awe ... Absolutely love being able to see Gods creation from that vantage point.

Yet, with Ravenhill and yourself on this; [i]Flying is for the birds![/i]

Sister, up until this recent job had flown a total of once in my lifetime and now make similar business trips quite often. It hasen't changed one iota into a sense of comfortability or complacency ... have written a bit here on my own wonder that there is not any apparent wonder around me, just that which seems to be ... perhaps the one very commonality, a taking for granted things without thought. Times when I thought to make a complete fool of myself by stating [i]Look![/i] from the awesomeness of Gods splendor and at other times to weep over the seemingly disregard and the sheer mind boggling attributes of where trust is placed ultimately, siting in a giant metal tube being propelled through the sky ... that these things even get off the ground still amazes me.

Notwithstanding and difficult to state the fact not wishing to add to your concerns, but the sheer folly in not recognizing how precarious the point is that here we sit with our lives given either into the hands of men or to trust in the Lord. These mammoth beasts ought to be sanctuaries of prayer, there is faith there recognised or not, strange thing how fitingly it is at these times;

Rom 1:19 Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them.

Rom 1:20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:

Rom 1:21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.

Of course that is taken with a great deal of assumption and broad application, more sadness than indignation. Am quite sure for some, this might be on the equivelant of those kneeling at the porcelian throne after a night of indulgenece or maybe even the cliche' like' [i]there are no atheist's in a fox hole[/i], just an observation and a pondering, an opportunity for even more praying for eye's and hearts to be opened ...

But you have the very secret within you sister, being His, and I am sure well know the verse;

[i]For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.[/i] 2Ti 1:7

Pray for the pilots, pray for the passengers ...

[i]"Up and down Lord"[/i]

P.S. Get a window seat if you can ;-)

Mike Balog

 2007/8/25 9:16Profile

Joined: 2007/6/7
Posts: 429
Baton Rouge, Louisiana



awakenwithin wrote:
How is your boss doing?

Much love

Charlene, thanks for asking. He was back at MD Anderson this week after finishing the last round of chemo. I talked to him yesterday but he had not gotten any results yet. Please keep praying for him.



 2007/8/25 9:27Profile

Joined: 2007/6/7
Posts: 429
Baton Rouge, Louisiana


Wow Mike, that is quite a response to my little prayer request. Thank you brother.

These mammoth beasts ought to be sanctuaries of prayer

Thinking this will be the case for me on Tuesday....

I used to fly a good bit when I lived in California (Santa Clara – right where you are). At that time I was lost, and I knew I was lost, and every time I got on a plane I faced the fear of hell. For some reason the possibility of death seemed more real on that airplane than it did on the ground.

As soon as I posted this prayer request, I noticed that at the same time Kire was posting this
[url=]If you faced death right now[/url]

The Lord keeps bringing me back over and over to the realization that life is indeed a vapor and that I should live so as to have no regrets when I stand before Him. This is definitely something I will be pondering over the next few days.



 2007/8/25 9:33Profile

Joined: 2003/6/11
Posts: 9192
Santa Clara, CA

 Small world

I used to fly a good bit when I lived in California (Santa Clara – right where you are).

No kidding! Where abouts out of curiosity?

Am glad you took all that as I had hoped, had the exact same pondering you mentioned here;

As soon as I posted this prayer request, I noticed that at the same time Kire was posting this
If you faced death right now

Guess I was hesitating and dancing around it there a bit ... But that is the matter up front and 'in our face' so to speak. For myself it is the one thing that is given much contemplation, a bit redundant to even make mention of.

For some reason the possibility of death seemed more real on that airplane than it did on the ground.

More paradox in that considering the fact that it is safer than driving ... but similarly prior to being abducted from above had a very John Madden like fear of flying ... it is still a tension and trepidation but altogether different, almost one of those love to hate kind of things. I don't know, it just really drives home the reality of that which we believe in such a remarkable way ... I would go as far to say that it shapes and subdues, humbles and changes the fool every single time, I do some of the best praying of flights ...

Bless you sister

Mike Balog

 2007/8/25 9:46Profile

Joined: 2007/6/7
Posts: 429
Baton Rouge, Louisiana

 Re: Small world

No kidding! Where abouts out of curiosity?

I lived in an apartment on the corner of Granada and Lawrence Expressway for a while and then I lived in Sunnyvale for a few months (can’t remember street names for that one). I worked at Novell in San Jose. It was quite a change for me – culture shock, I guess. I had to learn to listen faster! It was a beautiful place to live and the day I stood in the airport to go home for good, I cried. But, less than a year after I got home, after hitting rock bottom (similar to your testimony) I got gloriously saved. Romans 8:28 in action

But that is the matter up front and 'in our face' so to speak

At different times in my walk with Him, the Lord has led me to various books and speakers that He has used greatly in that time of my life and who have had a profound impact. One of them is Fenelon, who it seems you are fond of as well. His writings ministered to me greatly during a time of deep hurt and brokenness. I discovered SI in January and became acquainted with Leonard Ravenhill, Art Katz, Keith Daniel, David Wilkerson, Carter Conlon, Paul Washer, and so many other men of God that I knew nothing about. And for months now I have been experiencing “in my face” issues as I have begun to pursue the reality of Christianity, resurrection life, purity, separation and there are so many other words I could list here, but you get the point. The main ones would be reality and truth – nothing false, no traditions of men, just the reality of life “in Christ”. I don’t know that I even have the words to adequately describe these things, but I feel certain that there are many here that understand.

And so as I look at my prayer request in light of what I have just written, maybe it is cause to further examine the reason for my anxiety……

God bless,


 2007/8/25 10:10Profile


I'll be praying for you, sister.

Isn't it wonderful to know that He is just as able to keep us in the air as when we're on the ground?

Psalm 91 comes to mind...our times are in His Hand.

Keep trusting Him!


P.S. missed praying with you this afternoon...hope it works out next time. :)

 2007/8/25 19:17

Joined: 2007/6/7
Posts: 429
Baton Rouge, Louisiana


P.S. missed praying with you this afternoon...hope it works out next time. :)

I was online at the appointed time, but guess what?? If you play with your Skpye settings and accidentally make yourself invisible, that means nobody can see you. Imagine that!!

Thanks for the prayers and encouragement sister.

Loving the fellowship of believers!!



 2007/8/25 20:42Profile

Joined: 2007/6/7
Posts: 429
Baton Rouge, Louisiana


From my journal – May 29, 2007

Now after the piece of bread, Satan entered him. Then Jesus said to him, "What you do, do quickly." John 13:27

John’s gospel says that when Jesus gave the bread to Judas, that Satan entered Judas and Jesus actually gave him instructions to go and do what he had planned. This was the initiation of the events that lead to his crucifixion. How many of us, at the Father’s command, could order our own death? But this is exactly what is required of each of us – of me. That I lay my own will and desires and plans on the altar and bring down the knife.

This morning as I was getting ready for church I continued to think about this fear that I have concerning my flight on Tuesday. I thought about things I may have left undone. But mostly I thought about unsaved loved ones. Months ago I had begun praying “whatever it takes Lord, save my family”. As I remembered that prayer this morning, the thought came to me – what if it takes my death? What if my death would be the catalyst for my entire family to get saved? Would I still be willing the pray “whatever it takes”?


 2007/8/26 10:32Profile

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