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 The scars of the saints! -watson

[b]The scars of the saints![/b]

(Thomas Watson, "A Treatise Concerning Meditation")

"Brothers, think of what you were when you were called.
Not many of you were wise by human standards; not
many were influential; not many were of noble birth."
1 Corinthians 1:26

Meditate on the sovereignty of Christ's love! In the old
law, God passed by the noble lion and the eagle--and
took the dove for sacrifice. That God should pass by so
many of noble birth and abilities, and that the lot of free
grace should fall upon me--O the depth of divine grace!

How invincible is the love of Christ! "It is strong as death!"
Song 8:6. Death might take away Christ's life--but not His
love! Neither can our sin wholly quench that divine flame
of love; the church had her infirmities, her sleepy fits, Song
5:2, but though blacked and sullied, yet she is still Christ's
dove; Christ could see the faith, and wink at the failing.

He who painted Alexander, drew him with his finger over
the scar on his face. Just so, Christ puts the finger of mercy
over the scars of the saints! He will not throw away His
pearls for every speck of dirt! That which makes this love of
Christ the more stupendous--is that there was nothing in us
to excite or draw forth His love! He did not love us because
we were worthy--but by loving us He made us worthy!

Serious meditation on the love of Christ, would make us love
Him in return. Who can tread by meditation upon these hot
coals of Christ's love--and his heart not burn in love to Him?

Meditation on Christ's love, would set our eyes abroach with
tears! O that we should sin against so sweet a Savior! Had
we none to abuse--but our best Friend? Must we give Him
more gall and vinegar to drink? O, if anything can dissolve
the heart into mourning--it is the unkindnesses we give to
Christ! When Peter thought of Christ's love to him--this
made his eyes to water! "Peter went out and wept bitterly."

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2007/8/12 1:08Profile

Promoting Revival to this Generation.
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