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Joined: 2007/1/31
Posts: 985


My family was very big on me going to college, so that I could get a good job. The frist semester I wasn't saved. But the next semester I was saved, and my whole thinking changed. My whole reason of why I was taking classes. I saw no point to take class, that were not going to help me with what God was calling me in Ministry.
Four months after I was saved I thought I was going to be a Missionary. I was taking dance at the time, I thought I was going to teach children dance. Maybe praise and worship. Then I thought if I dance it should to honor Christ, they are aksing me to dance in ways that don't honor Christ. I went to dance show, I was so sick. The evil and wicked dance. I knew that I couldn't take these classes anymore. If I want to learn dance then I would do with some where else. Truthfuly I went to my classes, with one purpose to share Chirst. I do remeber going to some classes, that were about unborn babies. To think about there were lots of thing I didn't agree with. I just prayed. I struggled with, my family wanting me to go. So I kept going. I know part of time I enjoyed my classes, and part it was really hard.
I spent half the time praying for everyone in the classes, I had many times I shared with people. I saw fruit, from it. I only took classes I wanted to take. God made it clear that I wasn;t to go to college to get a pices of paper, I took the classes I thought he wanted me to take. And shared Christ with those he put in my path. God used it for a season to speak truth to people. I was ask not to come back to some classes, because I used every chance I had to share Christ in my classes. I always went to the cummunity college, . But really what matters, is preaching Christ. So why wast our time, with studying books that are not going to help winning souls to Christ, one person in muy faimly finsihed college I ask her, what did you think of school, it took my life. The big thing if God is putting it on your heart, then get out. I was working with a college group. I love the people. I didn't want to leave I loved them. BuT wasn't be fed, God said go. Sometimes we have to leave the needs in Gods hands

In his love


 2007/6/4 0:02Profile

Joined: 2007/2/9
Posts: 640
Southern California

 Re: Finishing Secular College

I have 5 years of secular college.

I started out majoring in Classics.

I ended up majoring in sin.

What little faith I had was further compromised, by what was taught in the 70's.

I would hate to be in college now...I can barely stand to look at the world picture to keep up with things, much less have to deal with it in such intensity.

As long as a Bible College is accredited, you'll be fine for whatever degree needs you'll have, and you'll have to fight the devil a little less.

Being young and in college of any kind is a challenge in itself to survive in our world.

Get out, GET OUT, GET OUT!



Forrest Anderson

 2007/6/4 4:41Profile

Joined: 2007/1/31
Posts: 985


I agree, get out
In his love


 2007/6/6 2:14Profile

Joined: 2005/12/11
Posts: 9

 Re: update

I would just like to thank you all for your prayers. I am praying for you all as well. At this point I feel God is calling me away from the college I now attend. The Scripture that's on fire in my heart is, "Do not be unequally yoked together w/ unbelievers." Please continue to pray for me. Never stop trusting in His grace and amazing promises.

 2007/6/12 13:44Profile

Joined: 2003/11/23
Posts: 4779



I am praying for your decision, brother. I am surprised, however, at the amount of [u]certainty[/u] by which people choose to impact the decision in which you must make.

A "secular" college? A "Christian" college? I would argue that the "secular world" exists in the most "sanctified" of Bible colleges or Christian organizations. As believers, we must live and operate in this world. Jesus didn't come to take us out of the world -- but to take the world out of us. Remember that even the weakest of lights shine brightly in dark places. We don't have to hide this light beneath the bushel of "Christian" schools or church buildings. As the world becomes darker, our light will shine more intently.

Remember that a college education is typically self-attained. You will certainly learn some sort of skills -- whether it is engineering, computers, scientific method, critical thinking, etc... However, you should never agree with all that your professors present before you. As flawed human beings, they simply teach you what they believe to be truth. Your understanding of "truth" is dependent upon your own understanding, and much more importantly, the knowledge of God. As a believer, I have never allowed the knowledge of this world to supercede the knowledge of God.

