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Joined: 2006/1/12
Posts: 43

 Wow Keith Daniel

Somehow I have never listened to Keith Daniel before! I have seen his name plenty but upto a few days ago never heard him.

Was wondering what churchs he visits and preaches at when he comes to america?

Also anyone know anything about this will macfarlin (sp) that keith talks about? Can't find anything on him besides what keith says. What denomination does he belong to? He has been quit a blessing to me already! Praise God!

Jon De Vet

 2007/5/28 23:44Profile

Joined: 2003/10/30
Posts: 1554

 Re: Wow Keith Daniel

Hi Jon, check these:
[url=]My Godly Father[/url]
[url=]The Testimony of Will Macfarlane [/url]
[url=]Personal Testimony[/url]
[url=]Abide in Me[/url]
[url=]Absoulute Surrender[/url]
[url=]Be Ye Holy For I am Holy[/url]
[url=]Protection From Backslidding[/url]

 2007/5/29 2:13Profile

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795


I post a schedule of his preaching engagements each year when he comes to america. He will be speaking at the run conference also this year:

this is a great video that you have to watch by him:

A Warning To America (video) view / download - Keith Daniel gives a solemn warning to the Church of Jesus Christ in America, that we must pray and get on its knees before its too late.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2007/5/29 3:11Profile

 Re: Wow Keith Daniel

yeah, that video that Greg posted about Keith is heart-breaking. i have a bone to pick with Greg though because the old man was never invited. maybe because he was a congreationist? :-P ah, if i had any pull or realtions with him i would invite him. yeah, i am talking about brother Owen Roberts. if any of you that read this know him, would you do me and a lot others a favor just to have him present? please? he might be old, but i doubt his messages are ever old! interestingly, it amazes me sometimes- and this i realize i might speak of my carnal mind- there are sermons that i have listened of people that has not impacted me as much as others. as an example i will throw a name a lot of those favor here- Poonen. i find it sometimes hard to listen to him; i can't quite make it clear.but, i am sure also that others find brother Roberts just as hard.

 2007/5/29 8:58

Joined: 2006/1/12
Posts: 43


Thank you Greg! Actually this video was the first time I had listened to him! You are right that was worth listening to! When you post his speaking engagements would they be on the link you posted or elsewhere?

Jon De Vet

 2007/5/29 9:14Profile

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795


ah, if i had any pull or realtions with him i would invite him. yeah, i am talking about brother Owen Roberts. if any of you that read this know him, would you do me and a lot others a favor just to have him present? please? he might be old, but i doubt his messages are ever old!


I did try and contact him and ask him to come to the conference and if he still could come I would allow him to speak at the revival conference:

Thank you Greg! Actually this video was the first time I had listened to him! You are right that was worth listening to! When you post his speaking engagements would they be on the link you posted or elsewhere?

Keith Daniel's schedule will be posted in the forums and brought up many times it will be hard to miss you if you check back at the site often.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2007/5/29 11:24Profile

Joined: 2006/1/12
Posts: 43


Thank you tears of joy! I will listen to these!

Jon De Vet

 2007/5/29 11:27Profile


Hi Jon,

Roy Daniel (Keith's son) will be speaking in Rhinelander, WI in June. I don't know how close that is to you but Roy is an anointed young preacher, following in the steps of his godly father.
Here is a thread on the meetings in Wisconsin (there is also a link on the thread to Roy's sermons in SI):
[url=]Roy Daniel speaking in Wisconsin[/url]

Do pray about Keith Daniel's schedule for this fall as it is the process of being put together right now (my dad handles it).


 2007/5/29 15:54

Joined: 2006/1/12
Posts: 43


Hi Joy

Actually it is about 3 hrs away only! I am off one of those days too so looks like I can go! Thank you very much for the info!

Jon De Vet

 2007/5/29 17:08Profile

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