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Joined: 2006/2/11
Posts: 2895
Philadelphia PA

 Come up with me.

"And Judah said unto Simeon his brother, Come up with me into my lot, that we may fight against the Canaanites; and I likewise will go with thee into thy lot. So Simeon went with him." -Judges 1:3

[i] Come up with me into my lot[/i]

In the early hours this morning, after a night of watchings and wrestlings, this verse came to my mind.

I beleive it is a firm reminder that we need each other, to stand along side each other, to go up into the battle, together.

Brothers and sisters, I need you, to go up with me into my lot, into that portion of our inheritance which God has given us. All of us do.

[i] Come up with me into my lot[/i]

May I and others go up with you.


Christopher Joel Dandrow

 2007/6/20 17:03Profile

 Re: Come up with me.

Thank you for the reminder (I'm printing your words out), we are a "community" of believers and not a bunch of islands connected by a road (The Keys come to mind).

Although, we may be alone in our room in the midnight hours... we are NOT alone in the Spirit!

God bless you Chris.

 2007/6/20 18:22

Joined: 2005/5/25
Posts: 258

 Re: Come up with me.

Praise the Lord! Amen Brother! Oh that men would catch that vision!

 2007/6/20 20:45Profile

 Re: Come up with me.

A resounding Amen.

With all the wranglings we go thru in the forums, yet when it comes down to the brass tacks, I know we'll stand with one another. It's not about what the pet doctrines we hold, it's the Christ that lives in us that binds us together regardless of our differences.

A family can bicker and fight in their home, but you have a stranger come in and speak against any family member and everyone jumps on the stranger to defend their family member. We are very much like that, and that is good to know.

Thanks for sharing that ChrisJD

 2007/6/20 20:52

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