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Discussion Forum : Miracles that follow the plow : Please Pray

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Joined: 2007/1/31
Posts: 985


brother I am praying for you
May God enrich your heart and do
mighty things in you
Holy Father move in his heart and
speak to him let him hear your voice

Great is your name may your name
be lifted highg through his life
I ask that whatever hard stuff you are bring
him through we rejoice and thank you
for it. Use it grow and to get him deeper
in your word and in prayer..may you bring him to his kness where he will find you face to face

in his love charlene


 2007/8/13 23:54Profile



awakenwithin wrote:
brother how did it go?

My trip went well or how else can I put it, hot. The hot Florida sun was scorching and the humidity was terrible. Even in the shade was boiling. I saw three deer, my brother saw pink elephants :-P. But I had a chance to hang with my brother, and that was pretty cool for me. We came back a day early, which made my sister in-law make fun of us. he he he.

 2007/8/14 1:19

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