A degree is a key by which you can earn a better paying job for your family. In this world that God (in His infinite wisdom) chose to leave us, there are many jobs that require a degree or a certain amount of formal education. In addition, some employers will not recognize a degree from an institution that is not academically accredited. Thus, you should be wise in understanding your rationale for obtaining a college degree. Are you earning the degree for the sake of status? Are you earning the degree in order to advance in knowledge? Are you earning the degree in the desire to obtain a better job? Are you earning a degree for the sake of padding a resume? All of these issues matter when deciding upon a college education.

I have earned two bachelor's degrees and a master's degree from "secular" universities. I am currently earning a PhD. I graduated with Honors for both of my bachelor's degrees, and with a perfect 4.0 for my master's degree. Ironically, these institutions were only as "secular" as I allowed them to be. Yes, there were individuals who are involved in openly sinful lifestyles. But this is expected in life. And yes, there are professors who impart "knowledge" that contradicts the Word of God. But again, this is expected in life. In fact, the line between Christian and non-Christian is even more easily defined at such places. It opens an opportunity to shine the Light to this lost world. If anything, these "secular" schools have strengthened my faith because they allowed for my light to shine even more intensely in this dark world.

My story, however, is not your own. I will pray for your ability to make a wise decision. I would pray that God give you the wisdom to understand the choices and the impact that such choices will have on your life -- both immediately and in the future. I must admit that, at one time, I was sitting where you are now. I felt that I could flip burgers at McDonald's if I could just spend the rest of my time preaching on the streets. One day, I realized that it was within my heart to get married. Minimum wage at McDonald's can do little to provide adequately for a family. I decided to attend classes at a university while ministering at the same time (both on and off of campus). I recently married a very godly girl whom I met on campus while obtaining my first degree. We both continue to minister on campus.

Brother, I implore you to weigh carefully your decision. I know of an individual who preaches against the "evil" of secular college campuses. He dropped out of school when I was still a sophomore. I saw him yesterday sweeping floors at a local Arby's. He is involved in a ministry, but to a limited, upaid capacity. He looked very tired. He works 60 hours a week in order to make a car payment and rent. He has a girlfriend, but is not planning on marriage in the near future. I suspect that he might actually regret his decision.

Regardless, I will pray that you are influenced primarily by the LORD in your decision. His is the wisdom and guidance that you need for such an important and lasting decision! Be encouraged that we are praying for you!


BTW, both my wife and I currently teach at a secular college. I am blessed to have the opportunity to openly share my faith and beliefs to students while teaching the knowledge that is required in the courses.


 2007/6/12 14:43Profile

Joined: 2007/1/31
Posts: 985


thanks brothers for that input. well put
In his love
I to will pray


 2007/6/12 14:54Profile

Joined: 2005/5/9
Posts: 659


great thread brothers and sister!

 2007/6/12 18:02Profile

Joined: 2004/11/21
Posts: 362
Tulsa OK


I would just like to thank you all for your prayers. I am praying for you all as well. At this point I feel God is calling me away from the college I now attend. The Scripture that's on fire in my heart is, "Do not be unequally yoked together w/ unbelievers." Please continue to pray for me. Never stop trusting in His grace and amazing promises.

Bluenote the best Counseller is Jesus go to Him in prayer unburden your heart to Him and trust that he will guide you with his word and Spirit.

Going or not to a secular college i believe to be a personal decision. Keep in mind that Jesus lived among sinners to be a Light to them, the sick need the doctor, we are called to live in this world but not be a a part of it. I dont know the will of the Lord for this specific situation that you find yourself in but dont forget that sometimes God wants our little light to shine where the darkness is thickest.

I see your situation more as an inward matter.Something that should be decided between you and God, the plan that God has for each one is not just general but specific so find it out. If you have a daily persenal relationship with Him, He can speak to your heart through some particular scripture.

Many of us can give excellent advices but the best one comes from the Holy Spirit, remember He is a living Person and not just some kind of 'energy'.

Sometimes God puts a restrain in our hearts when we take a wrong decision or gives us a deep peace when we make the right choice.

