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Joined: 2009/1/24
Posts: 453



It so subtle which is why it is so dangerous and so demonic. Satan does not make an announcement when he decides to visit your church. He comes as an angel of light. It's antichrist, another gospel and it's everywhere!

We are living in perilous times. These are landmines waiting to be stepped on. This is a spritual battle and we need to arm ourselves with the word of God like never before!

There's an old saying, "The higher the level, the slyer the devil." People who know their Bibles won't be deceived by a flagrant fraud like, say, Tilton; for us Satan comes as an angel of light, preaching something that sounds a lot like the gospel--a wholesome-looking dish laced with poison. One of the great needs in the church today is spiritual discernment. See crsschk's post, SIMULATION--EXAGERRATION--PREDOMINATION.

By the way, my remark that pentecostals are notoriously prone to sexual misconduct was probably ill-advised because it sounds divisive. It will be all my fault if this thread degenerates into a war between pentecostals and fundamentalists, which certainly wasn't my intention. It's not productive to make evaluations as to which communions are "better" or "worse" than others. The Pentecostal/Charismatic movement has probably done far more good than harm in the world, but the lack of discernment may prove to be their Achilles heel. The Third Wave revival (which I was a part of) began as a Bible-based movement but then went off the deep end because of a disinclination to "try the spirits, whether they are of God." We didn't want to try the spirits for fear of "quenching the Spirit." But trying the spirits, learning the discernment of spirits, is precisely what the church needs in the last days.

Again, I'm so glad you got out of that church, RebeccaF; it sounds scary, even by today's standards.

Wayne Kraus

 2009/1/31 12:18Profile


Believe do not, repeat do not want to get into some cyber shoving match, I just took umbrage with that tar brush you painted an entire segment of the Church.

I don't want to fight with pentecostals-

I am not a "pentecostal", I am not a "calvinist", I am not an "arminist", a "dispensantionlist", a "lutheran', a "baptist", a "methodist".....I could make this "ist" list long. There are too many "ists" in this Most Holy Faith, thats my opinion, and way too many "clay jars" that focus on the divisions of the church, much to the detriment of the Church, the Body of Christ.

I am a Jew who follows Jesus as Messiah, believeing that He is the Saviour of the world.

and Wayne, if you think sexual misconduct, financial improprities, and other other such sin issues that can vex and torment church leadership are exclusive or "more so" in pentecostal Churches, you are wrong, and I say that in respect and love. IN Jesus' love, neil

 2009/1/31 12:50

 Re: God bless you Wayne

You walk with Jesus, and how do I know? Humility , transparency and you are authentic, when you clearly state:

By the way, my remark that pentecostals are notoriously prone to sexual misconduct was probably ill-advised because it sounds divisive. It will be all my fault if this thread degenerates into a war between pentecostals and fundamentalists,

God bless you for the wisdom that He has given you. Lets not let it get to a cyber scrum over such issues. On my end I will not let it be so, because I was also ill-advised to "come" at you so vociferously, so in the Spirit of Jesus, Who is love, and peace, lets both agree with this statement of Paul's, when I come among you, I resolve to know only one thing, Jesus Christ and Him crucified.

I feel we are in total heart lockstep on that blessed reality, yes?

That said, I do agree with, in many of the weird and wacky off shoots of the charimatic/hyper charismatic there is little to no discernment, and they mistakenly take the concept of "child-like faith", and replace it with mere childishness, and that's what brings reproach and lies and foolishness into Something that is pure, holy and sober-minded.

I too am glad Rebecca fled that nonsense, and that just underlines that Jesus will never let go of the sheep that KNOW His Voice. That's reality, the other stuff, the bells and whistles of man-made ekklesia, they are nothing but straw and hay destined for the fire.


in Jesus' love, neil

 2009/1/31 13:05

Joined: 2009/1/24
Posts: 453



Yes, I'm glad we're friends. And next time I paint an entire sector of the church, I'll use a finer brush.

God Bless,


Wayne Kraus

 2009/1/31 13:36Profile

Joined: 2008/10/21
Posts: 56
Maryland, USA


Wow, Rebecca, I want to say "sorry", not that you left, I guess, but that conditions are this way, the leadership doesn't agree, and you HAD to leave.

You said earlier...

Hebrews 10:24-25
24And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works: 25Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.

This also has to be one of the most abused verses in the bible. I would love to see this put into context one day as to whom exactly we are supposed to fellowship ourselves with because light cannot fellowship with darkness.

I feel as you do, lately, that this scripture is so abused. My sentiment is that we are NOT gathering by God's definition of gathering, we are not exhorted by one another, we don't encourage each other in the righteous ways of God. "But don't give up the gathering...." I've had to find others to encourage me and I do gather with them, while still attending the other on Sunday.

I'll pray for you to find some folks in person...whether another "church" (we ARE the church) or even some strong believers to encourage you in FAITH...and not just LIFE. I wonder if the Spirit might be giving us another "one another" in "find one another"...the true bride of Christ.

Tracy Hofmann

 2009/1/31 15:38Profile



TracyInMD wrote:
Wow, Rebecca, I want to say "sorry", not that you left, I guess, but that conditions are this way, the leadership doesn't agree, and you HAD to leave.

You said earlier...
Hebrews 10:24-25
24And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works: 25Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.

This also has to be one of the most abused verses in the bible. I would love to see this put into context one day as to whom exactly we are supposed to fellowship ourselves with because light cannot fellowship with darkness.

I feel as you do, lately, that this scripture is so abused. My sentiment is that we are NOT gathering by God's definition of gathering, we are not exhorted by one another, we don't encourage each other in the righteous ways of God. "But don't give up the gathering...." I've had to find others to encourage me and I do gather with them, while still attending the other on Sunday.

I'll pray for you to find some folks in person...whether another "church" (we ARE the church) or even some strong believers to encourage you in FAITH...and not just LIFE. I wonder if the Spirit might be giving us another "one another" in "find one another"...the true bride of Christ.

Amen, I am not sorry at all that we had to leave but the cirscumstances that involved our leaving. Actually we didn't leave but we were kicked out. The ultimatum was to accept things as they are and support leadership. It's all in the Lord's hands now. They were told and now they are going to be held accountable either in this life or when they stand before the Lord.

I am very grateful, thankful and humbled by the fact that the Lord uses these weak but willing vessles. It's wonderful to know that all we have to do is obey Him in a "few things" which is all He gives us and then He does the rest.

The pastor at the new church we will be attending said once that he wanted to live his life with "few regrets". I have no regrets and I can lay my head down at night with a clear conscience at peace with my Lord. That's the way I want to live my life.

 2009/2/1 6:54

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