I have read E.M. Bounds power through prayer book twice, and he has a chapter especially on this subject, which I think was quoted twice. What once sparked a zeal in me to do likewise only adds guilt now.But I am astonished brethern. I literally just posted this [i]last night[/i] and look wealth of profitable responses! Give me time to digest these things, and I will respond shortly.Until then, thank you all for stopping in and sharing,Sean M. Hobson
_________________Sean Hobson
Hi Sean. I have a word for you and I have decided to post it here, publicly, because I believe it is what the Lord has instructed me to do.I awoke very early this morning and you immediately came to my mind. I wasn't praying for you, I was just thinking about you and this thread that you started a few days ago with a question to the saints here on SI.As I lay there, God spoke to me. He told me to share with you publicly, here on this thread, something which I believe is a huge revelation in God's word that is overlooked quite often.Proverbs 18:21 says, "Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof."Love what? Death or life. You, Sean, love life. You, Sean, are seeking God. You, Sean, want to eat the fruit of life, so you need to understand where that life is hidden. It's in your tongue.About 3 years ago, I had already come to SI, but God had really turned up the heat in showing me how far I was from his kingdom, so much of my time spent listening to the sermons I found here sent me to the dust. I had become quite agonized and had begun to arise as early as I could drag myself out of bed to pray. Then, I had a revelation which changed my life forever. I already knew that I was far, far from what God wanted me to be. I could see it quite clearly and I was feeling a bit hopeless that things could ever really change, because I had tried to change, but nothing was happening. Then, I had this revelation.Somehow, and I guess it was God's mercy, I began to realize that I had the power to call those things that are not as though they were. Romans 4:17 says that God "calls those things which be not as though they were." One thing I started to do was tell the Lord in prayer that I love him more than anything. I did it prophetically. I was calling it forth with my own tongue. I knew in my heart that it wasn't the present fact, but I wanted it to become the fact, so I said it, out loud, in prayer. As I proceeded in this way, over time, a ferver began in me. I began to wail when I would pray. I would scream and cry and tell God, "I love you more than anything! You are my life! My breath! I can't breath without you God! I would rather be dead than not know you! If I can't know you, Lord, then kill me now! Just let me love you, Lord! I love you more than anything! Help me, Oh God!"Sean, it's working. I'm beginning to really love God, and strangely enough, I'm beginning to love other people ;-) . You are one of them. Dian.
Brethren, I want to thank you all again for the wisdom that was given from your experiences in this area of walking with Christ. All of you were completely honest and blunt when necessary, and I appreciate that. I created this thread only two days before I had to depart for a trip to Phoenix, Arizona, so that’s [i]partly[/i] why I’ve yet to respond till now. Brother Iron Man: I admire your self-searching; God should not have to follow a ‘scheduled’ time to have his children get up and intercede. He ought to have the right to dictate when and why his servants pray. However, he demands from me individually that my mornings be a set time for prayer and reading the scriptures. Thank you for the wisdom concerning intentions. Brother PaulWest: I agree with your words, but I find no strength to perform them. It is true that those who rely on old manna won’t last long, and that I cannot get the same refreshment from a secondary source. But I am pathetically weak when it comes to killing my flesh. I can check it here and there, but it as if when I battle to stay awake I don’t think reasonably. I thank you for the admonishment and will attempt to apply it.Brother Mike: I really appreciate the analogies Mike. I also entertained the thought of going to a gym first and then doing devotions, but I ran into the problem that my school’s gym doesn’t open till 6am. But in a way I did try this; when I was in phoenix I woke up early and hiked with friends before I prayed—and I was no longer sleepy. I also, however, couldn’t focus when I attempted prayer afterwards. I will try to listen to a sermon or audio scriptures first tomorrow and see how that helps. But it just goes to show there are no specific rules with this type of thing, but I hope to consistency follow a unique regimen as soon as possible. Thank you for the practical tips.Sister Talkn2u: I can’t imagine what it must have been like trying to raise children and maintain an early morning devotional life. I could study the bible for hours when I had no other responsibilities, but now that school and other things abound I find my devotional time for Jesus challenged, and for some reason my desire to know him has withered away. I also am awakened every morning, but because I don’t desire to know him as you do—I stay in bed. But I covet the express joy that permeates your post, and hopefully reading it multiple times will drive me to the love for Christ’s presence you have. Thank you for the testimony.
