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Joined: 2002/12/11
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 'Gay' Lutheran clergy come out of closet

[b]'Gay' Lutheran clergy come out of closet[/b]

Dozens of gay and lesbian clergy and seminarians from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America on Tuesday openly proclaimed their sexuality to church members meeting this week at Navy Pier for a national assembly.

But instead of holding a demonstration or rally, they sang hymns and passed out a devotional book listing 80 pastors and seminarians awaiting a call or removed from the clergy roster because of a church policy requiring that gay clergy remain celibate.

read more:,CST-NWS-lutheran08.article

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2007/8/8 12:33Profile

Joined: 2006/3/22
Posts: 963
Wheaton, IL

 Re: 'Gay' Lutheran clergy come out of closet

Let's pray for a prophetic voice among the Lutherans to stand against this work of Satan and 'self-esteem.'

Ian Smith

 2007/8/8 13:15Profile

Joined: 2007/2/15
Posts: 44


In MN where I live, Luther Seminary has openly homesexual professors on staff. A woman gave her testimony at a conference recently, that when she was a student at Luther, she became entangled in homosexuality, and had to be delivered from it.

But how sad, that she went thru this, in part because they embrace the lie that this is a Biblically viable lifestyle.

Romans 1. That's where this nation is at. It's all part of world history, and is accounted in the fall of Rome:

1. turn away from the creator/or knowledge of God
2. turn to created things-i.e.-man, trees, beasts
3. God then "gives them over" to a depraved mind
4. public embracing of homosexuality, and every other kind of detestable sin
5. not too much longer after that, there is the fall of that civilization

how far off are we as a nation from our sure demise?

 2007/8/9 15:44Profile

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