We're coming to the end of the long-hot-dog days of Summer, and the teachers and the kids will soon be returning to school. Many families save their vacation times for that coveted (or hated, for some) time called the family reunion.
But... I digress. All who name the name of Christ should always strive to possess more of, and encourage all others we know, to live life in the light of the Mind of CHRIST. Our goal in the expression of our quest for that mind, is never to be religious, overtly judgmental, caustic, or wrongfully critical. We desire to be vessels in the hands of the MASTER...becoming an ever-increasing image of HIS love, HIS ways, and HIS thoughts.
Stripping aside religious, theological and philisophical trappings, having the mind of CHRIST in its essence is finding out how GOD thinks concerning a person, situation, or circumstance for example, and then allowing HIM to birth that point of view and manner of thought in us... so that we may know and have HIS Mind, as opposed to our own.
Whew! With all that having been said...back to the issue at hand. Family reunions or any type of gathering where enemies, family, friends, foes, colleagues, etc. meet, are like a small slice of life. They can be joyous, or they can be really depressing...or downright irritating, and sometimes, all points in between.
As one who has been blessed to be a son, father, brother, uncle, cousin, grandson...as well having experienced the joys and pains of having been a husband, ex-husband, boyfriend, and ex-boyfriend...I feel a responsibility to openly and honestly examine an important aspect of the reunion we sometimes accidently overlook or purposely neglect... that is the children.
In the course of our living our lives as 'mature adults', we sometimes forget that we are being watched, listened to, observed, and emulated by whom? The children. Not just our own children, grand, great grand, etc....but all of them. We forget they see and hear all our carrying on....the good, the bad, and the ugly of it all. Or maybe sometimes we don't care that they do. GOD warns us to not 'provoke our sons to wrath', 'to train them in the way they should go', 'to raise them in the fear and admonition of the LORD'...and many other instructions and warnings.
Do we really listen to HIM, though? I don't believe we do nearly enough of the time. If we did we wouldn't be passing the painful legacies, inheritances, and curses, of: divorce, illegitimacy, abuse, molestation, rape, hatred, prejudice, grudges,etc. to them so much.
Now I am not saying we can ever be perfect as examples for them...but we can do much, much better... and our children not only deserve it, but it pleases our Maker and Sustainer, namely GOD.
Beyond all that, our childrens' ability to survive, grow, and flourish in this hostile world of ours depends on it! Let us covenant together to seek GOD with all our hearts...fervently, passionately...with a newly devoted hunger and zeal for HIS righteousness. Let's give our kids (all of them) a fighting chance to become all GOD intends for them to be. Pray for me as I seek to become what I know should be becoming more and more everyday... and I promise I will pray for you in your journey, fight, and struggle of faith, as well.
FATHER, we...I apologize to you first, and next to our children for how far short we have fallen of your righteousness as husbands, wives, and parents before you and all our children. Please forgive us LORD, wash us, cleanse us of our sin and guilt. We don't want the innocent blood of our children on us any longer. We desire to be more like YOU, so that YOU may be glorified, and our children may see the real changes in us and know that YOU are a real, active, and ever-present force for good in all our lives... when we submit, surrender to and rejoice in your will and your way being done in our daily lives.
Heal us with Your WORD, by your SPIRIT...from all the hurt, bitterness, unforgiveness, grudges, malice, and envy we have in our hearts toward one another... these are all the fruit of our disobediance, stubborness, and pride. Help us to know that without you we can do nothing...that YOU our are life, more crucial than our next breath, our next heartbeat...YOU are our only reason for being...Thank you for the comfort and power of Your SPIRIT...the light,wisdom,and knowledge of Your WORD....In Yeshua/Jesus' name we thank you.
Enjoy the remaining days of summer, and let's have a real family reunion in HIM!
Peace & Blessings,
_________________ Harold Dixon, Jr.