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 Fake vs Real Jesus

I came across this and thought it had some very interesting points:

[b]Misconceptions Concerning Jesus Christ[/b]

Jesus came to reveal the Father: John 14:6-11


[b]1. He never turned anyone off[/b]: John 6:50-59, 15:22-25
A. He never offended anyone: John 6:60-71, Matt. 15:1-14
B. He never intentionally offended: Luke 6:1-11.

[b] 2. He never rejected anyone:[/b]
Luke 9:57-62; those eager to follow
Luke 14:25,26,27,33-35; forsake all
Luke 18:9-14 Pharisee and publican
Luke 18:15-17 must receive as little child or not enter
Luke 18:18-27 rich young ruler

[b] 3. He never condemned anyone: [/b]
John 3:18
Matt. 23
Matt. 11:20-24
Matt. 18:7-9
John 8:1-11

[b] 4. Never called people names: [/b]
Matt. 15:22-28 dogs
Matt. 17:17 faithless and perverse
Luke 13:32 fox
Matt. 23:13-33
John 8:44 Jews devils
John 6:70 Judas a devil, Matt. 16:23 Peter-Satan

[b] 5. Never harsh: [/b]
Matt. 10:33-39 send a sword
Luke 12:49 send fire

[b] 6. Never angry: [/b]
Mark 3:5
John 2:15-17 money changers
Eph. 4:26

[b] 7. Never raised his voice: [/b]
John 7:37-39

[b] 8. No hatred in Him: [/b]
Hebrews 1:9

[b]9. Mainly preached on love: [/b]
about 160 verses on Hell, condemnation, judgment
9 verses speaking of God's love
conditional love: John 14:21,23; John 15:10,14

[b] 10. Universally loved: [/b]
John 7:7, John 15:23-25, Luke 11:15,
mocked on the Cross

[b]11. Always explained himself and spoke clearly and simply:[/b]
John 6:43-58
John 2:18-21 destroy this temple
Matt. 13:10-17

[b] 12. Answered questions directly:[/b]
John 12:20-33

[b] 13. Dressed as a peasant: [/b]
John 19:23-24

[b] 14. Man of peace:[/b]
John 14:27 but not as the world gives
John 16:33 tribulation in the world
Matt. 34-35
I Thes. 5:3 beware when they say peace and safety

[b] 15. He was a communist or socialist: [/b]
Luke 19:11-27 parable of pounds advocates and slaying his enemies

[b]16. Appearance now: [/b]
Revelation 1-12-17,
Revelation 19:11-16

[b]Meet the Jesus of the Bible:[/b]
John 5:36-47

Lamb of God--Lion of the Tribe of Judah
Prince of Peace--Man of War and Capt. of the Lord's Host
priest--prophet the Lord our Righteousness
The Way--Stumbling-block I Corinthians 1:23 and
Rock of Offence Romans 9:23

 2007/7/15 6:29

 Re: Fake vs Real Jesus

Thank you for posting this Jesse.

The reason our view of Jesus is "made into our own image" or to "our making" is because we forget there is only ONE God.

We've changed the character of the O.T. GOD who walked and talked with Adam and did everything He did through-out the O.T. - to a new God = Jesus.

New and improved for some folks, when He was the same God Elohiem - the alpha & omega - the first and the last from Genesis on.

Jesus Christ the same, yesterday, today and forever.

I'd like to copy this over to the Who Is JESUS thread if you wouldn't mind. It goes with all the others on there.

Unless our Christology is Correct, nothing built off it will be correct, not even our sanctification. (His Image).

All praise to GOD our Saviour!

Edit: not sure I'd post # 15 though.

 2007/7/16 12:50

Joined: 2003/10/30
Posts: 1554


GrannieAnnie wrote:
We've changed the character of the O.T. GOD who walked and talked with Adam and did everything He did through-out the O.T. - to a new God = Jesus.

Actually the quote of A.Katz on the top of the page is leading to the same direction:

The founding fathers saw an ubroken continuum. They did not see a God of the Old Testament and a God of the New; they saw a God of Law, a God of Justuce, a God of Righteousness.

 2007/7/16 12:58Profile


Amen Kire.

Is this 'by' Art ?

 2007/7/16 13:10

Joined: 2003/10/30
Posts: 1554


Is this 'by' Art ?

Yes, it is taken from an article - [url=]The Radical Kingdom of God[/url]
(I just found that)

 2007/7/16 13:21Profile


Thank you good brother.

 2007/7/16 13:35


The founding fathers saw an ubroken continuum. They did not see a God of the Old Testament and a God of the New; they saw a God of Law, a God of Justuce, a God of Righteousness.


David Ravenhill said, "There are 300 years of silence in between the Old Testament and the New Testament. It's during that time period that most Christians think that God became born again."

And it's true! Many people believe that God was born again, from being a mean and angry God, to being a loving and forgiving God.

But the truth is, that angry God of the Old is the same God of the New, and the forgiving God of the New is the same God as the Old. God was merciful and forgiving in the Old, and God is just and Holy in the New.

It's the same God who doesn't want anyone to sin, but wants all men to be loving.

It's the loving God of the Old Testament that sent Jesus Christ to die for the sins of the entire world. It was planned from the foundations of the world when God saw mankinds sin.

 2007/7/19 2:07

Joined: 2005/11/10
Posts: 530

 Re: Fake vs Real Jesus

Excellent truth-focused post on The Real Jesus. Just a few questions/corrections/observations.

2. He never rejected anyone:

I do not view any of those Scriptures as signs of "rejection" per se, but I understand the point.

7. Never raised his voice:

You have to carefully define what you mean here, compared to Matt. 12:19, which says, "He will not quarrel nor cry out, nor will anyone hear His voice in the streets."

14. Man of peace:

We must never contradict the fact that Jesus is the "Prince of Peace" (Isaiah 9:6).

 2007/7/19 4:08Profile


Yes this article does present only one side of the case. There is another side of coarse.

I think the point was that there is another side, where as most people only present the fluffier side of it.

Jesus is no doubt the prince of peace. But God is also a man of war. And Jesus didn't come to bring peace, but a sword.

 2007/7/19 5:17

Joined: 2005/1/14
Posts: 2164


David Ravenhill said, "There are 300 years of silence in between the Old Testament and the New Testament. It's during that time period that most Christians think that God became born again."

Great quote.

Josh Parsley

 2007/7/19 10:25Profile

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