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Discussion Forum : Miracles that follow the plow : Billy Graham admitted to hospital...

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Joined: 2003/11/23
Posts: 4779

 Billy Graham admitted to hospital...

Evangelist Billy Graham was admitted to a hospital near his home in North Carolina. Please remember him in your prayers.

Click [url=]HERE[/url] to read the article.



 2007/8/18 14:36Profile

 Re: Billy Graham admitted to hospital...

Billy appeared so weak at his wife's funeral. I have experienced intestinal bleeding in the past and it also went away quickly. They did the same proceedure to check the bleeding on me when it happened a few years ago. I will be praying for Billy's comfort and God's perfect will and no doubt among a great number of brothers and sisters. Thanks for the post and the update link on Mr.Graham's present condition.

 2007/8/18 16:24

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