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Joined: 2005/7/11
Posts: 1132


Thanks Robert for clarifying that point. Ruth and Rahab are great examples.

But, the foreign women that married Solomon did not assimilate into the Jewish religion. They in fact turned Solomon's heart away from God.

 2007/6/8 18:29Profile

Joined: 2006/9/23
Posts: 212


But, the foreign women that married Solomon did not assimilate into the Jewish religion. They in fact turned Solomon's heart away from God.

Yes, it is clear that this was tradgically so, we know of Solomon's terrible backsliding or whatever we want to call it, but the question we are asking is did He turn back to the Lord? I remind you of my last post in which i posed some questions that have not been answered or commented on yet:

And are we to conclude that God's love failed on Solomon? How can one 'beloved of the Lord' (a very intimate term and named so i add from his birth, before he could possibly have done anything to earn or merit this love) end up in hell?

Surely it is only the elect who could be called 'beloved of the Lord?'

George Platt

 2007/6/9 7:45Profile

 Re: A strong warning from the backsliding of Solomon - poonen

Here4Him said

I remind you of my last post in which i posed some questions that have not been answered or commented on yet:

First, I haven't listened to Poonen's thoughts on this matter, but, the thing that strikes me, H4H, is that we are accustomed to thinking in the terms of New Covenant mercy. Not that this did not exist in the Old Testament. But, it was by no means a dependable rule. God meted out punishment and expected His people to mete it out to those who did not trust Him fully.

Remember, only TWO people who left Egypt, walked into the (promised) land forty years later. The things those people fell through, were various, and the same picture persists after they enter the land. From a priesthood who were largely trustworthy (we believe) in its early days, by the time of Samuel, there is idolatry (sexual immorality) in the practices of the sons of Eli, and Samuel's sons were tempted by dishonestly dealing for money. As I 'see' it, all this merely backs up how desperately a permanent salvation was always being needed.... but, was not found until Jesus Christ became the Lamb of God to take away the sin of the world.

This universal mercy is set towards all who will ask for and seek it. A lot of Christians are unsettled by unhappy endings, but the truth is, there will be many unhappy endings, if what Jesus taught comes true.... 'few there be that find it'.

 2007/6/9 13:48

Joined: 2006/9/23
Posts: 212


Interesting thoughts sister Dorcas. I see what you are saying, and agree in part. But i still see God as a covenant keeping faithful God in the Old Testament, if not with the whole nation of Israel because of their disobedience (He did cast them off for a while but has not finished with them in His covenant purposes), but with individuals.

I still see God's discriminatroy electing love in the Old Testament- "Jacob have i loved and Esau have i hated" etc with individuals. And it remains to be seen for me whether God had this sort of electing unfailing love for Solomon, which i belief He possibly did.

I am not trying to make light of sin or Solomon's terrible backsliding but i am trying to see God's prevailing and unfailing love which cannot be defeated and which will see that His elect endure to the end.

Does anyone else have any thoughts on the type of love God had for Solomon, or have people lost interest with this thread?

No worries either way! Love in Christ to you all brethren!

George Platt

 2007/6/11 6:29Profile

Joined: 2007/6/7
Posts: 429
Baton Rouge, Louisiana


This scripture came to mind this morning as a similar happening in the New Testament regarding the rich young ruler. Thought I'd share it.

Mark 10:21-22 Then Jesus beholding him loved him, and said unto him, One thing thou lackest: go thy way, sell whatsoever thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, take up the cross, and follow me. And he was sad at that saying, and went away grieved: for he had great possessions.



 2007/6/11 7:00Profile

Joined: 2006/9/23
Posts: 212


Thanks you, interesting though BrokenOne.

But was that love Jesus had for the rich young ruler, the general love that He has for all men, for the whole world? The thing i am trying to find out is whether the love He had for Solomon was different, the elceting saving love He has for His own which cannot be defeated. Would it not have to be this type of love for the Bible to mention that the Lord loved Him from His birth, with a special love?

George Platt

 2007/6/11 7:07Profile

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