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Joined: 2006/8/24
Posts: 59
Toronto, Canada

 My sister's face is paralysed -- please pray


If I may request that you please pray for my sister Shelby. She has struggled with health issues over the last few years. She recently developed shingles on the side of her neck and now has just emailed me that she has something called Bell's Palsy and the right side of her face is now paralysed. The doctor thinks that it will go away in a month or so, but I'm rather concerned about this development.

Most of all though, please pray for her salvation. That's the most important.

Thanks everybody.


 2007/8/18 15:01Profile

Joined: 2007/3/28
Posts: 403
Raleigh, NC

 Re: My sister's face is paralysed -- please pray

I will pray.

Matthew Miskiewicz

 2007/8/18 15:52Profile

Joined: 2007/1/31
Posts: 985


I am praying today...
In his love


 2007/8/18 17:26Profile

 Re: My sister's face is paralysed -- please pray


I will pray for your sister. I have personally known two people who God completely healed from Bell's Palsy. If and when she gets healed, you'll know she's saved because healing is the children's bread!! Halleluyah!!

There's an old hymn, "It is no secret what God can do.. What He's done for others, He'll do for you (and your sister!!)"

God bless,

 2007/8/18 18:44

 Re: My sister's face is paralysed -- please pray

Bell's palsy is a temporary paralysis of the nerve on one side of the face (probably caused by the shingles virus in this case, assuming its the same side that's affected?)

A friend of my neighbour had it, for no obvious reason, and they thought he'd had a stroke, so he was relieved to find it wasn't. A blow on the cheekbone where the nerve is close to the surface, can have the same effect. But the nerve [u]does[/u] recover, so reassure your sister that it will get better and is nothing to worry about, though very inconvenient and uncomfortable.

Shingles on the other hand is is very very painful.

The Lord is on her case. The greatest healing - of the disease of sin - is of course a priority,as you say. But maybe He will use a miracle of physical healing to get through to her...

We will pray that it is so.



 2007/8/22 18:40

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