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Joined: 2004/4/13
Posts: 16

 William Branham Biography

I just finished reading a biography of William Branham by Owen Jorgensen.

Its a must read. It relates a lot to how God calls people from humble begginings(eg Moses, David, Elijah, and even Jesus Christ) and how He expects them to stay humble in their calling/ministry.

This site is offering it for free. thats where I got my copy.
Its really awesome reading! I stayed all night to read it, and since reading it my prayer life and focus has changed dramatically.

I'd Like to hear comments from others who have (od do read it) read it and the lessons they can draw from and share.

God bless - John

John Williams

 2004/4/13 0:57Profile

Joined: 2003/6/22
Posts: 3318

 Re: William Branham Biography

If one goes through Mr. Branham’s ”theological” material, one knows that he was a false teacher.
Concerning his miracles, we all know that he gave himself to an angel to communicate whatever changes in human constitution he was able to bring about.
Dear friends, follow hard after the Lord. Follow men who stay biblically sound. Do not run after miracle-mongers.
(I had an awful week in Rovno, Ukraine, some years ago, preaching among Pentecostals. The interpreter belonged to the Branham camp. He preached branhamism while interpreting me. Between meetings he tried to indoctrinate me and the pastors present at the conference. I was able to borrow the main items from Branham’s pen. Awful deviations…)
Lars W.

Lars Widerberg

 2004/4/13 1:16Profile

Joined: 2004/4/13
Posts: 16


As you have rightly judged, William Branham was no theoleogian educated from a great bible school like you, for he did not even have a high school education. So was Moses, Elijah, John the Baptist, Jesus, Paul, Oral Roberts, Tommy Osbourne, Dwight Moody and many many others used by God. In fact the bible was not written by theologians, but common people who had a revelation and a relationship with Jesus Christ, but rejected by theologians of the day.
I'd rather have a true revelation of who God is, than theology. Yes and if you judge William Branham sermons by theology, He was mixed up. Why not get his bio book free or his sermons from and look for discrepancies from the bible point of view, instead of theological point of view. i'd like to have a discussion with any one who has or reads any of William Branham's sermons. I searching!

John Williams

 2004/4/14 3:03Profile

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795


So was Moses, Elijah, John the Baptist, Jesus, Paul, Oral Roberts, Tommy Osbourne, Dwight Moody and many many others used by God. In fact the bible was not written by theologians, but common people who had a revelation and a relationship with Jesus Christ, but rejected by theologians of the day.

Hi, I would ask that you [b]don't[/b] replicate posts and advertise a website in [b]every[/b] post you make. There is a Zero policy on spamming in these forums, I appreciate your attention to this matter in your further correspondence.

Putting Oral Roberts and D.L. Moody together in the same sentance is a contradiction in terms of there usefulness by God. I think its unfair for everyone to say that [i]William Branham[/i] was uneducated so lets blame that for his clearly false teachings that he lead many astray in the latter part of his life. If Branham had the Holy Spirit, even in abundance to heal and do miricales, surely that Spirit of truth would lead him into all truth?

[b]1 John 2:20[/b] - But you have an anointing from the Holy One, and all of you know the truth.

[b]1 John 2:27[/b] - As for you, the anointing you received from him remains in you, and you do not need anyone to teach you. But as his anointing teaches you about all things and as that anointing is real, not counterfeit--just as it has taught you, remain in him.

D.L. Moody was a very simple man but never did he teach absurb falsities.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2004/4/14 10:21Profile

Joined: 2003/4/18
Posts: 777


thevoice wrote

I'd rather have a true revelation of who God is, than theology. Yes and if you judge William Branham sermons by theology, He was mixed up.

Why not get his bio book free or his sermons ...and look for discrepancies from the bible point of view, instead of theological point of view.


I'm REALLY curious. How do you separate Christian theology from the Bible as though they are two different and incompatable fields of study??? Theology gleans from the Scriptures Those passages that teach us about the attributes and nature of God. Now by your own admission, Branham's Theology was messed up. That means that Branham did not have a right view of God(Theology means, the study of God).

In fact the bible was not written by theologians, but common people who had a revelation and a relationship with Jesus Christ, but rejected by theologians of the day.

To start I'll say that your first propostion is absolutely incorrect. Much of the New Testament was written by the Church's greatest Theologian, the Apostle Paul. Just read Romans, there is yet to be a better Theological work. Many of the writers of the OT had a knowledge of the Scriptures, namely the Torah, that would put most of us today to shame.

Your argument that it was the theologians who rejected him is fallacious. Your implication is that their rejection was based upon the fact that they were theologians. The reason people rejected Jesus is because they either refused to believe, or mis-interpreted or mis-used scripture. Branham mis-interpreted and mis-used scripture also. So it is my belief that he too would have been in the crowd that cried crucify[!]. In fact he denied the Lord when he renounced the Triune nature of God.

Now if Branham's theology(understanding of God according to Scripture) is messed up; why do you want to read his works?

In Christ,
Jeremy Hulsey

Jeremy Hulsey

 2004/5/25 0:35Profile

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