Check your motives, the good is the enemy of the best, dont miss the target and His specific call. Whatever challenge we may face from the ungodly society be it in secular colleges or at work or somewhere else, soon or later if we want to live in the Spirit we have to walk against the tide.


 2007/6/12 22:24Profile


I was just reading somewhere about George Mueller and how he joined a missionary society in England to the Jewish diaspora on the isles early in his walk with Christ. What happened was that because of the rigidity--or lack of spirituality--of the rules of this organization Mueller wasn't able to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit. He couldn't both submit to people, and yet serve the Lord with a clean conscience.

So the question I am asking myself and you, brother Noah, is: Does being in college--in the very environment you and I find ourselves--and being bound by a certain, even unwritten, secular contract, make it impossible to walk in the Spirit and not sin? When your teachers ask you to "explicate the best seduction poem," for example, or perform a sensual skit with a girl on stage for your acting class?

For one thing we cannot have two masters. Yet I am also thinking of the Scripture which I cannot find now--about coming to Christ as a slave as opposed to being a free person at the time of your conversion... How do we serve an unbelieving master if we were slaves, for example? Because at school you are supposed to submit to the authority of your teachers. Nonetheless, the verse says that you are "Christ's freedman"--perhaps because "where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom" (2 Cor. 3:17).

So are we free to do God's will on a secular campus? If we are serious about it. Paul went to jail many times; I know for myself that I will fail my classes or get suspended if I am not "a light under a bushel" and speak and do what good secular people expect from me.

One sermon that I listened to recently was I believe called "Seek Not the Honor of Men" (or a similar title) by Art Katz. It makes me ask the Lord: Father, am I compromised?

 2007/6/13 17:36

Joined: 2005/12/11
Posts: 9

 Re: Update

I just wanted to drop in and thank all of you for your prayers; they were not in vain. The Lord has done far more than you and I could have ever imagined. I must admit that when I first started seeking advice from other believers about my return to college I did it out of fear and anxiousness. I said to myself, "Well, in Proverbs it says that in the multitude of counselors there is safety, so..." In reality, I wanted to replace the advice believers gave me with the Lord's guidance; a big mistake. Even so, the Lord has been patient with me. I have learned this summer that living the victorious Christian life is not about receiving an answer from the Lord and thinking that will set you for life. No, it is a constant, never-ending, vibrant, faith-filled walk that continually brings us to the feet of Jesus. If the Lord has given you an answer recently, don't think that one nougat of wisdom will get you through tomorrow even. No, don't lean on the answer He has given you; lean on Him, hear His heartbeat, walk in the Spirit, lean not on your own understanding. The Lord has shown me as I sought His guidance about my return to college how important the Holy Spirit is in the life of a believer. If you don't believe that you have received the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, or have not been baptized with the Holy Spirit, I urge you to put aside your preconceived notions about it and pray the Lord to give you wisdom and guidance. What is the kingdom of God after all; is it not righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit? With the Holy Spirit comes power to be a faithful witness, communion with God as you've never known, as well as a million other heavenly fruits. Don't get me wrong, I believe that when someone is born-again they receive the indwelling Holy Spirit. Then again, I believe the baptism of the Holy Spirit and the outpouring of the spirit are different things. For those of you who have been praying for the Lord's will in my life, let me tell you that right now, I do not think I will be returning to college in the Fall. I had an opportunity to study abroad in London, but I know that doing the Lord's will is far more glorious and precious than going to some amazing place. The Lord has been asking me to pray about whether or not I should take a year off and go through a year long ministry program with an amazing man of God here in my hometown. Words cannot express the blessings He has poured out on me this past month. I am so greatful and can't help but rejoice, even though I have stumbled at times this past few weeks. I have never known Jesus so intimately as I have this summer. God has opened up my eyes to grace, and now I know it truly is amazing. It is good for a heart to be established in grace; it frees you from legalism and all sorts of evil. I thank God for all of you. Let's not grow weary in doing good. The Lord has some amazing things in store!

 2007/7/14 5:37Profile

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