Brother Deathtoself: If I may, I will from hence answer your words in the order you answered mine.
For a season, the Lord allowed me to return to bed so I would spend a couple of hours in prayer and the scriptures and then take a short nap before I had to go work. It was a wonderful season of time. Those days are behind me and if I don't pray and read the scriptures when He directs it, there's no time to do it. The walk is progressive and Jesus has been extraordinarily kind to me but has forced me to become more disciplined.
There have been times when I've been lax and the Lord has made life so dry and barren that I can't live without time in prayer and the scriptures. Whenever I've tried to make it about how I feel, it's been difficult but the Lord wants my eyes to be upon Him.
It means that you go to bed when the Lord orders and don't have visitors over unless He directs. If my life is no longer my own, I can't be the decision-maker and the controller of my life.
It's been a real blessing. Without my daily manna, it doesn't take long to starve. It was not some great accomplishment because the Holy Spirit orders it and gives me the strength to make it through oftentimes in the midst of weakness. Blessings to you Sean, the Lord Jesus loves to order our time with Him. He is faithful to do in your heart. I'm excited to see what Jesus is going to do...
Sister Diane: I knew not that ye had responded with another post. It wasn’t until Linn notified me that I got a chance to read it. I sincerely thank you for the encouragement. I also have experiences where I wake up in the middle of the night, but I never “feel” the Holy Spirit moving me to pray—I just feel sleepy. If I do pray, I do it because I know I ought to, and they are very short and lifeless prayers. I am speechless concerning your most recent response sister. To be honest, I don’t quite know the exact meaning of the verse you quoted. I have heard so many misuse it to support the doctrine of ‘speaking things into existence’ (usually prosperity or good events in their lives) that I have serious doubts concerning speaking myself into greater love for Christ. Yea and what’s worse is that I’ve done as you have sister. I’ve made vows to God about my life, career goals, dress, and especially devotional time and broke them ALL. Its just lip service with me and I don’t want to add to my condemnation. But I know you mean only the best and I don’t have words sufficient to thank you equal to the loving help you’ve offered me. If I ever do get victory over this sin—you will be the first to get a PM. Thank you for the beautiful song.Many thanks to all who responded hitherto. I am still sleeping over, but I’m going to try the alarm clock again, as well as listening to a sermon first.God help us all
But it just goes to show there are no specific rules with this type of thing...Ive made vows to God about my life, career goals, dress, and especially devotional time and broke them ALL. Its just lip service with me and I dont want to add to my condemnation.
_________________Mike Compton
David Wilkerson tells the story of when he was younger, he would wrestle with this issue often. All the great men of faith always seemed to pray in the morning, but he was a night owl as well, as often a full day's worth of preaching would keep him up till midnight or 2am. While fighting God in prayer between these hours asking why he couldn't seem to wake up early and pray, he heard God say, "How much earlier do you want it? It's 2am!!"I must confess, however, that I too have struggled for several years to pray early. Bro. Wilkerson apparently had better control over the flesh than I do, and seems to me that I could avoid much folly and trouble if I would only start the day with prayer. My flesh and the devil always seem to get the better of me. Either my mind wanders to the end of the earth and back, or I succomb to sleep. This indeed has been one of the biggest struggles of my Christian life. I too, Sean, have tried many "methods" to get up, but alas, I fail. God help me!
_________________Denver McDaniel
Good morning, Sean,I have one word for you with regard to your sense of failure in the task you have set yourself... and that is [i]don't wallow[/i] in your failure when you fail.Take a soldierly attitude to the command you feel in your spirit, and if you only get out of bed for a few minutes, and present yourself in God's presence for His ministrations [i]immediately[/i] your alarm goes off, it is all good practice for a more gruelling war. You will grow. God will see to it.Now, you need to invite God to work His death in you more actively, and gird up the loins of your mind like a man, and [i]practise[/i] getting up.
don't wallow in your failure when you fail
May I purpose a question? How do you stay awake? Even in prayer (as you mentioned) I am so sleepy I just repeat myself and when I read I understand nothing. Eventually I get tired of fighting and just go back to sleep. How did you prevent this?
I know what you mean brother! I am indescribably dry and barren and I wonder how I continue to live on spiritually. But are you submitting that to remain disciplined is to fear the leanness God sends in his childrens soul when they forsake his company?
_________________Ed Pugh