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Joined: 2007/8/15
Posts: 190
Cache Valley, Utah



What have we done really?

We have preached, we have witnessed, and we have passed out tracts. “Repent!” Is the cry of the Preacher? "Turn or Burn" is the words of the Evangelist. But what have we done really? Jesus said "Repent or Perish", the Bible says "There is a place of everlasting punishment" you warn. "Hell Fire is What Awaits You" the Preacher cries. But what have we really done? We preached hard against Sin, we exposed unrighteousness and every evil perpetrated against a loving God. But what, what, what have we really done? Have We Wept? Have we been terrified for the souls of those we preach to? Have the faces been so burned into our memory that we can see them every time we close our eyes? Has our joy been turned to mourning, when we consider they're fate? I'm not talking about feeling sorry for them or throwing up a 1 minute prayer or two. But have we writhed in agony over their soul? Are your dreams turned into nightmares when their torment is before your eyes? I say here and now my fellow Preachers. If your whole being does not ache for they're souls then perhaps you should go home. Put away your banners and sandwich boards. Turn off your megaphones and PA systems. Send the tracts back to the store. GO! Go to your knees and plead the Lord forgive you. Then when you have yielded every selfish, proud desire to Him and your heart comes to know His Calvary Love. When you feel His nail scarred hands and feet. When the sword and crown have pierced and wounded your heart. Then, then GO!.........GO!.......PREACH!........From your wounded Heart. Then shall the Lord of glory be pleased, then shall He pour forth His power upon your preaching and then shall men be made new.

Alan Taylor

 2007/8/16 14:42Profile

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795


When the sword and crown have pierced and wounded your heart. Then, then GO!.........GO!.......PREACH!........From your wounded Heart.

excellent post. "wounded heart" Oh for this heart that shares the "burden of God" over sinners. "Oh! Oh!" - may this type of pleading be found again in our pulpits and streets.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2007/8/16 14:51Profile


Amen! God doesn't want anyone to go to hell. God has created all men for a relationship with Him. Christ so loved the whole world that He died for everyone. That is the heart of God, and that must be our heart, to see all men reconciled unto God!

God did not create hell for man, but created man for Himself. And God is grieved and burdened over this lost and sinful world. He does not take any pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that everybody turns and lives! God genuinely cares about His creation, about the people He's created. He wants them all!!

 2007/8/16 15:00

Joined: 2007/10/9
Posts: 18


Oswald J. Smith writes in his book "The Passion For Souls" - 'Can we travail for a drowning child; but not for perishing souls... Not hard to agonise when we see the casket containing all that we love on earth borne out of the house for the last time. Ah, no; tears are natural at such a time! But oh, to realize and know that souls, precious, never dying souls are perishing all around us, going out into the blackness of darkness and despair, eternally lost, and yet feel no anguish, shed no tears, know no travail! How cold our hearts are! How little we know of the compassion of Jesus! And yet God can give us this, and the fault is ours if we do not have it.'
Oh that God would give me, give us a burden for souls, that would lead us to cry unto the Lord.

 2007/10/11 18:27Profile

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