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Discussion Forum : Miracles that follow the plow : Please pray with tears for this mother

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 Please pray with tears for this mother

I recently invited a mother to my myspace page for lost souls. the Lord has really blessed this ministry.

She wrote me saying,

"the audio that started playing when I clicked on ur profile was as if it was aimed directly to me... I need to hear the message. It has been awhile since I have attended my church and I feel so bad. Since my hubby went away, it's as if everything has changed in so many ways...
I am really amazed that this has happened."

Please pray with tears for Mona.

God bless you! -Abraham

(Edit: Links fixed)

 2007/8/5 23:27

Joined: 2007/1/31
Posts: 985

 Re: Please pray with tears for this mother

have you heard anything else from her? I am praying for her.

Thanks for posting


 2007/9/1 0:45Profile

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